Friday, May 14, 2010

The Bureaucracy is Expanding

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Hey Folks,

How many of you have been paying attention to all the stuff that is going on lately other than Arizona’s SB 1070, Immigration Law? Did you know “Cap and Trade” is back, along with a new “Healthy Choices Act” which will track the Body Mass Indexes of all American children age 2 – 18 years of age? Oh yeah, the Progressives are going full speed ahead with all the Looney ideas of yester year being brought back to be passed before these jack-a-lopes get voted out in November

“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.” ~ Oscar Wilde

It truly amazes me that the President, members of Congress, Governors, Mayors, and even school boards are condemning Arizona’s new Immigration law considering it reflects the same language as the immigration procedures of the Federal government. It just goes to show you how naïve the masses can be when continually told lies by the Progressive Movement. Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the Arizona law without even reading it (this appears to be a trend in D.C.)! Do you think any of the others who condemned it have read it? I especially like how they are throwing out the “Racist” smears, as usual, when Mexico kills and imprisons those that illegally cross into their country (just ask the Guatemalans). . SB 1070 and The Bill Clinton 1996 Immigration Bill are available for you to read at .

The Progressives seem to like calling us names, funny thing though, the names they call us are mostly associated with them throughout history. Take Nazi for example, this was the National Socialist Party of Germany. We are definitely are not Socialists. How about them saying we are “Racists members of the KKK”? Interesting enough, history shows that the “KKK” formed to combat the Republican Party and most blacks in the 1800’s were Republicans. The Klan killed Four Thousand Eight Hundred people, 1300 of those were white Republicans and 3500 were blacks, Black Republicans. This is our history, how many of you know it? There are new videos on from American Heritage with David Barton, one of America’s greatest historians, which will educate you on this subject.

John Kerry announced the other day that he has a new bill to propose, “The American Power Act”. Do Not Be Fooled! This bill is “Cap and Trade” repackaged. If this bill passes, it will result in the largest redistribution of wealth in the history of man and the wealth that is to be redistributed, yours and Your Children’s! People, this will increase the cost of every manufactured item you purchase. Spain tried a similar “Cap and Trade” system and they are now on the verge of bankruptcy with over 20% unemployment! We are not Europe nor do we want to be Mr. Kerry! You can read this new bill at .

Another bill presented this week was the “Healthy Choices Act” from Congressman Kind and Mary Bono-Mack. The bill requires tracking of the body mass indexes for all children 2 – 18 years of age. It gives grants for analysis of said BMI’s, preventative health services, training programs, and requires transmission of income information by sponsored family or day care groups. It creates new bureaucracies to take care of the new bureaucracies but it is not Socialism, Marxism, Nazism, or Leninism at all! Sure sounds a lot like a “Cradle to Grave” system to me. You can find this bill at .

Folks, we need to band together and educate our fellow Americans to what is happening. We cannot let the naïve believe the lies the Progressives are filling their heads with. The truth is in your hands use it! The only way we can guarantee that America does not become just like the rest of Europe, Socialist-light, is to educate our friends, families, and co-workers so we can “Vote The Bums Out” in November!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

They are slowly becoming unhinged

We are entering that time of year, where several States will be holding primary elections, leading up to the general elections in November. I think we have the progressive/socialists very nervous. As you have no doubt heard, the attacks against the tea party movement have increased ten fold over the past few weeks. Look at Rep Carson’s statement above. We have now gone from being a bunch of white racists, to being a domestic terrorist threat sowing the seeds for domestic terrorism. It’s funny, being that progressive/socialists have no problem calling the tea parties racist, yet they can’t mention that the times square bomber is Islamic. So now, what progressives/socialists are doing is to shut us up by shame. This country is being smothered by political correctness. Why is it now wrong for calling a spade, a spade? Oh, yeah! progressive/socialists are scared. They are slowly becoming unhinged. Come on November, I can’t wait.

Arizona immigration law SB 1070

You know I had to at least broach the subject. I know this is a sticky subject now, but it’s amazing how if you speak to most people, they would agree that this is a nation of law. Oh wait, except when we talk about the passing of this Arizona law. Now, the law be damned. Some claim this will lead to racial profiling. Some out right say this law is racist. We now have Cities, Counties and States calling for a boycott of Arizona. Even the Phoenix Sun’s basketball team wore Jerseys that said “Los Suns” in protest to the Arizona law. This law does nothing more than to enforce the law that’s already on the books. How dare a State enforce the law! What takes the cake is that day that Arizona’s Governor signed the bill, lo and behold, the President of the United States steps to the microphone and calls this law and apparently a majority of Arizona citizens who wanted this law, “misguided”. This law calls for the police to inquire about immigration status only AFTER people are stopped for violating some other crime. I say, good for you Arizona. Hopefully other States start taking action. What part of illegal don’t people understand?

Puerto Rico

Ah yes. This past week, the House of Representatives passed legislation to start the process of making Puerto Rico the 51st State. Never mind over the last few decades, the people of Puerto Rico have rejected this notion several times. This administration is just unbelievable. I guess, as with the healthcare bill, they know what’s best for Puerto Rico and us. Oh no, wait just a minute. The tea party movement is called racist. The administration is damning the immigration bill and will fight for the illegal immigrants from Mexico; the House of Representatives wants Puerto Rico to become a state, therefore allowing them to vote. If memory serves me correctly, a vast majority of people of Hispanic decent and the people of Puerto Rico tends to vote for democrats. No, never mind. It’s just a coincidence……. isn’t it?

Until next time,