Friday, March 5, 2010

The American Aristocracy

“Power is not alluring to pure minds” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Well, I just completed the “Career Politicians” page for our V.T.B.O. Project and let me tell you something, I was very amazed at how many politicians have been in office over 18 years. Let me ask you, how does someone represent the people if they have been in Washington D.C. longer than the youngest voters have been alive? How cozy do you think a politician can get with a lobbyist after 12 years, 14 years, 18 years, or even 56 years? I Mean Come On! Really?
Our forefathers founded a Republic of the People, by the People, and for the People not an Oligarchy where a small elite hold power until death. We seem to have an “American Aristocracy” running our Congress. Out of 535 members 234 of them have been there over 14 years, 108 of them over 20 years, and 2 of them over 50 years!
Although U.S. Presidents are very powerful people, it is Congress that approves spending; it is Congress that approves taxes. A President can ask for all sorts of stuff but it is the Congress that holds the purse strings and enacts the laws. So, knowing this and knowing the state we are in, why do we continue to elect these “American Aristocrats”?
Have you ever noticed how hard these politicians work around election time to get your vote? Ever notice the “Pork Barrel” spending goes way up in an election years so politicians can “Bring Home the Bacon” to their constituency? Then there are those that win re-election because the electorate is just too lazy to educate themselves and just vote for the incumbent or for the name they recognize, this is done far too often.
We need a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to limit the terms of Congressmen and women to 2 terms (12 years) for Senators and 4 to 6 terms (8 to 12 years) for Representatives. If the “Most Powerful Position in the World”, our President, is limited to 8 Years, why can’t we limit the rest of these scoundrels?

On February 26 the Washington Post, and subsequently on March 2nd in the New York Times, there were articles about a new movement, a “purely grassroots” movement, “independent of any party”, the name? The Coffee Party. This “purely grassroots” movement was started by Annabel Park. Ms. Park is a former New York Times Strategy Analyst, Producer of “9500 Liberty” (a pro-illegal immigration film), and was the National Coordinator for the admirable “121 Coalition” that, alongside Amnesty International, was asking Japan to apologize for the “Comfort Brides” their soldiers raped during W.W.II. She is also a Co-Director for the “United for Obama” video, an officer of the “Virginia Korean-Americans for Obama”, and is listed as a contact for “Real Virginians for Webb”. Now by reading the articles one would not know these tid-bits but instead would see Ms. Park as an “accidental founder” of Coffee Party U.S.A., “independent of any party”. The N.Y. Times article even quotes Park as saying; “We’re not opposite of the Tea-Party…in the end we may want some of the same things”. Don’t You Believe It! Ms. Park uses the Wacko-Liberal term “Tea-Baggers” phrase more often than not when referring to us. A quick check of her website shows they are planning counter demonstrations at as many Tea Parties as possible this year. Folks, we need to be prepared for this. We need to be educated with the truth and able to lay out our case calmly and peacefully (o.k., those of you that know me, quit laughing now). I believe that the mainstream media is going to compare and contrast between these two groups with an obvious bias toward the Coffee Party (as shown by the aforementioned articles).

I’ve been told about a show that had interviewed Tea-Partiers asking them about what new taxes they were paying and / or protesting. Of course, the show only aired the footage of those who couldn’t answer. My question to you is; could you answer their question? We are going to have to be more informed, all of us. Why are you protesting? What are you protesting? Why do you hate Barack Obama? These are all potential questions you may be asked, do you know the answers? The answers may be different for each of you because some of you are 1-issue voters, which is fine but know where you stand and why.
I was going to leave it at that but I know many of you want to know if I can answer the questions and I can…for me.
◊ Q: What new taxes are you paying and or protesting?
◊ A: I am receiving a bit less on my taxes this year but that aside, I am protesting the taxes that will be placed on my children and grand-children to pay for the excessive spending of today’s government.

◊ Q: Why are you protesting?
◊ A: I am protesting because our leaders over the past 100 years have driven us so far away from the Constitution, that they were suppose to protect and defend, our Forefathers would not recognize the country they founded.

◊ Q: What are you protesting?
◊ A: See last two answers.

◊ Q: Why do you hate Barack Obama?
◊ A: I do not hate Barack Obama. I hate his policies, I hate his ideology, I hate the direction he is taking my Country, and I hate the burden he is putting on our children and their children with the massive spending he wants to do.

These are simple answers I frequently use however, I am aware people who ask these questions of us usually probe deeper into our answers and we need to be prepared for that also.
Last year we started to help prepare you for a moment like those mentioned. At our website you can read the founding documents of this great Nation, read bills that are before Congress, watch videos that will inform and entertain you, a book review that will lead you to books that will also inform and entertain you, and give you information about politicians through our V.T.B.O. (vote the bums out) Project. Folks, Rodney and I do not make a dime off this site whether you visit it or not however, we do pay for it. Consider it a gift to you, your friends, and your family from us. Check it out!


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