Friday, July 29, 2011

Truth, The Best Disinfectant

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.” ~ Sen. Barack Obama (March 2006)

Hello My Fellow “Hobbits” and “Extremists,

I know it’s been awhile since my last post and I apologize. I moved back to Southern California and am currently living at Home Depot (seems like it anyway). But enough of about me, have you heard that we are going to lose are credit rating Aug. 2nd and if congress doesn’t pass a bill Social Security Checks will not be paid? I bet you truly haven’t heard about the initiative that requires Internet Service Providers to keep all user data for one year that the Republicans pushed through committee yesterday? How about the NASA report that states that CO2 is not causing warming and that more heat is expelled into space than was first believed? Well my little Hobbits, as Golem (John McCain) has called us, let us take a closer look at these stories.

The greatest show on Earth is taking place right now in D.C. You have the drama of a looming crisis with the debt limit (do you recall, “never let a crisis go to waste”?), the Theatrics of political rhetoric flying through the air with the greatest of ease, and the clowns trying to pass a bill that has little if any meaning what-so-ever. Moody’s and S&P have both stated that we must have at the very least $4 Trillion in cuts to not be downgraded, yet Democrats and Republicans alike seem to have turned a deaf ear to those who give us our ratings. Can you even believe any of these fools are even serious about it when they haven’t even passed a budget in more than 800 days? Not only is this a sham of monumental proportions, Congress isn’t even speaking the same language as the raters or us. Let me put it to you this way; Let’s say I wanted a $2.8 Million home, I really, really can’t afford it, I don’t have anywhere near enough for a down payment, so I buy a $500,000 home instead. Did I just save myself $2.3 Million? If I were using congressional math I would have. They are not cutting real spending, just what they were thinking about spending. Gee, you would think it would be easy to just say they were planning on spending $21 Trillion and say they compromised and are only going to spend $16.9 Trillion saving $4.1 Trillion, thus saving the World as Nancy Pelosi wants. By the way, the Boehner plan will raise the Debt Ceiling to $16.9 Trillion, which is just a coincidence with my example. Oh, and if August 2nd comes and goes without a bill passing, don’t worry if you are on Social Security, Government doesn’t touch all that money they’ve collected over the years for anything else but Social Security, they promised (uh oh, perhaps you should worry).

Harry Reid called we Tea Partiers Extremists once again, The left won’t leave it alone until they have everyone believing that we are what they want us to be, so Harry, here’s a plan for you; It seems to me that the longer Congress is in session, the more laws against we the people you make, the more freedoms you take, and the more of our money you spend so I say we make the lot of you “Part-Time” employees, cut your salaries and your staffs by 75%, give you term limits of 2, and require you to represent your States and districts instead of the Federal Government and special interests. How much money do you suppose we’d save by doing that? Is that too “Extreme” for you Harry?

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin

In another example of Congress needing to be “Part-Time” employees, a House committee just passed a bill that would require ISP’s to keep all user data for up to a year for law enforcement review if needed. It is called; Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011, sounds good doesn’t it? Well, it assumes that all of us are pornographers because everyone’s information is held not just suspect’s (so much for innocent until proven guilty). I think we should protect our children from predators and sickos, however not at the expense of our privacy. The information that will be held includes bank accounts numbers, addresses, home phone numbers, basically every bit of digital data you send over the ISP server. Wasn’t the CIA computer hacked last month? Hmmm.

“There’s a sucker born every minute” ~ (attributed to) P.T. Barnum

Now as far as the biggest hoax ever pulled on the people of the planet Earth, Gore-bull Warming, NASA has declared that CO2 has far less of an effect on global warming than has been heralded from the rooftops and classrooms around the world (NASA data blows Gaping hole in global warming) . So it appears that the whole global warming debate was not settled as Al Gore stated. Now I wonder if apologies and repeal of frivolous laws and EPA regulations will be forthcoming. I also wonder if they are going to undo the damage they have done to all our children that they have been scarring to death for the past few decades. Apparently the scientist who was responsible for “all the Polar Bears are dying” photos has been suspended or placed on leave under accusations of scientific misconduct (Arctic scientist under investigation) . So why was this sham pulled on us? Shouldn’t someone be held responsible? I doubt this will happen, as a matter of fact you probably won’t even hear about most of it and they will probably continue the lie.

People, seek the truth, know the truth, speak the truth, be the truth, Truth is the best disinfectant against those seeking our demise. We need to hold those responsible for our situation to account. We need to elect those who hold our values and get the entrenched “Career Politicians” out! We will be called many more names before the next election, stand strong, and go forward with the truth and realize that when you are called those terrible things it only means you’re winning because they don’t have the truth.


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