Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Betrayal Party

Hey Folks,

I have a great deal to discuss here and I hope you will take the time to read through all of it.

I, like many of you, am not impressed with the field of Presidential candidates being offered. I have complained in the past about always having to choose between the lesser of two evils, and always voting for principle instead of party. What I want to convey here is that even if the G.O.P. puts forth another mediocre candidate we can still vote our principles by voting against those who have betrayed our allies, our Country, and hundreds of millions of people all over the world. I contend that if you decide not to vote, you too are betraying our allies, our country, and the world we share.

In February 2011 the Obama Administration gave Russia U.K. Nuclear Secrets to secure a new START treaty. In May 2011 Obama betrayed Israel twice by telling them to retreat to the 1967 borders, which would be suicide, and by embracing the "Arab Spring" which would overthrow the only country that borders Israel who had a peace treaty with the small nation. The overthrow of Egypt's President brought to power the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama's own Director of National Intelligence stated that the Muslim Brotherhood (who's founding was based on the total destruction of Israel) was "largely secular, which has eschewed violence". In January 2012 Obama betrayed the Catholic church(allies who helped get him elected) by requiring them to provide abortion coverage for their employees, going against their beliefs. Recently, Obama was overheard on an open microphone, asking Russia for "more time, that he would have more flexibility after his election", this has been seen as a betrayal of Poland (also betrayed in Sept. 2009 on the same issue) and Europe since it was in regards to the Missile Defense Shield we promised them. A few weeks ago, Obama's administration betrayed Israel once again by leaking information about Israel's plan to use Azerbaijani air fields to mount a surprise attack on Iranian nuclear sites. So, it appears that our friends are now our enemies and those who would like to see us destroyed are now our friends under the current administration.

Speaking of those that hate us, you know, the ones we keep giving our money to every time we fill up our gas tanks, why would we want to continue to rely on them for our very existence? Now I understand the liberals point of view on this, I don't agree but I do understand. They would like to see us using small, light weight, vehicles that run on electricity, yet they don't seem to realize that even those vehicles need lots of oil. Oil is required to make the light weight plastic, the batteries, the tires, the paint, and to run the machinery at the power plant to charge the vehicle anyhow. Oil is not used just for gasoline, but for just about everything that makes life convenient, and it saves lives through it's many pharmaceutical uses. Every attempt that has been made to make America independent from our enemies control of this vital resource has been rejected by this President's party. This Administration states that there is more drilling going on in America now than at any time in our history. Now, although this is a fact it is disingenuous for this Administration to take the credit for it since most of the permits were issued by the previous Administration for private land and this Administration has severely limited American companies from drilling in the Gulf while allowing other countries to do so. The permits that have been given by this Administration have been largely for old oil fields that don't yield nearly what we need. A deal that would have created thousands of jobs and brought more oil into our country from our friend Canada was rejected by President Obama killing those jobs and continuing our reliance on those he want us dead. Obama demonizes "Big Oil", you know the ones who drill, ship, refine, and bring a vital product to people all over the world, for making record profits, but fails to mention that "Big Oil" makes about 8 to 10 cents a gallon where as "Big Government" makes an average of 48 cents off of the same gallon! Oh, did I mention that Obama had a change of heart on the Keystone XL pipeline? He compromised by letting half of it be built...the lower half, you know the part furthest away from the oil. Appears to me that there is a lot of deception, twisting of truths, and manipulation going on.

Speaking of deception, twisting of truths, and manipulation, I would like to take a look at a long history of abuses and intellectual dishonesty that has occurred here in America and abroad by the Liberal Progressive Movement.

A tragedy took place in Florida February 26th, where a young 17 year old Black male was killed by a man named Zimmerman. I do not want to make light of this in any way what-so-ever, but may I ask you, why has this become a National issue? Were there no other tragedies that occurred on February 26th or since? Why is this story the main headline all over the mainstream media? A bigger tragedy takes place everyday where desensitized, ill informed youth wage warfare in the streets over colors, turf, pride, and race. Hundreds of innocent victims fall prey to these barbarians. In Chicago on St. Patrick's day 49 people were shot, one being a 6 year old girl who was killed on her steps when two Chicago gangs began shooting at each other. So why is the Trayvon Martin case the headline? To unite us? At a quick glance of the name Zimmerman one would believe this was a white man that shot Trayvon, but according to the mainstream media he is actually a new race of American, a White-Hispanic. Is Trayvon's tragedy more important than any other tragedy? Is Trayvon's death being used as a political tool to re-elect someone? Once again it appears the Progressive Left is using race to divide us. They have controlled our schools, our news, our entertainment, and our language for a very long time, so why are we falling apart and have become so divided? Connect the dots!

How many of you have ever heard of Pastor Richard Allen? Do you know that many consider him a Founding Father, who happens to be Black (Allen started the A.M.E. Church that still exists today)?

How about James Armistead ever hear of him? A Revolutionary War Double-Spy who was instrumental in General Washington's defeat of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown.

How about Jordan Freeman and Lambert Latham who battled the British forces at Groton Heights and were killed at Fort Griswold. After witnessing the cold blooded killing of their commander Lambert thrust his bayonet through the British officer. Lambert received multiple bayonet wounds upon doing so after avenging his commander.

What about Peter Salem, ever hear of him? He was part of the famous Massachusetts Minute Men. Salem is credited with shooting British commander Major John Pitcairn after Pitcairn exclaimed "The Day Is Ours!" at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

There are so many more Black Patriot's; Prince Whipple, Lemuel Haynes, Prince Sisson, James Forten, Peter Poor, Cuff Smith, Cesar Prince, Festus Prince and thousands more. Fact is there were Black Patriot's at Bunker Hill, Yorktown, Trenton, and so many other famous battles. Why don't you know about them?

