Hey Folks,
Well, thanks to an electrical worker in Arizona I missed the inspirational jobs speech from our Commandeer-er and Thief, unfortunately I also had my DVR wiped clean, by the same occurrence, which had the Republican debate I was about to watch on it. So, I will talk only a little bit on those subjects and more about the 10th anniversary of the most heinous act committed against the country I love in the name of a Religion that has genocide and World domination as its goal; Radical Islam.
“Pass it now!” This is the line that has stuck out from Obama’s speech last night. All I can think of is, “Oh boy, here we go again!” I mean really, isn’t this the tactic he used for passing the 1st stimulus, 2nd stimulus, ObamaCare, 3rd stimulus, and the debt ceiling bills? Last year did he not say his administration was going to focus on jobs with “Laser” like intensity? Before that we had to “Pass the bill now”, talking about the stimulus, to keep unemployment from going above 8%. Blah, blah, blah, is all I hear. Did you know that the Senate approved $500billion more to the debt ceiling ( Senate approves $500bil in borrowing )? I suppose that is where the $470billion for the jobs bill will come from considering he said it was already paid for. How is it that the class warfare this President keeps pounding down our throats isn’t paid more attention to by the media? In fact they keep parroting it. Seriously? How much money do these politicians make, get, and pilfer from us? How much are these Career Elitists worth? WAKE UP!!!
“A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors.” Wiki-pedia definition
From what I’ve read, the NBC Republican Debate was a chance for the leftists to try and smash Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. One of the first questions was to Rick Perry asking if he actually thought Social Security was a “Ponzi scheme”. From what I’ve heard Mr. Perry stuck by his assertion and Mitt Romney ran towards the middle saying it wasn’t essentially. Now I am not endorsing either of these gentlemen but, I agree with Mr. Perry by definition. Mr. Romney is a very smart man and I understand he doesn’t want to lose any of the elderly vote so, he is not going to attack their entitlements. Now this is disheartening to me because it shows me where the media is going to take this fight. Straight to fear of losing that which many now rely on. You do understand that the blame is going to fall on us, right? It’s o.k., remember, the more they attack us the deeper under their skin we are getting and from some of the rhetoric I’ve been hearing, we are almost to bone! I mean really, they have video games out to let them kill us vicariously through zombie hunters (by the way, Pepsi and Motorola no longer do business with that company).
One speech you may not have heard was one by Sarah Palin. Her speech was so good that the New York Times even praised her (Palin crosses divide )! In her speech she states: “This is not the capitalism of free men and free markets, of innovation and hard work and ethics, of sacrifice and of risk: It’s the collusion of big government and big business and big finance to the detriment of all the rest, to the little guys. It’s a slap in the face to our small business owners, the true entrepreneurs, the job creators accounting for 70 percent of the jobs in America.” Now what amazes me is that the author of the article, Anand Giridharadas, believes these words are some sort of political breakthrough, ha! If these parrots of this administration would actually do their jobs and listen instead of name calling, they would see that the Tea Party has been saying this all along! If you get a chance, check out her speech here: Sarah Palin, Sept. 3rd Iowa Speech. And no, I am not endorsing her, although she is a great conservative by the looks of it.
September 11th, 2001, the day that changed my life, indeed the life of every American I know. I was at work that day and could only listen to the events unfolding on the radio, very similar to the way Pearl Harbor was listened to by Americans 60 years earlier. I was a Plant Protection Officer at Lockheed in Palmdale at Air Force plant 42. After the second plane hit the towers my partner and I evacuated the site of every employee except us. I remember the eerie silence in the hours afterward. We were stationed at a site that repaired and upgraded F-117’s and we had the Palmdale Air Traffic Control tower just across from where we stood. All air traffic stopped, we were told to be on high alert for the unusual. As we sat there listening to the facts unfold we heard the sound of a jet. My partner and I looked at each other and said “You’ve got to be kidding me!” We called the control tower and after what seemed an eternity they answered and told us that the jet we heard was an F-16 that was there to protect us. I won’t kid you, it was very surreal. It wasn’t until later that evening, and the days that followed, that I saw the carnage, the devastation, but also happy Muslims dancing in the streets of Cairo, Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Gaza, among just a few Islamic states.
