Tuesday, December 22, 2009


First off, Merry Christmas to one and all, we hope and pray you have a safe and happy holiday. Today’s newsletter is a bit long, with lots of information and links (Copy and Paste links into browser), so please bear with it.
Since the TARP bill of the previous administration I had been saying “We need another Tea Party!” I never thought when I started “The next ‘Tea Party’” last February on facebook that the response would be so great. I started the site to discuss issues with my friends and it soon grew into what it is today with 3 groups, separate, yet linked in spirit and purpose (The New American TEA PARTY, Southern California; American Tea Party So Cal; and The People of Liberty.com). I want to personally thank each of you for making this happen. Your support is greatly appreciated.

I know at times Rodney and I have sounded a bit…well… pushy, but it is for a good reason, the future of our children. Those who are suppose to have our best interest in mind have instead done everything in their power to destroy that which our founding fathers gave us. Rodney and I will not let this happen without a fight as I know many of you will not either. So much taxpayer money has been spent in the last year it’s hard to keep track of it all. It has been spent on “Pork Barrel” projects, given to Banks, Wall Street Corporations, Labor Unions, Car Companies, Government Officials, Other Countries, “Cash for Clunkers”, Advertisements for Bills that spend more money, Travel, Vacations, Parties, and Bribes to pass Bills that spend more money. If you aren’t P.O.’d you are not paying attention. This money comes from US!
Earlier this year we put out the “Politician Report Card”, when I began researching the money being spent on “Pork” I couldn’t believe how much money was being wasted even as many Americans were losing their jobs and having to cut back: http://www.cagw.org/reports/pig-book/2009/ (much more has occurred since). The millions of “Tea Party Patriots” asked the Politicians to “STOP THE SPENDING”! They answered with Sen. Schumer stating that we (the “chattering class”) don’t care about the “Pork”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac1oqUwzkNk .
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h1enr.txt.pdf to ”Bail Out Main Street” (Intro to the bill: Making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes) did nothing but bail out those “Too Big To Fail” using Main Street’s money (is Main Street too small to succeed?)! The Patriots took to the streets demanding the politicians to “STOP THE SPENDING”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9mE2OzR_Qg ! The Politicians responded on March 11, 2009 with The Omnibus Bill: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h1105enr.txt.pdf , containing 9,287 pieces of “Pork” adding almost $13,000,000,000 to the bill: http://www.heritage.org/Research/Budget/upload/porktable.html

On May 15th the House brought us the “Waxman / Markey Bill” (The American Energy and Security Act of 2009): http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h2454pcs.txt.pdf . A Global Warming bill that would tax every single American from now until forever more based on “junk science”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIht61wdvkw.

During the week of June 15th, 2009 millions of Americans all over the country took to the streets to say to the Politicians once again; “STOP THE SPENDING”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOYigvAHyqY! The Politicians and the Main Stream Media ignored us or called us “Angry Mobs”, “Racists”, “Angry White Men”, “Tea-Baggers” and “Haters” (WARNING!!! Graphic Language):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAAHMDpk7Ik . I thought dissent was the greatest form of Patriotism, right Hillary:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0 ? They even sent Homeland Security after us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R_d6fowB4g and the President belittled us stating we were “playing games”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPBqyQjTNqQ . Regardless, our movement grew by leaps and bounds, no central organization, no one leader, truly a “Grass Roots” movement, not “astro-turf” as Madame Pelosi stated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P44q7Jt68DA .

After June 15th, the Politicians brought out Health Care Bill after Health Care Bill. The House passed the “Cap and Trade” (Waxman/ Markey) Bill on June 26th. On July 4th, once again, the “Patriots” showed up en masse to tell the Politicians “STOP THE SPENDING”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtUILUTTQg !!! We even invited those who didn’t like us to see what we were about:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC9X5moico4 . Still, the Politicians moved forward with their agenda as if we did not exist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOHe3I4feuE (this was in regards to the Tax Day Parties, but they still tried to say we didn’t exist).

The Politicians, thinking they could “Rein in” their constituencies, began Town Hall meetings to sell the Administration’s Health Care Bill and a fire storm erupted. Everyday Americans, the seniors, the “Silent Majority”, and many others stood up to be heard for the first time making excellent points: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y98HxYbsdBM . It was very passionate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6DXj63B-sE . We were angry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS9gbMqIBxs (excellent Reagan comments at the end of video). What did the Politicians do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L3FnWNkIzU , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEak3jBP7iY Seriously? This was the “Summer of our Discontent” and the Health care Bill was stalled thanks to all of us.

The Obama Administration wanted the Health Care Bill passed by August, then by Labor Day, then Halloween, Thanksgiving, by Christmas Eve, but now it appears it won’t get through the House until next month however, the Senate had to bribe certain Senators to get their vote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHBcSPUPPvc , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO0MFkFpVJg . The mere fact that a Senator’s vote would even be considered for sale is appalling to all true Americans.

President Obama flew to Copenhagen for the Cop 15 (http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/un-fccc-copenhagen-2009.pdf ) summit to try and get a Universal agreement on Global Warming even though it is coming out that it is the biggest hoax of all time by the CRU e-mails: http://junkscience.com/FOIA/mail/ , and over 30,000 scientists suing Al Gore over the whole thing: http://www.petitionproject.org/index.php . Prior to President Obama’s visit, Hillary Clinton promised $100,000,000,000 a year to the cause: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2009/12/17/2009-12-17_us_will_contribute_to_100b_climate_fund_for_developing_countries_hillary_clinton.html , where do you think that money’s coming from? Good news is there was no agreement reached.

