Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Freedom of What Religion?

(Disclaimer: This newsletter is probably going to be very controversial in some circles. My intent is not to incite violence or to target any individuals, I am trying to enlighten and inform. I might add that I feel truly blessed to be able to convey this message to you because I live in the U.S.A. and not in Russia where those who disagree are once again being thrown into prisons for speaking out).

 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” - First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Hey Folks,

I am sure those of you who follow faith based issues have seen how over the last few decades the Christian religion, the religion of a majority of our forefathers, has been constantly under attack by those who wish to control the conversation (among other things). Many of those attacking this religion use what they call the “Separation of Church and State” clause; however one would be hard pressed to find this clause in the Constitution or the Declaration of independence. If you confront these attackers about this they refer to the “establishment” clause. Now, if you read the First Amendment it does talk about making no law respecting an establishment of religion, which is where most of those attacking Christianity stop. What these people refuse to notice is that “Congress” shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the “Exercise” therof. It is Congress that has the limitations on it, not the religion. In the upside down world of “Political Correctness”, the prohibiting of the free exercise is rampant. Under President Obama and Obama Care, many religious organizations are required to go against their beliefs (their free exercise thereof) by providing for abortions and contraception. For years, these intolerant attackers have tore down crosses, stopped free speech if it was of a religious nature, forced religious institutions to hire those who do not hold their beliefs, filed lawsuit after lawsuit to “Prohibit The Free Exercise” of pretty much only two religions, Christianity and Judaism. It amazes me that two religions that pray for the whole of mankind, that believes we are all God’s children and worthy of redemption, who pray for the non-believers,  are told they are intolerant, while those attacking these religions are propping up and encouraging a religion that states in its holiest book that non-believers must be beheaded (Qur’an Sura (8:12) - I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.).

After Barack Obama was elected, and prior to, many were questioning what his religion was. Many stated, as he did, that he was a Christian. Many took him at his word and we found that he was a member of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Not too many people questioned anything after that, but a few people noticed that his church taught Black Liberation Theology. Now I am all about keeping blacks liberated, however this theology is not based in the Bible but more socialist doctrines (Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981). I won’t get too deep into this subject here because I would like to talk more about what a minority of people saw...Obama’s Muslim roots.

I do not think that Barack Obama is a Muslim; however I do think he does have a connection to Islam from his time in Indonesia. I do believe he admires the religion of his step father even if he does not follow it. For many who believe that he is a Muslim, the President has not done a lot to show that he is not. In his 3 years he went to Egypt and apologized for the U.S., He bowed to the Saudis (and many others), he celebrated Ramadan at the Capitol, he supported the overthrow of the Egyptian government by the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist group), he supported the overthrow of Libya by Al-Qaeda sympathizers, he has called for Israel to return to the indefensible borders of 1967, his administration leaked the plans of our allies (Israel) to the Iranians, he invited the head of the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, and this is just a few of such things the President has done that seems to favor Islam. It is very easy to see why those who claim he is Muslim to believe that way. And to make things worse…The DNC will open with a Jummah! Oh, I’m sorry, what’s a Jummah? A Jummah is the Friday congregational prayers that all Muslims do…You know, when you hear the Muezzin (the guy singing from the tower) melodically singing “Allahu Akbar” it is time for the DNC…oops, time for Friday prayers to begin. I wonder why the “separation of Church and State” doesn’t apply here.  Perhaps this is why Obama claimed “we are not a Christian Nation”. The Blaze Article on the DNC Jummah
Now, I have written before about Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-harb before, but as a refresher; Dar-al-Islam is the house of Islam, Dar-al-harb is the house of war; these are the two houses that exist in Islam. Basically if you are not Muslim, you are of the house of war and therefore must be killed (refer to the previous Qur’anic Sura). The Islamic world is in a constant state of war because they are commanded to conquer the world for Allah. Now, this is not to say that All Muslims believe this way, however it is the belief of those that have declared us their enemy, which is millions.

So who is our enemy, Millions of radical Muslims ( if radical means following the teachings of one’s holy book). So if one were to apologize to this enemy, invite this enemy into our sacred halls, give vital information of those allied with us to this enemy,  give up our traditions for theirs, and pray as they do, I ask, is that giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Is this the “Fundamental Transformation” Obama was talking about?