Throughout America's early history Blacks and Whites fought side by side for our collective freedom. Some Black's did so as slaves while others did of their own free will. America has had her issues but on needs to look at her in perspective.

Slavery is a nauseating concept and should not be minimized or dismissed. What gets me is how so many damn America for slavery when slavery has been around for thousands of years and still continues today. If we put slavery in perspective, America practiced slavery for a relatively short period of time compared to other Nations who practiced this abomination (74 years). As a matter of fact, Thomas Jefferson's rough draft of the Declaration of Independence stated that one of the Founders issues with England was the continued importation of slaves into the colonies:

"...he (the King) has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.
this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of
the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where
MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing
every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable
commerce; and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of
distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms
among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, &
murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former
crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he
urges them to commit against the lives of another."

Truth be told, most of America's Founders wanted an end to slavery, but were in a dilemma since commerce was sustained in large part (especially in the South) by slave labor. The abolitionist Founders knew it would take time which is the reason for the 3/5ths clause which gave slaves only a 3/5ths vote. Now many saw this as a racist clause stating that the Founders saw slaves as only 3/5ths of a person, not so. The Founders argued with the Slave owners, that wanted their slaves (who they considered property) to have a full vote. The Abolitionist Founders argued that if the slave owner's property could vote, so could their cattle. Imagine what would happen if a slave didn't vote the way his master wanted him to. So, by introducing the three fifths clause the abolitionist Founders limited the vote that would have helped slavery continue.

In 1861, Americans, Black and White, went to war with slavery as a prominent issue. Over 3/4 of a million lives were lost, America paid for her atrocity in blood. But more blood was to be shed in the years to come.

During the Reconstruction Era in America, many Blacks rose to prominence in politics: Hiram Rhodes Revels (first Black Senator), Robert De-Large (an ex-slave turned congressman), Josiah Walls (also an ex-slave turned congressman), Benjamin Turner (an ex-slave turned congressman), Jefferson Long (of the U.S. House), Joseph Haynes Rainey (an ex-slave and for a short time he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Robert Brown Elliott (speaker of the S.C. House). Besides being Black all these men had something else in common, they were all Republicans. Most Blacks at that time were Republican due to the fact that that was the Party of Lincoln. In response, the Southern Democrats, who hated Lincoln (and the Republicans), enacted what became known as the Jim Crow laws. In fact, a group of angry Southerners created a group called the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate Black voters and White Republicans by lynching those they knew wouldn't comply with their wishes. Their founder and first Grand Wizard was one Southern Democrat, General Nathan Bedford Forrest of Fort Pillow massacre fame.

The Fort Pillow Massacre is an atrocious testament to the brutality that was the Civil War. The story goes that after the Union soldiers of the Fort surrendered, General Forrest took the 400 + of them, skinned and hung them on the walls of the Fort. it is reported that two to three hundred of them were Black. While leader of the K.K.K. many Blacks and some White Republicans were lynched side by side.
During the Reconstruction Era, many Civil Rights laws were passed by Republicans, and later repealed by Democrats. Woodrow Wilson was instrumental in repealing many of these and segregating the Federal Government. Wilson even held a viewing for the pro-K.K.K. movie "Birth of a Nation" in the White House itself!

Makes one wonder why so many Black Americans today vote Democrat. A huge change occurred under the FDR. administration. FDR was responsible for one of the biggest government power grabs in history. Over 100 new offices were created during his multiple terms in office. The "Re-distribution of wealth" here in America started with FDR's New Deal, which in essence was the beginning of paying people to vote for the Democratic party and the re-enslavement of generations of welfare recipients. Let me clarify this. Many people do not view welfare as enslavement but let me ask: if you have to rely on someone for your existence, who is that person to you? Can that person take away your way of life? You are in essence indebted to that person and if you wish for that person to continue to provide for your existence you must do as they ask, is this Freedom? Millions of Americans (all races) are in this situation. Another question for you is this: if the Government stopped taking money from those who earn it and giving it to those that expect it, what would happen? Poverty is not a comfortable place to be, except, in perspective, Americas poor tend to have T.V.s, Cars, roofs over their heads, food, and in places like Nepal, or other 3rd World countries would be considered wealthy.

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer." ~ Benjamin Franklin

I believe in helping the poor and the down trodden, however, I believe it should be me who gives my money to my fellow man in need, not the Government! I mean really? The Government put a bureaucrat in charge of an agency to divide up the hard earned tax dollars of those who earned it and distribute what's left, after they get their pay for it which gives only a percentage of that tax dollar to those in need or those playing the system. So many Millions of Americans are now very comfortable in their poverty and we have generations who know no other way to live. It is now known as the "Third Rail" of politics along with Social Security, both of these are going bankrupt, but our politicians refuse to tackle the issue. Tell the truth, COWARDS!

“Make people comfortable in poverty and then tell them that they’ll never get out and you are going to be the king of the world.” ~ Glenn Beck (sorry, I had to)

There is so much hypocrisy that comes out of the left that I could continue for 100 more pages here, but I will spare you.

I hope and pray that all of you educate yourselves, and others, about the lies that are being spread like a virus by the Liberal Progressives. Stand on the Truth. Our silence will kill our country quicker than you can imagine. Do not let them control the dialog, they don't own the truth, they barely know it! We must defeat these lying scoundrels at all cost. Make sure you get out, and get others out to vote these Betrayers of America's Allies, the American Idea, The American Constitution, The American People, and The Last Great Hope of the World; America Herself.

I am working on new stuff for our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com , but please be patient, good things come to those who wait, lol.

Until Next Time,

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