Folks, I know the battle seems long and futile at times, but we are making waves, we are causing delays, we do have some of these Politicians worried about losing their power. “The price of Freedom isn’t free”, I know you’ve all heard that saying, It usually applies to our brave Military Veterans; I am going to apply it to all Americans (no disrespect guys) because we need to remain vigilant here at home so that Liberty and Freedom exist for the troops when they return and for the future Americans. Many of us take for granted the Freedom we have, we’ve become so complacent we would prefer to lie around watching sports and let someone else deal with the problem. Guess what, FREEDOM ISN’T FREE!!! Our founding fathers told us that “Vigilance is the price of Freedom”.

I have not received any money for my efforts nor do I want any (never thought I’d say I didn’t want money, lol). I have met many other organizers and many wonderful folks who share my concerns and guess what, most of them have not received a dime either. We all just want our freedom and to let our children experience that same freedom. So why is it our “Representatives” don’t listen to us? They appear to be too interested in their own agendas and what the lobbyists can do for them. Come the 2010 elections I want you to remain vigilant and stay informed. Once we remove those that need to go (all the incumbents), we must demand term limits on all Politicians, but that’s another fight for another day.

Please enjoy your Christmas and have a Happy New Year. We will be continually updating our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com to keep you informed and up to date on the important issues.

Here are some funny videos to lighten things up:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEiLgbBGKVk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpQXY4tWaoI


Saturday, December 19, 2009

“Ground Hog Day”, In December

Angry yet. Same old crap, out of control government spending. I’m not sure what it will take to get your attention, but check this out. It looks like our House of Representatives are at it again. They have passed a 174 billion dollar JOBS PLAN. Wasn’t it not that long ago that we were told that jobs are on the way. That millions of Americans would be put back to work. Billions of our dollars were spent for this to become a reality. I don’t know where these jobs are, but I do know unemployment is above 10%. Now, as far as the House of Representatives is concerned, they propose to take 174 billion dollars more from us, for the same promise that was made earlier this year. I wonder what happened to that money… our money. I feel like I’m in the movie “Ground Hog Day”

Unfortunately, a large portion of the House Bill is for infrastructure and government projects. But infrastructure spending is notoriously slow to spend out as projects need to be planned and can require a lengthy contracting process. Most of the so called shovel ready projects have already been founded, according to the Congressional Budget Office, less than half of the 39 billion in the measure for Transportation and Housing projects would be spent over the next decade, with just 1.7 billion being spent through next September. Honestly, I wouldn’t be too upset if this bill would guarantee millions of Americans being put back to work of some kind within the next year or so. But I know that’s not the case. Now, what I’m about to say may rub some folks the wrong way but I’m going to say it anyway. The bill also allows poor people with little to no income to claim a $1000 per child tax credit. Sounds like a welfare payment to 16 million families. I wonder how many of these families are thinking, hell, we can sit here and do nothing and get a thousand bucks from the taxpayers. Bless you, President Obama. Now please, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure that there are those that lost jobs and have paid into the system. So yes, you would deserve the credit. For others, I don’t know why I would be paying for you to sit on your butt and do nothing, and for you to have the audacity to think you deserve it. We have Politicians to do that.

There is a silver lining to this. The Senate is not scheduled to begin debate on their version of this bill until next year. So, this House version is not law. The Senate still has to deal with the Health Care bill and it’ Hopefully, this goes into next year. Remember 2010 is an election year for many in the House and Senate. Incumbents are becoming reluctant to keep adding to the deficit. We are making a difference. I hope that it will be enough, but the fight must go on. Don’t become discouraged, get angry.

Check out our website www.peopleofliberty.com see how your elected officials have voted. Look at the armory section to arm yourself with knowledge. If our elected officials are not doing what we pay them for, then lets fire them.

I want all of you to be safe, be happy and have a wonderful, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Time For Action

Well it appears that our politicians are going to do what they please and pass the Healthcare Bill regardless of it being Unconstitutional. It appears that Cap and Trade will most likely be shoved down our throats also, even if they have to use the E.P.A. to do the dirty work (also Unconstitutional). I know many people have lost heart and feel helpless about the situation we now find ourselves in and I completely understand your frustration. We know the Healthcare Bill is going to put a tax burden on every American from this day forward that will diminish our way of life, not to mention our health. We know Cap and Trade is based on “Theory” and faulty data at a minimum and is an outright scam at worst, yet our President has stated he plans on America taking a leading role in the Copenhagen COP 15 agreement which will cost at a minimum $145,000,000,000,000 (yes, that’s $145 Trillion). We know the whole world is having financial difficulties and still they plan on passing these climate change bills without debate. The EPA actually just made the air you exhale a dangerous gas!!!
Rodney and I see where this is going and I hope you do too. What do you plan to do about it? I know most of us were members of the silent majority but why are some of you silent now? This is not the time for silence; it is a time for action! Just agreeing with those you listen to is not enough. Stand up for what you believe; debate those around you. Our politicians do not have our best interests in mind and you will find that many you thought would disagree with you actually do agree. The more people who awaken to the schemes of the “Political Elite”, the sooner we can stop them! If we do not stop them now we can vote them out and try to overturn the damage they are causing. The battle is not over until you tell yourself you are defeated. We are the people the founding fathers spoke of. We are the only ones who can bring America back to her glory or do you believe the politicians are going to do this for you?
I want all of you to know that on our website; http://www.ThePeopleofliberty.com we have links to the bills, we have links to the CRU e-mails (Climate-Gate), we have videos for all ages, we have the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, dates and times to “Tea-Parties” all across America, and a link to our blog that has our weekly newsletter and polls. I would like all of you to go there and get caught up to date with what’s going on or just let your kids read our founding documents. Tell all your friends and families about it also so they can get informed also.
Once again, this is a time for action!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Remain Vigilant!