I had studied Theology on and off throughout my younger years, but I had never studied Islam. Was it the “religion of peace” every media station in America and the President said it was or was I missing something? Those people dancing in the streets at what had occurred didn’t seem peaceful to me, they were barbarians (or so I thought)! I began informally studying Islam and Arabic, not an easy undertaking. I sought out literature from all sources pro and con, but I knew in order to make sense of it I would have to go to the Qur'an itself. It was very confusing when I tried reading it as I did the Bible, but once I was showed the chronological order, Holy Cow! These people are at war with everyone who is not one of them. They want to kill all of us, at least according to their prophet and the god he served. No wonder those people were dancing, it was a great victory for their god and a step towards Islamic domination, as written in their holy book.
Now I knew some people who claimed to be Muslims, and they were very nice people. They did not rejoice at the deaths on 9/11 and they believed that the hijackers had also hijacked their religion. Unfortunately, according to the Qur'an, the hijackers are following the words of their prophet. It is a bad situation for them to be in, because if they leave Islam, “It will not be tolerated” and they shall be dealt with harshly, according to their prophet.
For the devout followers of Muhammad and Allah there are only two types of people in the world those of Dar-AL-Islam (House of Islam), and Dar-AL-Harb (the House of War). Take a guess where you are if you are not a Muslim. They are also allowed to lie if it advances their cause. This technique is called Taqiyah (Tack-I-ya). They also believe Israel is the Little Satan and that America is the "Great Satan", and you know what they want to do with Israel.
What I am leading to here is that when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor, our country showed resolve and banded together and defeated the enemy within 4 years. Where is the resolve we had in the days after 9/11? Why are we continually lied to by the media, and our government officials? We know why our enemies lie to us, because they hate us, is that the reason? We tip toe around anything that might “Upset” “The Religion of Peace” but are quick to stop anything remotely linked to the God of our forefathers. We have gone mad! We have no resolve anymore. It took 6 years to build two towers that came crashing down on 9/11, but how long to rebuild them?
Mayor Bloomberg of New York banned Firefighters and First responders from attending the remembrance on Sunday, instead having their ceremony on the 8th, WHAT THE HELL?!?! What happened on the 8th? Mayor Bloomberg also banned any Religious speeches at the MEMORIAL, how many memorials do you know of where there are no religious speeches? Hey, Bloomberg, it’s a NATIONAL MEMORIAL and the Nation is not amused. Body Tag number 1 was the Fire Depts. Chaplin and yet no mention of Religion is to happen? We have been silenced by the word police of the left once again. Political Correctness has killed this Nation; we were not vigilant enough to protect our first amendment rights.
People, we are at War! No matter how many times they try to quell our anger or tell us we need to be more sensitive, we need to shove the truth right up their noses. If I sound fired up, I am. People, Radical Islam declared war on us, not on September 11th, 2001, but in the 7th century. As Americans, they have been at war with us since our beginning. Does anyone know why Marines are called Leather Necks? It isn’t because of the sun. The Barbary Pirates (Muslims) cut the throats of their enemies. Marines wore leather around their necks to protect them from the “Cutthroats”. They were on the side of the Turks and Germany in W.W. I and sided with Hitler in W.W. II. They are very patient adversaries and each time we get lulled to sleep we end up fighting them again. Truth is an amazing thing.
Now I am not saying every Muslim is a “Cutthroat”, and the ones that aren’t are in severe danger also if not more. Don’t just accuse every Muslim, but demand more from those who are suppose to provide for the common defense. Call our enemies what they are and stop the P.C. B.S.
