Sunday, June 27, 2010


I want to touch on a few things that have me saying, why? First up, is the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and B.P. I want to first say that it is a sad situation at what is happening to the residents who live by or are affected by the oil spill. Hopefully they can stop this leak and get some of this devastation under control. Who will be controlling what is another question. For 60+ days I’ve heard several folks in the Obama administration saying that this spill is B.P’s problem. While I agree that getting this leak repaired, the cost to clean up the oil and pay damages to those affected are B.P’s problem, it is not theirs alone. I believe in this case, the government can step in with the supply of resources, manpower and logistics needed to speed up the process. The government can then get reimbursed by B.P. I’m not saying the government isn’t doing anything but there is sure a lot of fingers pointing at B.P and little action from the administration besides looking for someone’s ass to kick. My question is why wasn’t help from several outside resources to assist in the stopping and clean up of this oil spill accepted by this administration? Several private companies and a few Countries offered assistance to the administration, but were rejected. Why? Put the politics aside, folks need help. When people need this amount of help, they look to the government to take charge. They want to take over everything else, why not now.


Damn if I didn’t hear this morning that Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz) says that President Obama said to him at a June 18th oval office meeting, that this administration is dragging it’s feet on border enforcement. According to Sen. Kyl the President said, “if we secure the border, then you all (Republicans) won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.” ” In other words ” explains Kyl, “they’re holding it hostage. They won’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with comprehensive immigration reform.” Did you get that? The President of the United States is deliberately allowing our nation’s immigration laws go unenforced in order to force passage of his immigration “reform”, which includes a “path to citizenship.” (Amnesty) for millions of illegal immigrants. Why? Didn’t President Obama take an oath to defend and uphold The Constitution of the United States. Illegal immigration is still illegal isn’t it? It seems he is allowing laws not to be enforced unless it benefits him. Why are we allowing this? The other day, I hear that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is in Central America, that the President is directing the Department of Justice to file a lawsuit against the state of Arizona to overturn the law he is sworn to enforce. Why?

If some of you folks have the answer to “why?”, please inform us. The politicians of today do not deserve our trust, and we should question “why?” to everything. If the politicians are trying to earn our trust, then they should be more than happy to explain their positions on everything that is asked of them. November is approaching and for those in office, who can’t or won’t explain “why” to the people, must be removed from the office they hold.

A while ago, Mike and I put out the call for those who wish to contribute to or even write an OP-ED newsletter on our site. This offer is still available. Many of you have great ideas and post great questions to us. Take this opportunity to share with all of us in the group. Don’t wait for every other week, for Mike or I to post a newsletter. I’d love to see an increase in traffic on the websites. Hard working people exchanging ideas and putting plans into action. This can lead to big things, like taking our Country back. Checkout our website for valuable information.

Until next time,


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