While enjoying the holiday season, I implore each of you to remain vigilant. Do not think that while we are all in the festive mood, politicians won’t try to take advantage of it. The Senate has begun the debate on their version of the Healthcare bill. Senate Majority leaders say they are still confident of getting a bill passed before the holiday break. A bill, which if passed, will not make any of us merry and bright. Remember, the cost estimates you hear are only estimates. There is no way of knowing the true cost of the Healthcare bill, until details are released. I’ll bet one of my Christmas gifts that these details won’t be released until right before any vote, or perhaps even afterwards. Whoa… I just had a V8 moment. You remember those commercials where people suddenly realized something profound, and slapped themselves in the head? It just struck me. If the Healthcare bill does pass, I believe it would become effective in 2013. I’ll bet your sweet butt, we will be taxed and begin paying for this in 2010. Damn, we start paying for something now, that we won’t have for another 3 years.

Let me put it another way. You go into a car dealership. You like the car you have but the government mandates you buy another one or face a huge fine. You go through all the paperwork and financing, once again because the government says you will. Your first installment will be due in 30 days. You pay these installments for three years, then you come back and pick up your car, all while your payments continue to increase until who knows when. It doesn’t make sense. Lets get this bill stopped in the Senate, or we’ll have to start making those payments.

Hey, what about the news from this past week. No, not Tiger Woods (use the blogs). I’m talking about the global warming scam, WOW! If true, it just goes to show that a theory is not a fact. I’m not going to be one of the guys who proclaim, “I told you so.” I do want to focus on the fact that there was so much money changing hands based on theories that might or might not be sound. Once again, there was an elite group of individuals and politicians who made a financial killing. Even with all of this information coming out, Politicians will continue to try to force Cap & Trade through for a vote. They can’t admit to being wrong. There’s too much money riding on this, our money. People, we must become more knowledgeable. We need to ask questions and demand answers before our money melts and goes away, like they would have us believe about those icebergs in the arctic. Visit us on our website thepeopleofliberty.com Tell Mike and I what you think of this global warming scam and Healthcare mess.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

"We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us."
Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congressional Celebration

On Nov. 18th, congress celebrated as Robert Byrd became the one man in history to have served in congress for almost 57 years and all I can say is, WOW! I find this truly incredible. I mean think about it, really. Look at just a couple of the greatest Americans of all time:

George Washington for instance was a member of the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1783 and most of that he wasn’t even there (he was on the battle field fighting in the American Revolution). He returned in 1784 to the Constitutional Convention where he was elected (unanimously) president of the convention. In 1789 he became the President of the United States, an office he was reluctantly elected to for a second term and refused for a third term. He retired his Presidency in 1797. Overall, he only served 22 years with 8 of those as President and a good portion on the battle field.

Thomas Jefferson was a delegate for Virginia to the Second Continental Congress in 1775 where he wrote the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, Jefferson was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates until he became Governor of Virginia from 1779 to 1781. Jefferson was then appointed to congress in1783 leaving in 1784 when he was elected Minister Plenipotentiary (Ambassador). The following year, 1785, he became Minister to France until 1789. Under George Washington, Jefferson served as Secretary of State from 1790 to 1793 when he retired to Monticello only to return as Vice President from 1797 to 1801. Thomas Jefferson became the third President in 1801 serving two terms to 1809. So Jefferson, in some 26 years as a public servant, spent only 5 years as a member of congress or as a delegate, 4 years as a diplomat, 4 years as a Vice President, 3 years as Secretary of State, 2 years as Governor of Virginia, and of course the 8 years as President.

Only by comparing these two great Americans to Robert Byrd can we see what an accomplishment he has achieved. I mean look at Mr. Byrd’s 57-year career in Congress compared to the 48 combined years of Washington and Jefferson. And if you only look at Congressional time, well, Washington only has 9 years and Jefferson only 5 (not including his V.P. time). Perhaps what they said will be a better comparison.

On Government

G.W. - “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

T.J. - “Power is not alluring to pure minds.” “Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on office, a rottenness begins in his conduct.”

R.B. - I didn’t really find anything quotable but, he does have the nice title of “The King of Pork”. Another interesting side note, he complained extensively about George W. Bush’s spending but, has voted for all of Barack Obama’s spending.

On Slavery and “Negroes”

G.W. – “I can only say that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery.”

T.J. – In the Northwest Ordinance Jefferson stipulated; “There shall be neither slavery not involuntary servitude” in any new state and signed a bill abolishing the slave trade in 1807.

R.B. – Joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 and was elected, unanimously, “Exalted Cyclops” (lol, does that mean he only had one eyehole in his sheet?). He is quoted thusly:
“I shall never fight in the Armed Forces with a negro by my side…Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” This 9 term Senator personally filibustered the Civil Rights act of 1964 for 14 hours during the Democrats 83 day filibuster of the bill (and they say the Conservatives are the racists?).*

Do you see a difference Folks? Here is the problem, we need term limits on these jerks so none of them can serve more than two terms in any office, Career Politicians Must GO!!! They are in no way better than our founding fathers and should not be treated as such.
From the recent bills pushed through as “Urgent” to the “Health-Care”, and “Cap and Trade” bills, does it appear that these idiots have the interests of the American People in mind? I am at a point where I am ready to vote all of the incumbents out of office. My Rep., who I like, is still spending taxpayer money despite his “Conservative” label. Folks, please pay attention, otherwise another Byrd may roost for over half of a century in the Congress.

