Friday, November 5, 2010

Who Did They Hear?

“We’ve been given a second chance and a golden opportunity.” “People want to see results.” -Eric Cantor, VA. (R)

Hello all,

Well, for the most part, the mid term elections are now over. Overall, Republican Candidates did very well. It wasn’t a total sweep but gaining 6 Senate seats, 7 Governorships, and 65+ House seats isn’t too bad. I’ve read it’s the largest midterm gain by one party since WWII. Congratulations to the Republican winners on Tuesday. Hopefully, this is but the first of many waves to sweep across the country and wash away the crap that is still deeply rooted in Washington DC. Now, lets roll up the sleeves, its time to get to work.

Eric Cantor’s quote at the beginning of this newsletter sums it up. We, the people have sent a message; its time for you to do the people’s work. You work for us, if you don’t do what the people want, you will be fired. Our message to the newly elected officials is this; we sent you to Washington with mandates. They are: Significantly cut government spending, repeal “ObamaCare”, stop all tax increases, defend our nation’s security and stop bowing to foreign dictators, and put elected officials back in charge by reining in abuses by executive branch agencies like the EPA and its job killing cap and trade plan.

You should begin working on these mandates immediately. We do not expect everything done overnight, but you must make great progress sooner rather than later. If you fail with these mandates, then you will be swept out of office by that wave that put you there; the people. To the established incumbent politicians, our message is this; this past Tuesday, the people of the United States began to take our country back. It might be a good idea if you started listening to us. If you decide to pursue your own agenda, contribute to back room deals, continue to spend our money without thought, or decide to not read another bill before you vote on it, then your backside will be the next one removed from our employment.

Did anyone listen to president Obama on Wednesday? I did, and you know what? He sounded very humble. He said that the American people have spoken and he has heard them. He then goes on about being open to “tweaking” a few things in the Healthcare bill… THE MAN STILL DOESN’T GET IT! I don’t get how he believes that the people still want his healthcare bill at all. Oh, but he is open to a little “tweaking” here and there. The President said he heard the American people. Now, I wonder what the hell did he hear. Lord, have mercy! He is so frustrating.

Today I heard on the radio, this guy had called into the talk show I was listening to, and he said that people should be afraid of that racist Tea Party who has bought out the Republican Party (did you all buy something without telling me). To this day I still have to chuckle at being called and being associated with a bunch of racists. Never mind that with this past election we have added two black Congressmen; Allen West (Florida) and Tim Scott (South Carolina). Two Hispanics; Senator elect Marco Rubio (Florida) and Susanna Martinez, Governor elect of New Mexico, and one Sikh Indian; Nikki Haley, Governor elect of South Carolina. Finally, I hear that Nancy Pelosi, yes that Nancy Pelosi, is running for House Minority Leader. Again, I don’t know who some of these folks are listening to, but it’s not the American people. Lord, take me now! Folks, we have our work cut out for us.

Join us on our website A lot of good information is there. Oh, before I forget, here is my newsletter question; What do you think should be the first thing the newly elected Congress does?

-Until next time, Rodney

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