“A cut is a cut, is it perfect? No. I’d be the first one to admit that it’s flawed. Well, welcome to divided government.” – John Boehner, Speaker of the House, R-Ohio
Hello all,
This is B.S. why are we settling for a “divided government”? The officials we elected should be all for the betterment of our nation. It seems though that all that is important to them is constant campaigning. I’m sick of all of them! Get mad everyone! I’m serious, get mad. It’s one thing to sit and complain but if you’re mad, action should follow. The first thing I’m mad about is the budget.
On Thursday, congress approved $38 Billion in spending cuts, sealing a deal to prevent a government shutdown before plunging into a more far-reaching debate over spending on federal programs and benefits for years to come. This bill, approved by the Senate on Friday, will fund the government through the end of 2011 fiscal year on September 30. This sucks. To me, this isn’t cutting enough. I’m disappointed that more Republicans didn’t vote no. Now, before I’ve said that compromise should take place but damn! I didn’t mean the Republicans should just take the crumbs the Democrats gave them. So what now? What happens as we approach September 30? Another cave by the Republicans? We have sent our elected officials to Washington to do a job. Looks like the same old crap is happening again.
Now, let’s not even begin to talk about our nation’s debt reduction plans. In President Obama’s address at George Washington University on Wednesday, he proposed a 4 trillion dollar long-term deficit reduction over 12 years. He also said spending cuts and higher taxes alike must be part of any deficit reduction plan including an end to Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy. Sounds to me like we are going to be paying more and should expect less from government services I think if we should expect less from the government, then we should pay less. President Obama drew sharp contrast with a Republican plan that cuts around 5.8 trillion in spending over the next 10 years, which the White House says unfairly singles out middle class taxpayers, older adults and the poor. The media ran with this one. Listening to them, Republicans are anti middle class, want to starve the elderly and to hell with poor people. Folks, Obama’s deficit reduction plan is not new. It’s nothing more than regurgitated crap that’s been repackaged. Mike and I have been telling you about this type of stuff for 2 years now. If this budget debate accomplished anything, it shows what a dumbed-down, partisan, media driven nation of spoiled brats we’ve become. When it comes down to the prospect of national bankruptcy, we are apparently more concerned with partisan finger pointing than with solvency.
Something else that makes me mad is this email that was sent out by Marilyn Daveport, a tea party activist and a member of the Central Committee of the Orange County Republican Party. This woman sent an email that depicts a portrait of a man, women and a child. Pictures of apes superimpose the faces of the man and woman. The child’s face is superimposed with President Obama’s face with the ears of an ape. The tagline reads, “Now we know why no birth certificate.” Now Ms. Davevport says it was meant to be a joke but come on folks. Lets not add fuel to the media’s fire. Let’s stop shooting ourselves in the foot. I’ve heard one person say, “It’s ok to dress George W Bush as a Nazi, but let someone display a caricature of President Obama, and it’s racist.” Is this email offensive? To me, yes. However, it’s not a violation of the law to be politically incorrect. Now, failing to salute the American flag, to me is far worse. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We need to be smarter than this, people.
On a positive note, on Friday April 15 I had the pleasure of attending a tea party rally in Oceanside California. There were thousands of folks like you and I letting our voices be heard. It was a wonderful event. A special thanks to the folks at Stop Taxing Us, for putting on the event.
Join us on our website www.thepoepleofliberty.com and speak up on the blogs and discussion boards. Also, useful information on the ongoing budget battle.
Until next time,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Here and There
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke
Hey Folks,
I am known for being long winded so I am going to do things a bit different with this newsletter. Many of you have told me you want me to focus on domestic issues while others have said they are intrigued by the “Big Picture” foreign affairs: Islamo-Fascism, prophecies and such. Therefore I will attempt to do both and you can read the parts you want to or just go with the whole enchilada (Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing).
Happening Here
Remember the “other hand” analogy Rodney and I are constantly using? How many of you know about the Federal Reserve’s “Discount Window”? Bloomberg reported April 1st that Ben Bernanke has been shielding foreign investors from the stigma of accepting public loans (link1). Foreign Banks have also received money from “The Discount Window”, described in the Bloomberg article by Bradley Keon and Craig Torres as:
The discount window, which began lending in 1914, is the Fed’s primary program for providing cash to banks to help them avert a liquidity squeeze. In an April 2009 speech, Bernanke said that revealing the names of discount-window borrowers “might lead market participants to infer weakness.”