*Robert Byrd did apologize about his affiliation with the KKK prior to his election. He has stated he does not believe what he said and wrote while in the “Klan” but, he is a politician.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Small Victory

It has been a most interesting week. One that the House of Representatives, hopes to end by passing its version of the Health Care Bill. Never mind that there were 20+ thousand people on their front steps, protesting the passage of this impending bill. A majority of the House of Representatives still have the audacity to believe (or at least say that) they are passing this bill “for the millions of uninsured Americans”. Unfortunately we know this will not be the case. Actually, most studies I’ve seen and heard say the exact opposite. These studies show that very few of the uninsured Americans now, would be covered.

It looks like it may take a bit longer for a bill to get through the Senate though. Senate leaders have said they doubt they could get a bill voted on by year’s end; which means it will spill over into the New Year. Folks, this is a positive development for us. 2010 is guess what? An election year for many in both the House and Senate. Mike and I have said numerous times, that the one thing politicians fear is not getting reelected. An election is what gives we, the people our power back. Look at what happened this past Tuesday. When the States of Virginia and New Jersey, booted their incumbent Governors to the curb. My feeling on it is that the people have fired a warning shot across the politicians bow. I hope this warning shot gives all politicians a moment to pause. We must remind our elected officials that they work for us. To remind them that they are not accountable to the lobbyists, but to their constituents. Don’t think that all of the tea parties and protests have fallen on deaf ears, as some would have you believe. Any politician, especially one up for reelection in 2010, will now have a choice to make. Either listen to the people and don’t vote for this bill, or walk the plank. The longer the Health Care Bill being debated in the Senate goes into 2010, I think the better chance to defeat it. With our overwhelming voice, constantly telling our officials to stop the spending and kill this bill, we the people will have achieved a small victory.

Did you notice I said small victory? Do not entertain the thought that it is all over. We still must remain vigilant because more crap will be on the way. Cap and Trade is not dead and gone, illegal immigration is simmering and about to blow. Spending is still out of control and Health Care reform will still be around for the foreseeable future. We have much work yet to be done. With 2010 being an election year, we must strike while the iron’s hot. I think term limit’s are in order, across the board. One or two terms max, then you’re ineligible to hold the same public office again. What do you think? Join us at thepeopleofliberty.com. Check out and participate in the blogs, some of you have great ideas but what good is it if you don’t pass it along. Also check out the Armory section, where you will find information to arm yourselves with.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monster Hunters Needed

* ALERT* This is an emergency bulletin from Monster Hunters Inc. *ALERT*

Your help is urgently needed; Vampire Politicians are sucking the life out of Mr. Freemarket Capitalism, Mrs. America, as well as Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer. The Wicked Witch of the West Coast and The Harry beast from Nevada are leading these Vampire Politicians. It is said that they are taking bits and pieces of Bill’s and putting them together forming a terrible Frankenstein Monster Bill. This Monster will undoubtedly attack the same victims as the Vampire Politicians. THEY MUST BE DEFEATED! WE MUST SAVE Mr. Capitalism, Mrs. America, and The Taxpayers! How, you may ask? We must look to the ghosts of our past to defeat these ghouls of the present. The Ghosts of Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, Paine, Henry, and Franklin are whom we must turn to. Their words, their thoughts, their ideas are the stakes we need to defeat the Vampire Politicians, likewise the fire of Freedom is what we need to destroy the Monster. As far as The Wicked Witch and The Harry beast…We only need common sense and VOTE THE BUMS OUT!!!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Be nothing less than more than Grand.

A friend and I were talking the other day about the possibilities that may come to pass if the politicians get their way. Some questions that came up were what will we tell our children once they grow and find themselves indentured servants to the government? What will we tell them when they ask what did we do to try and stop it from happening? Why didn’t we try harder? Will our children know the Freedom that we knew? Then we looked at each other and asked “How do we get people to listen and take action?” One thing I learned awhile ago (a bit late for me, but that’s another story) was that if you try to control that which you cannot you will be angry and miserable as long as you believe you have the control. When I tell people this they think I am a hypocrite because they believe I am trying to control The President, The Congress, The politicians, I may be a hypocrite in other parts of my life (I really don’t exercise as much as I tell others to exercise) but not here. I am not trying to control that which I can’t, I have the freedom of speech to voice my opinion, I have a vote in how things get done, and who is elected, as do YOU! We all believe the Politicians are corrupt yet; we shrug our shoulders, plug our nose, and vote for the lesser of two evils each time, WHY?
It appears to me that most people are happy as long as they have a job, an SUV, Costco, Soccer practice for the kids, and Football on Sundays; “all is good, leave me alone.” Many of you don’t really follow politics unless it’s an issue close to you. I receive e-mail from some of you ranging from amendments under assault to Islam to “Gore-bull Warming”, and there are a lot of issues out there at this moment in history and, we should be concerned with all of them. What we don’t seem to understand is that the far-left politicians believe they have a sort of “Perfect Storm” for getting through their wish list of the last 40 years pushed through no matter what. It seems they are at a point where they are going to try to pass everything at once and if we pay attention to one thing, let’s say the Health-Care bill; they believe the Cap and Tax bill or the Copenhagen Treaty, for instance, will pass unnoticed. These people are extremely smart and they believe we are very stupid and extremely lazy, like many who voted for them believing they would get handouts and never have to worry about “putting gas in their car or their house payment anymore”.
I am not William Wallace of “Brave Heart” fame; I am not the “Great Orator” Ronald Reagan; and thank God I am not Barack Obama however I believe some of you may need some inspiration from time to time. The following is a poem from my first book “Poems of the Errant Knight”;

Apathy’s Child

A life of wasted chances,
Excuses and passing glances,
From now until forevermore,
Wasted time, oh nevermore.

