Monday, March 1, 2010

Arrogance At It’s Best

“We’re moving on many fronts, any front we have”, “if we go through the gate and the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in If that doesn’t work we’ll parachute in. we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people ” Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

The president promised transparency leading up to the televised health care summit, he is making good on his promise. We can see right through this P.R crap. We can see how he is setting up the Republicans, knowing that they will never go for his so called compromises. What I see playing out is for the Republicans to turn down the President’s compromise, even attack it. He in turn will probably hold some primetime speech to the nation, declaring how “the party of no” are the bad guys. He will say how this was a bipartisan summit and he has tried to work with Republicans for the betterment of the country. He will say unfortunathy republicans don’t want you to have healthcare. So for the good of the nation, The Democrats will pass this bill without Republican input. Political deflection 101. Put up a front, make it seem you want input from both sides, then go out and tell people that it’s the other parties’ fault that no agreement was reached.

That’s what I had written for this newsletter on Tuesday of this week. As if today it looks like some of my predictions are coming true. The summit hadn’t been over for a few hours and the finger pointing had started. This was the administrations agenda all along.

Remember folks, Mike and I, as well as others have been saying all along that if something stalls or people start speaking out against the agenda, they will repackage and resell it to the people “for their own good” if this isn’t arrogance at it’s best, I don’t know what is. You read what Nancy Pelosi said at the beginning of this newsletter; their agenda is all that matters and if you leave it up to them, a few rabble-rousers and outspoken people who don’t really understand what’s going on will not stop them. If this weren’t so serious, it would be comical. This new healthcare bill, unveiled by president Obama this week is practically the same bill that came out of the senate In December. Don’t be fooled!!! Enough already, I’m sick of it. Transparency, yeah well I think we all see clearly now. People, start hitting those phones. Call your Senators and let them know you do not want this bill passed. We have to stop this train wreck before it happens. All indications are that the democratic leaders are going to ram this bill through.

A politician is still a politician. Heard that before, you’ve heard it again. Can someone please tell me what’s up with Scott Brown? The same Scott Brown who many felt was the Republican parties’ wet dream, when he was elected last month in Mass. Looks like he voted with the Democrats to block Republican filibuster over the jobs bill. I haven’t fully looked into this in detail so if someone knows anything please let me know. Folks I’ll tell ya, the deeper we dig, the more we find. You know what? Lets just get rid of all of them. Republicans and Democrats alike. Instead of starting over with the healthcare bill, lets start over with newly elected government. Stay tuned to this healthcare summit fallout, more to come I’m sure. Please visit our website check out all of the new sections full of valuable info and resources. Pay particular attention of the VTBO (vote the bums out) section. We will list the career politicians, who have been in office for 15+ years, time for them to go also.

Until next time, Rodney

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