In the 29,000 pages released to them under the Freedom of Information Act, “The Discount Window” lending program “surged to a record” during October 2008. Now what was happening back then? Oh Yeah, TARP! While we were looking for ways to save our economy, our Government and the Fed loaned out over $110 billion, 70% of which went to Foreign Banks! The article states that billions more were being loaned out time after time with names on the list of recipients that are both very familiar, including: Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Bank of America. Foreign banks were also on the list, including Dexia SA [Brussels and France], Depfa Bank PLC [Ireland], Societe Generale SA [France], Deutsche Bank [Germany], and Bank of China ; Oh, and did I mention the Bank of Libya?!?! (link2) The Libyan bank, partly owned by the Central Bank of Libya, received 73 loans from the Federal Reserve after Lehman Brothers fell! How much?, Approximately $35 Billion! I wonder where Qaddafi got the money to fight the rebels.
Meanwhile, we have no budget. That’s right, our politicians are quibbling over cuts between $10 billion and $60 billion, which when put into perspective is really like trying to put out a volcano by urinating on it. Here’s the thing though, most of the people in the U.S. know we are in seriously dangerous territory as far as spending and the deficit, and that we are going to have to tighten our belts or lose everything. Many Americans have made the sacrifices in their own lives to deal with personal finances. We elected people we thought would have the moral courage to take on the challenge of putting things back together, where are they? Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are politicizing things by planning on using the “Extreme” option when referring to spending cuts purposed by Republicans and the Tea Party. This option means that they will label all efforts to cut the spending as “Extreme” (link3). I am hearing that a compromise will occur which cuts $33 billion from this year’s budget. That is out of $3 trillion budget, or approximately 1%. This level of budget cuts is not going to save America. I have been hearing democrats say that the “Tea Party wants drastic cuts but doesn’t want Social Security or Medi-Care touched, so it’s basically saying cut, but not my stuff”. Folk’s, as far as I am concerned, everything is on the chopping block; everything, if it saves America. Now I know some of you republicans are going to say “what about Defense spending Mike?” There is a lot of waste in the Defense industry. It is the duty of our Government to protect us against all enemies foreign and domestic but it can be more efficient in doing such. I know my democrat friends are saying “but Mike, why would you get rid of Social Security and Medi-Care? That will kill thousands of children!” Really? We all know that fraud runs rampant in these programs. People, we have got to get serious and have the “adult” conversation about this, our Country depends on it and our “Intellectual Elite” in Washington don’t have the fortitude to tackle the problem because they may find out the problem is them. How’s that for “Extreme” Mr. Schumer?
Happening There
The Kinetic Military Action in Libya has cost us approximately $550 million and the cost of an F-15 fighter jet what have we received in return? Oil at $108 a barrel, $4 a gallon gasoline, and since we announced we were going to pull out our air support, the rebels (possibly Al- Qaeda) want a cease fire (link4). Now this doesn’t tick me off half as much as the total hypocrisy of the whole thing. Senator Obama in 2002 made a statement that he apparently forgot about. In this speech he said this about a madman in the Middle East:
Now let me be clear: I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man, a ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power.... The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him. But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors...and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.
So perhaps Qaddafi was an imminent threat to us or his neighbors, but wait, Defense Secretary Gates said he posed no threat to us but only to his people. Hmm, is it just me or do you remember the left wing nut jobs saying that the reason these Middle Eastern people hate us is because we interfere with their business too much (more on this later)? Why is it that the decision in a Civil War, that poses no threat to the U.S. up to us? I guess it is this administration’s right to decide who lives and who dies (perhaps it’s that Messiah thing).
Think about this for a moment: the entire Middle East is on fire. Each country is having some sort of uprising or rumors of possible uprisings. One country in that region has declared war on the U.S. and has been fighting us by proxy for almost 30 years. President after President has ignored the situation and this country is now poised to become the leading Nation in that part of the World. Why is it that the dissidents in this country receive no assistance from our leaders? If the rebels in this Nation were to overcome the Theocratic Madman who rules there the entire World would be much safer. Now, I am not promoting another war, I am just posing the question as to the reasoning behind Libya and not Iran or Iran’s closest ally Syria. These two Countries pose a threat to U.S. allies, U.S. interests, the freedoms of people living in those countries, and indeed, peace for all mankind. “Wait, what did you say Mike? Peace for all mankind?” That is exactly what I said.