Can you feel the fire, that burning need,
Full of desire for daring deed?
Life calls, will you heed?

There you sit, Apathy’s child,
Deafened to the call of the wild.
Why do you refuse to be great?
To truly live why do you wait?

Can you feel the fire, that burning need,
Full of desire for daring deed?
Life calls, will you heed?

It’s your life, take a stand.
Be nothing less than more than grand.
Strive to be the best at what you do.
It’s your life, it depends on you.

Can you feel the fire, that burning need,
Full of desire for daring deed?
Life calls, will you heed?

People, the pressure is working, many who would have voted for the Health-Care bill are now not going to vote for it because of our combined voices, now is not the time to shirk your RESPONSIBILITY of VIGILANCE!!! I have posted the Health-Care bill and the Copenhagen Treaty on our website www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the Armory section and also on the Facebook site. I know reading them is a real pain in the arse but, what is your children or grandchildren’s future worth? Shouldn’t you know what is in the bill’s your Representatives or your President are about to make law so you can enlighten others? What answers will you give to your kids when they ask those questions bantered about by Rodney and me? “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This is your first step, Let the politicians know who’s in charge, YOU!
“History does not wait for the timid or the indifferent; history is for those daring enough to make it.”~ M.M.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Fellow Americans

My fellow Americans, I am no politician (thank God), I am but a simple man. I have no PhD or Law degree however, I am an outstanding student of life (reality) and I expect to graduate with top honors. I have studied Theology, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Political Science, Military Theory, Current Affairs, and many other disciplines.
I am writing today as I am very disturbed at the apathy and out-right naïveté of some of us here in America. There are a great many of us that seem to view things as left or right, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, this my friends is extremely dangerous. Yes, it is no secret that I am a conservative, this will not change however, my complaints lie with my party as well. Both parties are guilty for the position we find ourselves in today.Many of you, I know, are upset about the financial situation America finds herself in today. Those of you on the left, blame President Bush (for damn near everything) for the financial collapse. Those of you on the right blame Congress and former President’s Clinton and Carter for the financial chaos. The thing is you both are correct but, you fail to see the common denominator; they’re POLITICIANS!
The reason politicians throw money around like it wasn’t theirs is because IT’S NOT, IT’S OUR MONEY!!! I know for a fact that there are things that the politicians are paying for that neither those of you on the left nor those of you on the right would ever imagine paying for: bailing out banks, car companies, mortgage lenders, etc. I know those of the conservative ilk abhor paying for abortions and liberal arts programs, as much as those with a progressive slant can’t stand paying for weapons and military projects. Both sides are getting screwed here but we blame each other instead of taking care of the real issue, Politicians!
Like quarreling siblings, we have called each other names and fought like step-brothers. We have attacked each other relentlessly, especially as of late. Let me tell you, I have got so angry at times with the rhetoric from those of you on the left I had to resort to name-calling right back. I am not a racist, Nazi, Fascist, bigot anymore than you are a baby killing, God-less, America-hating, elitist. This stuff gets us nowhere and actually cripples our ability to focus on the real problems, Politicians.

Our founding fathers (the old dead white guys) created this country so that the people would have control of the government, not the other way around. Who let this happen? What the hell can we do? Where did we go wrong? When did we lose control? How can we change it back to what it was meant to be? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves. I am hoping this is not just a conservative way of thinking and that it is an American way of thinking.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

History Does not Wait

To The People of Liberty,

We are in a time of historic significance not because we have elected our first black president but because we have allowed those, our forefathers fought to give us power over, to wrest from us our heritage as well as our future. We have essentially given up our inheritance of liberty for submission to a small elite. We have ignored the warnings from our past and now find ourselves in a situation most dire.
The wise men who founded our great nation have been reduced to rouges and liars by those who wish to govern us. We are told that their words now hold no meaning, that we have “Progressed” far beyond the dreams of our founders, yet one need only look at where we are to see the progress they speak of has been tried before and failed. If we look at the words of those old wise men, we find, more often than not, that they ring truer than ever before.
”The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought,” Samuel Adams spoke these words over 200 years ago and the last line of it makes me wonder if we defended it as we ought?
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson wrote these words over 200 years ago, do you see anything that sparks a thought?
Our current body politic has passed the largest spending bills in history. They have given themselves money from the public coffers in the form of “Pork Barrel” projects and pay raises while trying to dig even deeper into the people’s pockets. Thomas Jefferson appears to have been very correct on this issue.
The dreams of our fathers are dying, America is dying, and our very way of life is dying. Where do you stand? Where do your friends and family stand? What do you plan to do?

“History does not wait for the timid or the indifferent; history is for those daring enough to make it.”~ M.M.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Politician Report Card

Politician Report Card
Grades are based on voting records for The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (TARP / H.R. 1424) , The 2009 Stimulus Bill (H.R. 1), Omnibus Bill (H.R. 1105), Took Pay Raises (none spoke out against it), and “Pork Barrel” projects. An “A” grade denotes that the politician did not vote for any of these or introduce any “Pork” into any bills. A “B” grade indicates that the politician voted for one of the aforementioned or added “Pork” to a bill that was wasteful with our tax dollars. A “C” means the politician voted for 2 of the above or added a “Pork Barrel” project and voted for 1 of the above. A “D” grade is a combination of 3 yeas on the bills and / or “Pork”. Moreover, an “F” requires a combination of 4 of the items. If the politician has voted yea on all 4 bills and added “Pork” they receive a special grade of “VTBO”, meaning Vote The Bum Out! An “I” grade means incomplete do to being voted in/out or no record on a vote.I have intentionally left out the political party identifiers because that is not the point of this report. The point of this report is to let you know who is selling out our children’s future so you may vote them out of office.