Folks, I am sorry this was so long and angry but it needed to be said. I am posting some photos of 9/11 and other Islamic atrocities on our site. I will leave them up for a short time because I want children to be able to access our site, but please be aware that they are there for now. www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Urgent action required
Hey Folks,
This is an urgent message with immediate action required. Starving Eyes Inc, an “advergaming” company has released an online video game called “Tea Party Zombies Must Die”. The game allows the gamer to use a variety of weapons to kill Tea Party Zombies as well as the likes of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservatives. This company and its heinous lack of common sense, needs to be stopped! I have sent letters to some of the major companies that do business with these people; I suggest you do the same A.S.A.P. The companies include:
Meow Mix / Del Monte
Pepsi International
Dr. Pepper
Burger King
TLC / Discovery
Comedy Central
Fuse TV
I am not calling for a boycott of these companies however, if nothing is done by these companies we should not continue to buy their products. LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!
Article on Drudge: http://mrctv.org/videos/video-game-allows-players-slaughter-tea-party-zombies-sarah-palin-and-bill-oreilly
The following is the e-mail I sent to many of the companies.
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Michael Mahoney; I am the founder of thepeopleofliberty.com. Recently an advertising agency of yours, Starving Eyes Inc., released an online game entitled “Tea Party Zombies Must Die”. In the game the gamers are allowed to kill noted conservatives such as Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and of course “Tea Party Zombies”. I haven’t heard of this company before but upon reviewing their games, all of which seem fairly violent, except for “Meow Mix: think like a cat”, I found that your company does business with these people. I would encourage you to cease doing business with them and pull any licenses you may have given to them to promote your product. I will be contacting all the Tea Party organizations regarding this matter and if you continue to do business with this company we will boycott your products and I am sure Mr. Hannity, Mrs. Palin, Mr. Beck, and Bill O’Reilly will be able to give this story a lot of air play.
Tea Party members in general stand behind American companies or others that are responsible players in the capitalistic system and we really don’t want any more companies damaged, but you are known by the company you keep.
Thank You,
Michael Mahoney
This is an urgent message with immediate action required. Starving Eyes Inc, an “advergaming” company has released an online video game called “Tea Party Zombies Must Die”. The game allows the gamer to use a variety of weapons to kill Tea Party Zombies as well as the likes of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservatives. This company and its heinous lack of common sense, needs to be stopped! I have sent letters to some of the major companies that do business with these people; I suggest you do the same A.S.A.P. The companies include:
Meow Mix / Del Monte
Pepsi International
Dr. Pepper
Burger King
TLC / Discovery
Comedy Central
Fuse TV
I am not calling for a boycott of these companies however, if nothing is done by these companies we should not continue to buy their products. LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!
Article on Drudge: http://mrctv.org/videos/video-game-allows-players-slaughter-tea-party-zombies-sarah-palin-and-bill-oreilly
The following is the e-mail I sent to many of the companies.
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Michael Mahoney; I am the founder of thepeopleofliberty.com. Recently an advertising agency of yours, Starving Eyes Inc., released an online game entitled “Tea Party Zombies Must Die”. In the game the gamers are allowed to kill noted conservatives such as Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and of course “Tea Party Zombies”. I haven’t heard of this company before but upon reviewing their games, all of which seem fairly violent, except for “Meow Mix: think like a cat”, I found that your company does business with these people. I would encourage you to cease doing business with them and pull any licenses you may have given to them to promote your product. I will be contacting all the Tea Party organizations regarding this matter and if you continue to do business with this company we will boycott your products and I am sure Mr. Hannity, Mrs. Palin, Mr. Beck, and Bill O’Reilly will be able to give this story a lot of air play.
Tea Party members in general stand behind American companies or others that are responsible players in the capitalistic system and we really don’t want any more companies damaged, but you are known by the company you keep.
Thank You,
Michael Mahoney
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