Monday, April 19, 2010

The Game is Changing

Yesterday (4/15/10) was a good day, wasn’t it? Thousands and thousands of people letting their voices be heard. Hopefully, all of you were able to attend a Tea Party near you. I personally was able to make it to two parties. I arrived to the first one, where 100+ people on 4 street corners were having a good time. I opened my trunk to get the signs I made then fear struck me. Oh no, …I forgot my Klan robe & hood at home. I have to go to this party totally exposed, a black man at a Tea Party!!! This isn’t supposed to happen, according to the mainstream media. I took my signs and proudly walked up to a group of people. They looked at me and guess what happened? Hugs, kisses and high fives all around. Total strangers united in a common goal. We had a great time. The same result at the second Tea Party I attended. I was vigilantly watching for potential problems and inappropriate signs but I saw none. Everyone was well behaved and I haven’t heard of any problems at any other Tea Party. My only complaint was at the first rally, there were 3 anti Tea Party protesters further down the street. I recognized a local Reporter and wouldn’t you know it, he spent more time covering them than the Tea Party. Oh well, no surprises there, the media is so full of crap.

Hey people, you know what? The game is changing. A year ago at our first Tea Party, the media and some Politicians were minimizing us, calling us a few rabble-rousers. Telling folks that there were only a few people showing up at the Tea Parties, when in fact there were thousands. Last year, Liberals/Democrats tried to ignore us, now, they are trying everything they can to disrupt us. This sounds like an act of desperation. They now fear us, which is a good thing.

As we look towards the November elections, we must be extremely vigilant with Politicians who are running for office. Remember, a Politician is a Politician and will say anything to get elected. Most of them will say anything to appease the crowd but we must also look under the exterior of these Politicians. Look at their voting records (if previously elected). Watch their interviews and debates. Listen to what they are saying and not saying. We must ensure that Politicians will go and do the people’s bidding, not the lobbyists. Let’s make sure these Politicians understand the Constitution.

Please check out our website, and post pictures, share with us your experiences with the Tea Parties you attended. I, for one, will not let the media dictate where we go from here. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Until next time, Rodney.

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