Sessions - D
Shelby – VTBO (Was at a “C” but, due to extensive “Pork” received this grade.)
Arthur Davis -F
Robert Aderholt - B
Bobby Bright – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Parker Griffith – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Mike Rogers - D
Bud Cramer – I (Voted YEA on TARP)
Terry Everett, - I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”)

Murkowski - VTBO
Stevens – I (Voted out in 2008, voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”)
Begich – D (Has earned this grade without a vote on TARP, not in Senate at that time)
Don Young – C

Kyl - C
McCain – C
Ed Pastor - VTBO
Rick Renzi – I (Voted NAY on TARP)
Ann Kirkpatrick -D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])

Lincoln - F
Pryor – F
Mike Ross – F
Vic Snyder – F

Boxer - VTBO
Feinstein – VTBO
Mary Bono-Mack - F
John Campbell – D (Did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as a YEA vote)
Lois Capps - VTBO
Sam Farr - VTBO
Mike Honda - VTBO
Tom McClintock – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Gary Miller – D (Did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as a YEA vote)
Hilda Solis – I (Voted YEA on TARP and Stimulus, became Sec. of Labor)
Henry Waxman – F (I believe this man deserves the VTBO grade however, within the parameters of this grading system he received an F.)
John Doolittle – I (Voted Nay on TARP)
Pete Stark – D (Did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as a YEA vote)

Allard – I (Voted out in 2008, voted YEA on TARP)
Salazar – I (Voted out in 2008, voted YEA on TARP)
Bennet - D (Has earned this grade without a vote on TARP, not in Senate at that time)
Udall - D (Has earned this grade without a vote on TARP, not in Senate at that time)
Tom Tancredo – I (Voted YEA on TARP)
Marilyn Musgrave – I (Voted NAY on TARP)
Mark Udall – I (Voted NAY on TARP)
Betsy Markey - D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Jared Polis – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Michael Coffman – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Dodd - F
Lieberman – F
Rosa DeLauro – VTBO (Massive additions of “Pork”, YEA votes on all.)
Christopher Shays – I (Voted YEA on TARP)
James Himes – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office])
Biden – I (Became Vice President and was behind all of the bills since voting YEA on TARP, and added “Pork”. Would have received a “VTBO” grade.)
Carper - VTBO
Kaufman - D (Has earned this grade without a vote on TARP, not in Senate at that time.)

Martinez – C
Nelson – D
Alan Grayson – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Susan Kosmas – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Tim Mahoney – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Kendrick Meek - FBill Posey – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Thomas Rooney – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Dave Weldon – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Ginny Brown-Waite – D (Did not vote on the Stimulus bill, counts as a YEA vote.)
Tom Feeney – I (Voted NAY on TARP)
Ric Keller – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Bill Young – C (Had a grade of B but, added “Pork”.)
Chambliss – C
Isakson – C
Akaka – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added massive amount of “Pork”.)
Inouye – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added massive amount of “Pork”.)
Neil Abercrombie – VTBO (Massive “Pork” added, voted YEA on all bills.)
Mazie Hirono – VTBO (Massive “Pork” added, voted YEA on all bills.)
Craig – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Crapo - B
Risch – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Bill Sali – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Walt Minnick - B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Durbin – F
Obama – I (Voted YEA on TARP, became President, initiated and/or supported all bills, would have received a VTBO grade.)
Burris – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Rahm Emanuel – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added lots of “Pork”, would have received an F grade excluding votes on Stimulus and Omnibus bills, I am almost certain he would have received a VTBO grade if he were not made W.H. Chief of Staff.)
Deborah Halvorson – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Ray LaHood – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Bobby Rush – F (Did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as a YEA vote.)
Aaron Schock – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Jerry Weller – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Tim Johnson – C (Had a B grade but, added “Pork”.)
Bayh – D
Lugar – C
Peter Visclosky – VTBO (Massive “Pork” added, voted YEA on all bills except TARP.)
Grassley – F (Voted Nay on Stimulus and Omnibus bills but, added enough “Pork” to receive an F.)
Harkin – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills and added lots of “Pork”.)
Brownback – C (Had a B but added “Pork”.)
Roberts – C (Had a B but, added “Pork”.)
Nancy Boyda – I (Voted no on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Jerry Moran – C (Had a B but added “Pork”.)
Lynn Jenkins – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Bunning – C (Had a B grade but added “Pork”.)
McConnell –VTBO (Had a C grade voted YEA only on TARP, added massive amounts of “Pork”.)
Ron Lewis – I (Voted YEA on TARP bill.)
Brett Guthrie – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Landrieu – VTBO (Voted no on TARP bill, added lots of “Pork”.)
Vitter – B
Anh Cao – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Bill Cassidy – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office]. Did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as a YEA vote.)
John Fleming – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Jim McCrery – I (Voted YEA on TARP bill.)
Donald Cazayoux – I (Voted NAY on TARP bill.)
William Jefferson – I (Voted NAY on TARP bill, added “Pork”.)
Steve Scalise – B
Collins – VTBO (Voted no on Omnibus but would have received a VTBO grade on “Pork” alone.)
Snowe – VTBO (Would have received a VTBO grade on “Pork” alone, voted YEA on all bills.)
Thomas Allen – I (Voted YEA on TARP bill, would have had a VTBO grade in “Pork” alone.)
Michael Michaud – VTBO (Voted NAY on TARP bill, would have had a VTBO grade in “Pork” alone.)
Chellie Pingree – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Cardin – F
Mikulski – VTBO
Elijah Cummings – F
Donna Edwards – F
Wayne Gilchrest - I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Steny Hoyer – F
Dutch Ruppersberger – F
John Sarbanes – F
Chris Van Hollen – F
Roscoe Bartlett – B
Frank Kratovi – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Kennedy – I (Do to health reasons he did not vote on TARP or the Omnibus bills however, as a career politician with an extensive record of voting it is almost a certainty he would have voted YEA on all the bills. I believe as a career politician this man is a grave threat to the future of our children and should receive a VTBO grade but to be fair, under our guidelines here he received an I.)
Kerry – VTBO
Michael Capuano – F
Barney Frank – F (Did not vote on the Omnibus bill, counts as a YEA vote. Do to scandals and extensive damage already committed by this man he should have received a VTBO grade but under our guidelines he received an F.)
Edward Markey – F
James McGovern – F
Richard Neal – F
John Olver – VTBO (Added extensive “Pork”.)
John Tierney – F
Niki Tsongas – F
William Delahunt – D
Stephen Lynch – F

