Friday, October 15, 2010

Hard Work Comes After the Party

“I need you to be fired up, I need you to stay fired up, all the way to November 2nd. Because November 2nd is going to say a lot about your future”- President Obama, speaking to young supporter’s at a DNC rally.

Hi all,

I sincerely hope the President is right, regarding the remark above. I hope after the November 2nd elections, our future will all look a bit brighter. I don’t need to tell all of you about the importance of the coming up elections. I won’t go into the importance of getting out there and casting your vote. I want to talk about, the morning after.

If you pay attention to or believe in the polls, it appears that the Republicans will enjoy several key victories in the Senate and the House. The Republicans might even take back the majority of the House of Representatives. I’m not one to be a killjoy or one to dampen the party but our work can’t stop on November 3rd. our work, being vigilant; letting our voice be heard; holding our elected officials accountable, must continue. I’ll even go a step further and say we must become hyper vigilant.

There are two reasons I say this:

1. Incumbent Democrats will use the lame duck session, before newly elected republicans are sworn in, to try and pass any and all pending bills legislature, earmarks etc. as humanly possible. In fact, some Democratic leaders have already singled that this is what’s planned if the election goes poorly for them.

2. I don’t totally trust the Republican Party either. We know politicians will say whatever they must to get people to vote for them. They may also have the best intentions going into office, and then they sell their souls to the devil. If this does happen, Democrats won’t hesitate to shove this in our faces and rightfully so. We expect the Republican Party to immediately begin to overturn the health care bill, freeze the out of control spending and so on. I say, they better deliver on these promises or in a short 2 years time it will be like ground hog day.

So hey, if all goes as expected on Tuesday November 2nd, have a party, have 2 parties. On Wednesday November 3rd work begins anew. Tell me what you think. What should we be watchful for after these elections are over? Join us on our website for some great resources and information.

Until next time, Rodney

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