Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stupid Season Is Here

Well I think it’s official, the stupid season is here. That time of year when mid term elections are near and those in office (including the current administration) starts to throw crap against the wall to see what sticks. When that doesn’t work, something else comes up, then comes knee jerk reactions, the retractions and finally, the deflections. It’s almost scripted how some of these things occur. Look at the past week or so.

First, people of the tea party are racists exclaimed the NAACP. The mainstream media went nuts about this. It was on prime-time news, late night news and early morning news. I admit, I was disappointed to see this in the headlines and all over the T.V. I was so hoping we could make it through an election cycle without the race card being played. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to see the Revs Jackson and Sharpton on T.V anymore. I was hoping the NAACP would be dissolved by now, I mean how much more advanced can one get than President of the United States. Just the fact that the group only wants the advancement of colored people is racist in it’s self, or at least sounds discriminatory. Perhaps the group should be changed to promote the advancement of all people or the advancement of the American people (just a thought).

Then comes the Shirley Sherrod Fiasco. I’ve seen the tape in it’s entirely and no, I don’t think this woman is racist. Could she have chosen better wording while describing her experience, yes. The Obama Administration lost their minds. They wanted this woman’s head because they knew the crap storm that this would cause. The excerpts I saw were indeed damaging but after hearing the full story, I saw where she was going. Yeah, I think Andrew Breitbart should have aired the entire speech or maybe he did and the mainstream media elected to air a snippet of it. Regardless, the NAACP wanted her removed and she was forced to resign. When the full story came out they wanted her reinstated, as did many others in the Administration (the flip flop), the President said that Secretary Tom Vilsack (head of the Dep. of Agriculture) “jumped the gun” when dealing with Mrs. Sherrod. Now the administration and the NAACP are blaming Breitbart, he is the racist. The NAACP and Mrs. Sherrod are contemplating legal action against Andrew Breitbart. The finger pointing is never ending.

Whoa, you know what folks, I became so distracted that I didn’t talk about the Arizona vs. The USA lawsuit going on to stop illegal immigration into our country. I didn’t talk about cap and trade that’s getting forced down our throats (remember the health-care bill). I didn’t talk about the financial reform bill that President Obama signed or the unemployment benefits bill that was also signed. All of this equals… more of our money being spent. Money that we don’t have!! Damn it folks, we must remain focused. We must not let the distractions knock us off course. I’ve head of this tea party split that happened last week, forget about it, this country’s founding fathers put us on the right course. Now we, the defending fathers must keep up the fight. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”. This sure has been the case this past week or so hasn’t it. The politicians will try to hold on to their power by any means necessary. Stupid season is here, lets break out the umbrellas because it’s going to rain stupid but we must continue to march forward.

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Until next time, Rodney

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