Levin –VTBO (Added extensive “Pork”.)
Stabenow – F
Dave Camp – D
John Dingell – F
Vernon Ehlers – C
Peter Hoekstra – C
Dale Kildee – F
Carolyn Kilpatrick – VTBO (Added extensive “Pork”.)
Joe Knollenberg – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Sander Levin – F
Fred Upton – D
John Conyers – D
Thad McCotter – B
Candice Miller – C
Mike Rogers – B
Bart Stupak – D
Timothy Walberg – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Gary Peters – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Mark Schauer – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Coleman – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added extensive “Pork”.)
Klobucher – VTBO
Keith Ellison – VTBO
John Kline – C
Betty McCollum – F
James Oberstar – F
Jim Ramstad –- I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Michele Bachmann – B
Collin Peterson – C (Had a B grade but added “Pork”.)
Timothy Walz – D
Erik Paulson – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Cochran – VTBO (Despite NAY votes on TARP and Stimulus bills, had far more than enough “Pork” alone to receive a VTBO grade.)
Wicker – F (Despite NAY votes on TARP and Stimulus bills, had enough “Pork to receive an F grade.)
Chip Pickering – I (Voted YEA on TARP and added “Pork”.)
Travis Childers – C
Gene Taylor – B
Bennie Thompson – D
Gregg Harper – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Bond – F
McCaskill – D
Roy Blunt – C
Russ Carnahan – F
Emanuel Cleaver – F
Jo Ann Emerson – D
Ike Skelton – VTBO
Todd Akin – B
William Clay – D
Sam Graves – B
Kenny Hulshof – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Blaine Luetkemeyer – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Baucus – VTBO
Tester – F
Dennis Rehberg – C

Hagel – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Nelson – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills and added extensive “Pork”.)
Johanns – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office], did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as YEA vote.)
Lee Terry - C
Jeff Fortenberry – B
Adrian Smith – C (Had a B grade but added “Pork”.)

Ensign – C
Reid – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills and could have received a VTBO grade on “Pork” alone.)
Shelley Berkley – F
Jon Porter – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Dean Heller – B
Dina Titus – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

New Hampshire
Gregg – VTBO (Voted YEA on TARP bill, did not vote on Stimulus bill, counts as a YEA vote, added “Pork”.)
Sununu – I (Voted YEA on TARP bill.)
Shaheen – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Paul Hodes – F
Carol Shea-Porter – F

New Jersey
Lautenberg – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Menendez – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Robert Andrews – F
Mike Ferguson – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Rodney Frelinghuysen – F (Had a C grade but added “Pork”.)
Rush Holt – F
Frank Pallone – F
Bill Pascrell – F
Jim Saxton – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Albio Sires – F
Scott Garrett – B
Frank LoBiondo – C
Donald Payne – F
Steven Rothman – D
Christopher Smith – B
John Adler – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Leonard Lance – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

New Mexico
Bingaman – VTBO
Domenici – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Udall – VTBO
Heather Wilson – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Stevan Pearce – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Tom Udall – I (Voted NAY on TARP, became Senator.)
Martin Heinrich – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Ben Lujan – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Harry Teague – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

New York
Clinton - I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork” before becoming Sec. of State.)
Schumer – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills and added enough “Pork” to garner a second grade of VTBO [no wonder he tried convincing everyone “The American people don’t care about the “Pork…”].)
Gillibrand – F (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Gary Ackerman – F
Michael Arcuri – VTBO
Timothy Bishop – VTBO
Yvette Clarke – F
Joseph Crowley – F
Eliot Engel – F
Vito Fossella - I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
John Hall – F
Brian Higgins – F
Steve Israel – F
Peter King – C
Randy Kuhl – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Nita Lowey – F
Carolyn Maloney – F
Carolyn McCarthy – F
John McHugh – D
Michael McNulty – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Gregory Meeks – F
Jerrold Nadler – F
Charles Rangel – VTBO
Thomas Reynolds - I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Louise Slaughter – VTBO
Edolphus Towns – F
Nydia Velazquez – VTBO
James Walsh - I (Voted YEA on TARP, added extensive “Pork.)
Anthony Weiner – F
Kirsten Gillibrand – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Maurice Hinchey – F
Jose Serrano – F
Christopher Lee – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Maurice Hinchey – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Daniel Maffei – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Eric Massa – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Michael McMahon – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Paul Tonko – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

North Carolina
Burr – C
Dole – I (Voted NAY on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Hagan – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Howard Coble – C
Bob Etheridge – F
Brad Miller – F
Sue Myrick – C
David Price – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Melvin Watt – F
G.K. Butterfield – D
Virginia Foxx – B
Robin Hayes – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Walter Jones – B
Patrick McHenry – B
Mike McIntyre – F
Heath Shuler – C
Larry Kissell – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

