Friday, January 29, 2010

The State of Disunion Address

What a week! We had the “State of Disunion” Address from our “Bully-in-Chief”, the Senate upping the debt limit by $1,900,000,000,000.00 ($1.9trillion), reconfirming Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, the organization “Grassroots Campaigns” offering $24,000 + benefits to help stop the “Tea-Baggers”, and Osama Bin-Laden coming out in favor of “Global Warming” legislation (sort-of). I mean how much more could anyone ask for?
I had quite a few of you e-mailing, texting, and calling me about what I thought about the “State of Disunion” address. Well, I really did not want to say much because so many others have already however, it is probably better for me to vent than hold it in and those of you who know me know I am not very good at holding things in anyway. Therefore, without further ado, here we go.
I am going to take this in sections since the speech was so dang long and I will probably miss a few points I wanted to touch on so this isn’t a novel (for your sake).
Probably the thing that stuck out most to me in the “State of Disunion” speech was the fact that he completely tried to intimidate the Supreme Court Justices with the Democrats cheering over their heads. I mean there is nowhere in history that I can find where a President so blatantly scolded another branch of government in a State of the Union speech. I know Jefferson, Hamilton, Reagan, and other Presidents have disagreed with the Supreme Court but this was just embarrassing to say the least. The President used neither tact nor decorum, just plain bullying from an elitist executive who is out of touch with the people and completely wrong in his accusation.
The President suggested that the Supreme Court reversed a “century” of law that would allow foreign corporations to spend without limit in our elections. That is not true, just as Justice Alito mouthed those words. Truth is the Supreme Court struck down “Mc Cain – Feingold” (although both are old, they have not been around for a century) which limited the amount of money a corporation or union could use from their treasuries, for or against a candidate. Now, seeing as President Obama received the largest amounts of money in history for his campaign from unspecified sources on the internet, you would think he would be a bit more in favor of this ruling. The law from the early 20th century regarding corporate funding is still in place.
Another thing that struck me was the fact that he was calling on bi-partisanship and telling the Republicans to stop being obstructionists. How can one be an obstructionist if they are not included in that which is being obstructed? The Democrats have a majority in the House and had a “Super Majority” in the Senate; they did not even need one Republican to vote yea on anything to pass it as they do now.
Now is this more intimidation when the President pretty much tells the Senate that they do not matter, that he would use his “Executive Privilege” to overrule their decision blocking the President’s “fiscal commission”? I hope the President will use his “Executive Privilege” to overrule the Senate’s approval of raising the National Debt limit another $1,900,000,000,000.00 ($1.9t) or their reconfirmation of Fed Chairman Bernanke. Now that would have been “Fiscally Responsible”, but I will not hold my breath on this.
The President sounded like he was campaigning again, with his “I did this” and “I did that”, “I inherited…” “The previous administration…”, “we will do our work openly”? Openly? Did he say openly? Was the Health Care debate put on C-Span when I wasn’t looking? If so, could someone get me a copy?
Speaking of Healthcare, I do not think he is giving up on that. The “I Won’t Quit” speaks to the very issue I believe. Even though many citizens, senators, house members, democrats, republicans, and independents have stated clearly they do not want to continue with this bill this Elitist President, “Won’t Quit”! I am still ready to fight, how about you?
Then there is the “Spending Freeze”, yeah right! This so-called spending freeze does not happen until 2011 and it will be frozen at whatever this year’s budget level will be. Therefore, if they inflate the spending this year they can spend the same for the next three. Nifty budgeting if I do say so myself. Then there is also the caveat that certain items will not be able to be touched if the next congress should want to trim the budget some more. Oh, and the freeze represents less than one percent of the current deficit (did I tell you the Senate just raised the debt limit?).
“Jobs!” That was the bone he threw the American public. He used many stories of Americans out of work and children writing him, he played on our sympathies: “…and that’s why I am calling for a new jobs bill tonight”. Most of his answers to the job problem were “Clean Energy” jobs. He also called for more Nuclear Power and offshore drilling: did I hear that correctly? Yes, he said we should look into it. For the sake of American’s everywhere, I was hoping he meant it however, right after this glimmer of hope, he dashed my spirit again by stating that this would mean “…passing a comprehensive energy and climate bill”. Here we go, the next thing he “Won’t Quit”.
By the way, there is another celebrity who agrees with President Obama that “America is the nation that has caused more Global Warming than any other”. I bet you can’t guess who it is? Osama Bin-Laden. Yes, that’s correct, Bin-laden made a tape stating that American’s should pay the rest of the world for the damage they have caused. Hey, was he in Copenhagen?

Until Next Time,

(And no, I do not believe Obama and Osama are in cahoots).

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