 “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.” - U.S. Constitution Article Three

Can a President be accused of Treason? Is the United States the “President” or We The People? The issue here is to figure out if the actions of this administration are intentional or are these people really that naïve. I believe the latter is possible only due to the fact that these people believe they are so superior intellectually to those of us who see these things, that they dismiss anything we may say, even if it is the truth. Their arrogance is unsurpassed and unfortunately could be the downfall of us all.

Please Watch: Dishonorable Disclosures by Opsec Team  (

Please keep up to date with us on , and please make sure everyone you know is registered to vote and does so this November. We cannot afford 4 more years of this! If you, yourselves decide not vote, please vote to protect our children and their children from the dangerous and  irrational policies of this Administration.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Stay Informed!

Hello all,
I don’t know about you but I’m enjoying watching the Olympics on T.V. and eating some Chick-Fil-A. That’s right I said it, Chick-Fil-A! I know you have heard the ruckus over this but really, this is ridiculous. The owner of Chick-Fil-A, in an interview, talks about his belief of marriage is between a man and a woman. Damn, you would have thought he said all gay people must die and they are not welcome in his restaurants. Now, it should be no surprise people, that the owner of Chick-Fil-A holds these beliefs; his stores are closed on Sundays so his employees can attend church if they choose to do so. The owner, Dan T Cathy, never said gay people are not welcome in his restaurants but apparently the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi sexual, and Transgender) Organization interpreted his statement that way. They called for a boycott of Chick-Fil-A, hell even Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel (sound familiar?) vowed to block Chick-Fil-A restaurants from opening in the city. Emanuel has since backed off of his statement and Chick-Fil-A has earned a lot of support. Believe it or not, support has come from the Gay community. Not that they agree with Cathy’s beliefs but they do understand his right to say what he wants without fear of the government threatening this business. You know what’s pretty sad, when some of us in this country hold fast food restaurants to a higher standard than we do our President. President Obama held these same beliefs about same sex marriage, until recently. I wonder if the LGBT held a boycott of the 2008 Presidential Election.

Speaking of elections, it’s time for some more election year hijinks. I recently read about a group who sent out pre-filled out voter registration cards to some people who were deceased, some were actually mailed to peoples pets! This excerpt is from the Seattle times. “The voter registration form arrived in the mail last month with some key information already filled in: Rosie Charlston’s name was complete, as was her Seattle address. Problem is, Rosie was a black lab who died in 1998.  A group called the Voter Participation Center has touted the distribution of some 5 million registration forms in recent weeks, targeting Democratic-leaning voting blocs such as unmarried women, Blacks, Latinos, and young adults. But residents and election administrators around the country also have reported a series of bizarre and questionable mailings addressed to animals, dead people, noncitizens, and people who are already registered voters. Brenda Charlston wasn’t the only person to get documents for her pet: a Virginia man said similar documents arrived for his dead dog, Mozart, while a woman in the state got forms for her cat, Scampers. The Voter Participation Center- acknowledges that the databases it uses to contact possible voters are imperfect because they are developed from commercially collected information. The group also says it expects people who receive misdirected mail to simply throw it away. The mailing appears official, arriving in privacy envelopes with the heading “VOTERS REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED.” Some information is already complete on the voter registration papers, and recipients also get an envelope to send completed forms to local elections officials”. Sounds like vote tampering to me.
Listen, in this election season you will hear all kinds of crap being said about the candidates, I call this, distractions. It has already started against Mitt Romney. Everything from “he’s a felon”, “he caused the death of a women who had no health care” to Harry Reid’s “someone told me he paid no taxes for years.” I’m sure there will be some things said about President Obama that will either not be exactly true or distortion. The point I want to make is that we are responsible for educating ourselves. Not the nightly news or the headlines in the local newspaper or the internet. We must be able to see through the distractions and stay focused on fact and record. Informed people make informed decisions. Let’s start talking to folks we know and get them informed. I don’t want another 4 years of President Obama and his failed politics and broken promises. Mitt Romney isn’t the knight in shining armor either. Look into the records of the candidates and trust what you find, not rely on CNN or FOX to decide for you.
My monthly question for you is this. What qualities are you looking for in the President of the United States? Let me and Mike know what you think. What you have to say is important. All right got to go. My chicken sandwich and waffle fries are getting cold. Congratulations to all of the athletes representing the United States of America, Job well done. Join us on our website. ask questions, read or join in on our blogs for great information.
Until next time