Monday, February 1, 2010


2/01/2010 - This morning President Obama sent the 2011 budget to Congress which was more than $3,830,000,000,000.00 ($3.83t). He came out to speak to the American people on television and stated that the last decade has put him in a hard spot and that they would be “Freezing Spending” on non-essential items as well as starting a pay as you go system that will require them to take from one program to pay for another. These actions are projected to save $250,000,000,000 ($25b) over 10 years, which is less than 10% of the budget for 1 year (but the freeze only lasts for 3 years so…what kind of math are they using anyway?)!
Now, during the speech I heard very little as to where the $3.83 trillion would be spent and I wondered if this would be where the budget would be frozen for the next 3 years, meaning $3.83t for each of those 3 years, as he stated in the State of Disunion address. The Associated Press put it this way:

The result is a budget plan that would give the country trillion-dollar-plus deficits for three consecutive years. Obama's new budget projects a spending increase of 5.7 percent for the current budget year and forecasts that spending would rise another 3 percent in 2011 to $3.83 trillion.

The largest deficits in American History! I am seeing no end to the spending from this Administration and deficits as far as the eye can see. During part of the speech this morning, President Obama seemed to be trying to justify putting this tax burden on future generations by saying that not spending this money now would result in us neglecting their future. With all due respect Mr. President, this is tantamount to “Taxation without Representation”. My grandchildren and their children are going to be taxed excessively to pay for the spending habits of this generation. Now you may say that we are the representatives of our grandchildren and their children in this generation but, how do you know what their values will be or what they may want 10, 20, or 30 years from now? You don’t! Did you turn out how your grandparents and great-grandparents thought you would? If you did, great but most never imagined the world we live in now nor did they imagine today’s value system. The course we are on is completely irresponsible and should be considered theft! What do you think will happen as soon as China and the others, who bought our debt, want to cash in on the bonds? They will want to be paid, right? Where does the money come from? It will come from “We the People” and our progeny.
The ideology of this administration is not that of the democrats I grew up with and remember. They are a far cry from JFK, as a matter of fact; JFK was more conservative than either Bush (41 or 43) or John McCain. People, this administration is clearly part of the Progressive ideology which is not at all amiable to our Constitution. Early last year I put out a Politician Report Card which is now part of a project (the VTBO Project) where I will list the members of the Progressive movement that threaten our Constitution. I do not advocate violence against anyone, my purpose of the list is to identify the individuals so they can be legally “Voted” out of their positions. You may find this info soon on our website:
The only reason people aren’t fuming mad right now is that our tax burden has yet to be realized or they feel like there’s nothing they can do. People, if you do nothing, nothing will be done!!! We are in a most interesting time in our history and you can be a part of that history. Remember that old slogan “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”, it was brought back to life after 9/11 and we should live it now. The politicians are worried about our voices and our numbers. Join your local “Tea Party”, call your Senators and Representatives, and educate your children, friends, and neighbors. You are not alone!!! If you think one voice doesn’t matter, perhaps you should ask Paul Revere.
You can find links to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, The Federalist Papers, Articles of Confederation, Washington’s speeches, Lincoln’s speeches, Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”, bills that Congress is voting on, the Hacked Climate-gate e-mails, Global Warming video from the BBC and KUSI, fun videos you can share with your kids, the VTBO (Vote The Bums Out) Project, and a list of Tea Parties near you, all at:

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