Thursday, July 1, 2010


It has been quite a week, Robert Byrd died, the Financial Reform Act going through the Senate, more and more “Pork” being added to the War Funding Bill to where it will amount to another “Stimulus”, and more lies about “Tea Party” (conservatives) being racists. Let me tell you something right now, I am starting to rethink something I had said early on. I had stated that we should not call for impeachment of Barack Obama because we would end up with “Uncle Joe” and if we impeach “Uncle Joe” we end up with The Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy “Bella Lugosi” Pelosi. I actually argued against this with some of you and lost some support from others however, if the next Speaker of the House is more conservative (shouldn’t be too difficult) I say we impeach these Socialists. I mean, perhaps even now “Uncle Joe” would be more worried about ticking off the American people if his boss gets thrown out. I know this is not our way of doing things but, How Much Do We Want to Take?!?!

Back on November 20th, 2009 I sent all of you a newsletter which was very harsh towards Robert Byrd. The man died this week and is being honored by his peers in Washington and after 57 years I guess it’s appropriate. I started thinking about what I said, you know; Joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 and was elected, unanimously, “Exalted Cyclops” ( does that mean he only had one eyehole in his sheet?). He is quoted thusly: “I shall never fight in the Armed Forces with a negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” This 9 term Senator personally filibustered the Civil Rights act of 1964 for 14 hours during the Democrats 83 day filibuster of the bill (and they say the Conservatives are the racists?). Well I thought about apologizing since he’s dead and all but, nope it’s all true except maybe the one eyehole in the sheet thing, for that I may be sorry…naw, not really.

How many of you have been keeping track of the Financial Reform Act in the Senate? It is known as H.R. 4173 and has been added on to repeatedly by both House and Senate members. Some have said that it will give banks the ability to charge us for anything they want. Now the language in the bill available from May of this year doesn’t directly state this however, when banks are fined or charged for things by the Government they most assuredly will charge you to make up for their loses. I have posted the version of this bill that was proposed in May on our web site: in the Armory (Other Bills section).

The War Funding Bill is suppose to be about supporting our brave men and women on the front lines of the war effort overseas but, in the bill is $18 billion dollars for the Energy Dept. for renewable energy, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund”, $5 billion for “Pell Grant short falls”, $1 billion for a “Summer Jobs” initiative, and many more. Here’s the deal Folks, the Senate passed a War Funding bill back in May with a price tag of $37 billion, the House now has it up to $60 billion and the extra $ doesn’t go to the troops. This is politics as usual; the Republicans did it also however, IT IS STILL OUR MONEY THEY’RE SPENDING!!!

One of the toughest things for me being a conservative is being called a “Racist” by people who don’t even know me. I mean really now, my sister is part black, my best man and friend is black, I have always worked alongside many blacks I have been proud to call my friends yet, because I believe that we should teach a man how to fish instead of just giving him someone else’s this makes me a “Racist”. Because I call myself a conservative I’m a “Racist” (at least I’m not called an “Uncle Tom” like Rodney)? Folks, KNOW YOUR DARN HISTORY!!!

The Republican Party was the party of the Blacks after the Civil War. Republicans elected the first blacks to Congress. The KKK lynched some 4800 people 1300 were white, 3500 were black the one thing they had in common, they were all Republicans. The KKK was formed in 1866 to wipe out the Republicans for putting blacks in office. Between 1861 and 1875 the Republican Congress passed 23 Civil Rights bills including the 14th and 15th amendments. When the Democrats took over, not one single Civil Rights bill was passed until 1964 when the “Republicans” pushed it through despite JFK and Johnson opposing it and Filibusters for 83 days. Most of the accomplishments made between 1861 and 1875 were undone under Woodrow Wilson. People, they have high-jacked our History!!!

I encourage all of you to learn about Hiram Rhodes Revels (first black Senator), Robert De-Large (an ex-slave turned congressman), Josiah Walls (also an ex-slave turned congressman), Benjamin Turner (an ex-slave turned congressman), Jefferson Long (of the U.S. House), Joseph Haynes Rainey (an ex-slave and for a short time he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Robert Brown Elliott (speaker of the S.C. House). These were the first 7 black Americans elected to office back in the 1870’s. How many of you know these names? How many of you know they were all Republicans? People, we cannot sit back and let the truth be untold or perverted by those who hate our ideas, our values, and our Love for This Country!

Have A Great (and safe) INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

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