North Dakota
Conrad – VTBO
Dorgan – VTBO
Earl Pomeroy – F

Brown – F
Voinovich – D
John Boehner – C
David Hobson – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Deborah Pryce – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Ralph Regula – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Tim Ryan – VTBO
Jean Schmidt - C
Zachary Space – F
Betty Sutton – F
Pat Tiberi – C
Charles Wilson – F
Steve Chabot – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Jim Jordan – B
Marcy Kaptur – F
Dennis Kucinich – D
Steven LaTourette – B
Robert Latta – B
Michael Turner – B
John Boccieri – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Steve Driehaus – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Marcia Fudge – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Mary Jo Kilroy – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Steve Austria – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Coburn – C
Inhofe – B
Dan Boren – F
Tom Cole – C
Mary Fallin – C
John Sullivan – C
Frank Lucas – B

Smith – I (Voted YEA on TARP, added “Pork”.)
Wyden – F
Merkley – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Darlene Hooley – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Greg Walden – C
David Wu – F
Earl Blumenauer – D
Peter DeFazio – D
Kurt Schrader – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Casey – F
Specter – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills and added enough “Pork” to garner a second grade of VTBO.)
Robert Brady – F
Charles Dent – D
Michael Doyle – VTBO
Chaka Fattah – F
Jim Gerlach – D
Paul Kanjorski – D
Patrick Murphy – F
John Murtha – VTBO
John Peterson – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Allyson Schwartz – F
Joe Sestak – F
Bill Shuster – C
Jason Altmire – F
Christopher Carney – D
Philip English – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Tim Holden – D
Tim Murphy – C
Joe Pitts – B
Todd Platts – B
Kathy Dahlkemper – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Paul Kanjorski – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Glenn Thompson – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Rhode Island
Reed – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Whitehouse – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)

Patrick Kennedy – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
James Langevin – F

South Carolina
DeMint – B
Graham – F (Had a C grade but added extensive “Pork”.)
J. Gresham Barrett – C
Henry Brown – C
James Clyburn – F
Bob Inglis – C
John Spratt – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Joe Wilson – C

South Dakota
Johnson – VTBO (Added extensive “Pork”.)
Thune – C
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin – D

Alexander – VTBO (Voted NAY on Stimulus bill, added extensive “Pork”.)
Corker – D
Steve Cohen – F
Jim Cooper – C
Bart Gordon – F
John Tanner – F
Zachary Wamp – D
Marsha Blackburn – B
David Davis – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Lincoln Davis – D
John 'Jimmy' Duncan – B
Phil Roe – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Cornyn – C
Hutchinson – F (Had a C grade but added extensive “Pork”.)
Kevin Brady – C
Michael Conaway – D
Henry Cuellar – F
Chet Edwards –VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Charles Gonzalez – F
Kay Granger – C
Al Green – F
Ruben Hinojosa – VTBO
Sheila Jackson-Lee – F
Eddie Johnson – F
Solomon Ortiz – VTBO
Silvestre Reyes – F
Pete Sessions – C
Lamar Smith – C
Mac Thornberry – C
Joe Barton – B
Michael Burgess – B
John Carter – C
John Culberson – B
Lloyd Doggett – D
Louie Gohmert – B
Gene Green – D
Ralph Hall – B
Jeb Hensarling – B
Sam Johnson – B
Nicholas Lampson – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Kenny Marchant – B
Michael McCaul – B
Randy Neugebauer – B
Ron Paul – B
Ted Poe – B
Ciro Rodriguez – F
Pete Olson – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Bennett – D
Hatch – C
Chris Cannon – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Rob Bishop – C
Jim Matheson – C
Jason Chaffetz – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)

Leahy – VTBO
Sanders – D
Peter Welch – F

Warner – F
Webb – F
Rick Boucher – F
Eric Cantor – C
Tom Davis – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
James Moran – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added extensive “Pork”.)
Frank Wolf – C
Thelma Drake – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Randy Forbes – B
Virgil Goode – I (Voted NAY on TARP.)
Bob Goodlatte – B
Robert Scott – D
Robert Wittman – B
Gerry Connolly – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Glenn Nye – C (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
Tom Perriello – D (Did not vote on TARP [not in office]. Did not vote on Omnibus bill, counts as YEA vote.)

Cantwell – F
Murray – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added massive amount of “Pork”.)
Brian Baird – VTBO
Norman Dicks – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills, added massive amount of “Pork”.)
Rick Larsen – F
Adam Smith – VTBO
Doc Hastings – C (Voted NAY on all bills, added “Pork”.)
Jay Inslee – F
Jim McDermott – D
Cathy McMorris Rodgers – B
David Reichert – C

West Virginia
Byrd – VTBO (Voted YEA on all bills and added enough “Pork” to garner a second grade of VTBO, Career politician who should have left a long time ago.)
Rockefeller – F
Alan Mollohan – VTBO
Nick Rahall – F
Shelley Moore Capito – C

Feingold – C
Kohl – F
Tammy Baldwin – F
Ron Kind – D
Gwen Moore – F
David Obey – F
Paul Ryan – C
Steve Kagen – D
Thomas Petri – B
Jim Sensenbrenner – B

Barrasso – B
Enzi – B
Barbara Cubin – I (Voted YEA on TARP.)
Cynthia Lummis – B (Did not vote on TARP [not in office].)
NOTE: Font Sizes, Underscores, Bold marks, Itallics, Spacing, and other odd markings are unintentional as to Politician. Only be aware of grade and remarks in parenthesis.