Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Historic Day

Wow, I actually found myself agreeing with “Grinning” Joe Biden, this truly is a “Historic Day”! On March 23rd 2010, at approximately 11:56 a.m. EST, President Barack Hussein Obama kept his promise to “Fundamentally Change the United States of America”. The United States of America…The United States of America hmm, do you think he knows what “The United States of America” truly is, or at least was? Do you think he knows we are a Republic and not a Democracy or Oligarchy? The bill this man signed today was a giant leap towards a Socialist Oligarchy. Do you know who is going to insure that those who do not have Health Insurance buy it? The I.R.S. (I wonder if they will start wearing brown shirts?)! Don’t we just love those folks? Billions of dollars have been set aside to hire new agents to ENFORCE the new mandates. How many of you have dealt with the tax code? I mean think about this; if you make a certain amount you get put into a pool to receive “Free Health Care”, make a penny more…you have to buy health insurance and if you don’t you will be fined (do you think the audit rate is about to go way up?)! Folks, this is the Historic Day that our Republic was severely wounded yet again by progressive ideas. It is our responsibility to protect that which our founders gave us, which our ancestors fought and died for, which so many from around the World have fled to for a chance to thrive and to escape that which we are slowly becoming under these Progressive Socialists.
I don’t want to spend too much time on a battle lost because we need to look forward and be prepared for the battle’s to come. I am hoping that many more Americans have awakened because of this bill’s passage. We have many more fights ahead. The next battles are going to be “Financial Reform” legislation, “Immigration Reform”, and “Cap and Trade”.
The “Financial Reform” legislation, although not in bill form yet, could possibly give even more power to the Government to decide who is “Too Big to Fail” and those that are too insignificant to succeed. The Government has been regulating much of our economy for many years and look where that got us. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, The Fed, and the SEC were all put in place to prevent what happened to us. In case you didn’t notice, they failed miserably! This is sounding like another “Power Grab” from these arrogant bastages!
Did you know that the “Health Care Bill” includes comprehensive computerized patient information, courtesy of G.E.? All your medical info on all Health Care computers! Now, I know I was going to get off that subject but, The “Immigration Reform” bill wants us to have a National I.D. card. This is supposed to be used to stop the illegal immigration into our country however, when have politicians ever been serious about stopping illegal immigration? Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but, if my Health Care records are on a computer, where is my National I.D. info going to be? Yep, on a computer. It’s a good thing our computers are safe from hackers from say like, oh, I don’t know, let’s say China. It’s also a good thing identity theft isn’t a problem either.
Now the “Cap and Trade” bill may never be written, they seem to be holding off on the whole thing, the operative word being “seem”. Don’t be fooled by anything these politicians say. Like little children (sorry kids) they will whine, cry, kick, scream, and try to get what they want in more ways than one. If they can’t get it one way they will break it up and put parts of it into other bills that will pass. And as we have seen, they will hold up a vote until they are sure they can pass it. They will bribe those who can give them the votes they need. They will twist arms and even threaten others to get what they want. It’s a good thing we elect people with integrity.
People, we are in very historic times! We are in the middle of a battle to preserve the Republic of The United States of America! We are in a war, not fought with guns and bombs but with ideas and votes. A war who’s outcome will determine how much freedom our children and grandchildren will enjoy or not. What are you prepared to do to win this war? Let others fight for you? What will you tell your kids and grand-kids you did? This is it folks, you must decide what America you want! If you want to fight stay informed, read, educate others, let your Senators and Representatives know where you stand, run for offices, elect those who share your values, SPEAK OUT!!!
I want to thank all of you who are taking the battle to the Politicians and informing others. We will try our best to keep you informed at: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com but what you do with that info is up to you.
“History does not wait for the timid or the indifferent; history is for those daring enough to make it.”
~ M.M.

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