Saturday, September 18, 2010

Battling the Establishment

Hi all,

How about some of those primary election results over the past few weeks? I do think we, the people, are starting to get our voice back. Mike and I have stressed all along that it makes no difference what political party politicians align themselves with; if you don’t listen to your constituents you will get fired. This was very evident this past week after Christine O’Donnell’s primary win over the established Mike Castle in Delaware. Interesting enough, I’m hearing now of how the Tea Party is splintering the Republican Party. Well duh! We must clean our own house before we complain about others. This has raised the ire of Karl Rove, who made some bold remarks on the evening of O’Donnell’s victory. To paraphrase Rove, he spoke of doing conservatives no good to elect folks who are unheard of, who just says what people want to hear but don’t have any political experience. That it will hurt conservatives in November, due to established Republicans who would have won seats in Congress, now could go to the Democrats. I over heard someone speaking the other day asking each other what issues do the Tea Party have? Aren’t they shooting themselves in the foot? I though of these questions and decided to address some of this in the newsletter, to remind ourselves why we re in this battle.

The Tea Party has the political whip hand in this campaign year, which is why we have been able to wreak havoc on the mainstream political system throughout this year’s primaries. The Tea Party has booted establishment GOP candidates and pulled forward previously obscure true believers such as Rand Paul in Kentucky, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Mike Lee in Utah, Ken Buck in Colorado, Joe Miller in Alaska, Marco Rubio in Florida and Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. The real battle now is against the Republican Party, which didn’t exactly embrace tea party principles when George W. Bush was president. Much of the flow that angers tea party members are: increased federal spending, growing deficits, Washington’s earmark culture, the looming entitlement crises- were in full force during the Bush years. That’s why we are so focused on busting up the Washington establishment by first busting the GOP. To me this gives us credibility. We can’t be used as a tool for the Democratic Party saying we are just a radical right wing hit squad. By busting up the GOP, we are showing that no party is exempt from doing the people’s will.

Contrary to media spin, our grassroots uprising is not about the Obama Administration, its about firing members of both parties who believe their positions grant them rights to control the actions and money of citizens in order to establish an all-powerful federal government. Year after year the government passes thousands of laws, which on by one crush our freedoms. Our movement is a citizen uprising against the dismantling of our moral values and constitutional Republic drifting toward a socialistic state. President Obama campaigned as a moderate but immediately began governing as a progressive radical. His initiatives came fast and furious, which awakened the people from our politically irresponsible sleep. President Obama’s egotistical style of leadership is not the issue. The November 2nd elections, weather a big win for conservatives or not, isn’t the issue. The issue for the Tea Party patriots should be a life long commitment to stay vigilant, wake up those who are still asleep and be prepared for the long haul. The ultimate goal is the restoration of our constitution to it’s scared place, as the guiding light for liberty.

Give me your thoughts on this. Why do you think we are in this battle? What should be our focus after the November elections? Join us on our website check out the armory section. It has valuable info to help arm ourselves for this battle ahead of us

Until next time, Rodney

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