Monday, November 19, 2012

UN Agenda 21

Hey Folks,

In the interest of keeping all of you informed, I have provided a link to the U.N.'s Agenda 21. There has been a lot of talk of this from Glenn Beck and knowing that many of you listen to him I wanted you to be able to have the actual document from the U.N. I must say it is very enlightening. It is a bit of a dry read, but it will inform you to what the Liberals are aiming for and what is to come...if we let them.

Click link below

UN Agenda 21

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Continue Brave Patriot, Continue

Hey Folks,

Well, here we are. We held an election between two politicians and guess what...the politician won. I know there are many of you who are possibly suffering from P.E.S.D.* (post election stress disorder), but let me run a few things by you.
First off, what do you think would have happened had Governor Romney won? What would have President Obama done in these last few months to get the rest of his agenda through? Did any of you actually think Romney could have reversed the damage that has already been caused? I know, the repeal of Obama-Care would have been a great start, however there are many taxes that are scheduled to start in January. Trust me, when all the crap that is headed our way from the policies Obama enacted over the last four years hit, Romney would have been destroyed by the media and the liberal machine. I believe that the devastation that would have occurred had Romney taken the fall for what is to come would have been insurmountable and I don't think conservatives and libertarians would have been able to have any voice what-so-ever after that.

Don't get me wrong, I am upset, but I can't change what I cannot change. I could sit here and kick myself in the head and keep telling myself Rodney and I failed in educating you. I could get more upset and just give up. You know what though, I am not going to let that happen. I realize Rodney and I have basically been preaching to the choir here. Those of you who read our blog, get our newsletters, visit our website, or follow us on Facebook are like-minded. The reasons you follow us is because you believe the same things we do, basically. However, we are not alone.

Our blog is followed by people all over the World, Russia, Brazil, France, Germany, Egypt, Ukraine, Portugal, China, Canada, Slovenia, Hungary, Malaysia, Australia, Israel, and many others. I believe that the people in those countries are looking for the leadership America has always provided. No, I don't think Rodney and I are the leaders they're looking for, but the fact that such a small, relatively unknown blog like ours is receiving that type of attention speaks volumes to the human condition being experienced all over the world from people who long to be free. I want all of you to know, the mere fact that you follow us on our different sites, you are being looked to by those you don't even know. Actions, as well as elections, have consequences.

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated." ~ Thomas Paine (December 23, 1776)

Folks, are you a summer soldier? A sunshine patriot? If you are like Rodney or I, and I believe most of you are, you are neither. You are an American! God, Country, Family, that's us. We believe America is the last, best hope of millions. We believe our Country (though imperfect), our Constitution, are still better than anything else ever tried by mankind. We believe in giving each other a hand up. That even the poorest among us can become the greatest among us. No other country in the world can one imagine they can be anything they strive to be (the magic here is in the striving). We believe in rugged individualism, that "I can build it, I can do it, I can achieve it". We believe in teaching a man how to fish instead of handing him a fish. We do not rely on a government who will give us anything we want, because we know that that government can also take everything we have. We are the Patriots of today. Let us strive to be what we were meant to be, The shining city upon the hill, the last great hope of mankind.  I will not kid you, it is going to be very tough from here on out, but even George Washington lost more battles than he won. Take courage Patriots, you are on the right side of this fight. Please, whatever you do, don't sit in the corner licking your wounds, channel your passion for this country into action, keep up the good fight. Stand Your Ground!

Folks, Thanksgiving is coming up and I don't know if we will post anything before then, but I want all of you to know please give thanks for the Country that we grew up in. Give thanks for our families and friends, pray for our Country, and pray for our President. Pray that he will see the destruction and change his course. Pray that he will become the leader that the World needs. I ask you folks to please, please pray for Israel. Our blessed friend Israel is in extreme danger and I fear that if our President doesn't realize the errors of his way, our friend may perish. I don't think it will perish by our hand, but by a lack of our hand of protection. I hope we all know that the call for the destruction of an entire group of people is pure evil. Please, dig deep into your soul and seek the answers you are looking for.

Half of our Countrymen don't realize what our Founders gave us. We must continue to educate them as to why Socialism doesn't work and why the American experiment was the greatest gift ever given, not to just Americans, but to the entire world.
Continue brave Patriots, continue.

*This is not to make light of P.T.S.D. which is a terrible disease suffered by many.

Monday, November 5, 2012


VOTE!!! And make sure everyone you know does also.