Tuesday, August 30, 2011

El Presidente playing his bass (to his Base)

“The Obama Administration should enforce immigration laws, not look for ways to ignore them. The Obama administration should not pick and choose which laws to enforce. Administration officials should remember the oath of office they took to uphold the constitution and the laws of the lands” --- House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas

Hello all,

I was all set to write to you all about the budget mess and the less than thrilling Republican candidates to choose from. Mike’s last newsletter touched on some of this and I was going to continue the theme. I then saw a headline in the newspaper, DHS Alters Deportation Program. “Oh hell no!” I said. Folks that newsletter will have to wait until some other time. You know what? It seems that the arrogance of this administration is becoming more prevalent. I don’t know what the deal is with the President. He is not a stupid man yet he continues to thumb his nose at the will of the majority of the people. Whether it’s with bailouts, ObamaCare, the budget or in this case illegal immigration. I’ll tell you what; we will have 4 more years of this if no strong Republican candidate comes forward.

Anyway, last week the Obama administration said it would allow many illegal immigrants facing deportation the chance to stay in this country and apply for a work permit. “This will mean a case-by-case review of approximately 300,000 illegal immigrants facing possible deportation in Federal immigration courts”. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said in announcing the policy change. She goes on to say this will free up more resources to focus on the worst of the worst criminals. Now I ask you, who the Sam Hill do you think is going to foot the bill for 300,000 case reviews? Simple answer, us. Can you imagine the cost and yes, use of resources to conduct 300,000 case reviews in Federal immigration courts? This would be in addition to the cases that are still pending. 300,000 cases that have already been heard and deportation orders issued. This policy surly circumvents Congress. The administration has created a working group that appears to have the specific purpose of overruling, on a case-by-case basis, immigration courts final order of removal, or preventing that court from even issuing such an order. Can you say backdoor amnesty!

Rep Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said the Obama administration was implementing reforms “against the will of congress and the majority of American people we represent.” “It’s just the latest attempt by this president to bypass the intended legislative process when he does not get his way.” “The fact that we have a backlog and prioritize deportation is nothing new. This policy goes a step further granting illegal immigrants a fast-track to gaining a work permit where they will now unfairly compete with more than 9% of Americans who are still looking for jobs.”

I don’t know people. Mike mentioned in his last newsletter about how our country is in trouble. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that illegal immigration is the only reason our country is in a downward spiral, however it is a contributing factor. Also, in fairness I’m not putting the illegal immigration problem solely on the Obama administration. President Bush also had a failed policy on illegal immigration. This issue has been talked about but largely ignored for the last several Presidents. The current Republican Presidential candidates have also done a rug dance around the illegal immigration issue. I wanted to point that out because Mike and I began this group not on an anti Obama platform. Any politician who doesn’t represent the people, who put them in office, is fair game. Now, I would think everyone in America would feel this way but I revert back to the downward spiral we are in. I mean, how sad is it when we have 30 U.S servicemen killed in Afghanistan by being shot down in a helicopter. Front page news for what, one day. Yet British pop singer Amy Winehouse dies of an apparent drug overdose and we are still hearing about that, something’s got to give. I am not against immigration; this is what helped build this country. Illegal immigration, however, is a different subject that needs to be dealt with. I just feel like it’s wrong to reward illegal acts at the expense of tax paying, legal citizens. It’s just wrong to give an entitlement to a group of illegal people, for the sole purpose of politics. The bottom line for all of us should be that our country comes first.

All right people, I’m done. Here’s my question for you. How do you feel about the illegal immigration issue in this country? Am I way off base here? Also, what do you think needs to happen to correct this country’s downward spiral? Join us on our website: thepoeopleofliberty.com for valuable information or to just join in on the blogs. Also on our Face book site, The People of Liberty.

Until next time,


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