The reason I made such a statement is due to Islamic Prophecy about the Madi or 12th Imam. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes fully that this person is alive and well here now. Whether or not you believe this madman is inconsequential due to that fact that millions of Muslims do. Scary part of all this is that in order for the Imam / Madi to show himself bloodshed and chaos must be occurring. After the Imam / Madi arrives Israel will be obliterated, the world will be under Sharia Law, and the unbeliever’s converted, killed (beheaded is best), or subdued. The Madman will do all he can to accomplish these goals. See, it doesn’t matter if you are religious or not, know prophecy or not, are a liberal, rich, intellectual, or anything else except a “good” Muslim (link5).
How many of you have heard or believe this: “The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is the cause of all the trouble in the world”. Do any of you actually know what a Palestinian is? Have you ever heard of a Palestinian Jew or Christian? Did any of you know that there has never, in the history of the World been a Palestinian Nation? The people known to most as Palestinians were actually those who lived in a geographic area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The names this area has had throughout history include: Judea, Syria Palestinia, Southern Syria, Southern Levant, the Land of Israel, Zion, Canaan, and Transjordan. Palestine included Jews, Christians, Arabs, and Muslims all known as Palestinians because of their location not ethnicity.
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire the Middle East was divided up into territories in 1920. The British took control of the area known as the British Mandate of Palestine and ruled there until 1948 when they turned it over to the Israelis. This caused a lot of heartburn for the Muslims in the area since the Israeli’s are primarily Jewish and hated by the Islamic faith. It was from this point in history that the term “Palestinian” changed. The Jordanian, Syrian, and Egyptian Muslims (Arabs) who lived in the area suddenly became known as Palestinians in an ethnic sense. The Arab Muslims have been using this as a point of victim-hood to retrieve land they believe is owed them but on a scarier note to annihilate the hated “little Satan” Israel. I wonder what they want to do to us whom they refer to as the “Great Satan”.
When I was younger, studying prophecies, I listened to some of the prominent scholars of the time saying that “All Nations shall rise against Israel” and thinking to myself, all nations but America. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that America would turn her back on the Jewish people. Now, I am not so sure and I can see where things appear to be leading under our current administration. I am not saying that the prophecies are coming true and that the end is near, quite a few more things have to happen before that time, but it is a very interesting time to be living.
In Conclusion
America is not the strongest Nation on Earth because of our Government, it is you, it is us. We as innovators, entrepreneurs, individuals, groups, and even as consumers have made other countries great. We are the ones who have given more to others than any other people on the planet. We are the ones who have improved the quality of life for hundreds of millions of human beings. It is We the People of the United States of America who have given our treasure, blood, sweat, and tears around the globe so that others can have it as good as us. We are a Great Nation! We can do whatever we put our minds to and if that is saving our beloved country from our own politicians, by God We Can Do It.
There are a lot of things going on in our World these days and it is difficult to keep up with everything. Rodney and I try our best to keep you up to date and if we miss something don’t get upset just comment on it, e-mail us, and get it off your chest. We want you to be heard and informed which is why we are trying to revamp our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com. We have added an Islamo-Fascism area where you can actually read the Qur’an in its own words and in order. We also added links to all the reviewed books so you can see other’s comments on Amazon and even purchase them if you wish. Stay informed and don’t give up!
Until Next Time,
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." ~ Dietriech Bonhoeffer
Cut and paste into your browser’s address window if they don’t work
Link 1: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-01/foreign-banks-tapped-fed-s-lifeline-most-as-bernanke-kept-borrowers-secret.html
Link 2: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-31/libya-owned-arab-banking-corp-drew-at-least-5-billion-from-fed-in-crisis.html
Link 3: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/03/schumer-coordinates-dem-budget-attack-gop
Link 4: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-01/libya-rebels-seek-cease-fire-after-u-s-vows-to-withdraw-jets-by-tomorrow.html
Link 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0RuSyyBIRM
~ Edmund Burke
Hey Folks,
I am known for being long winded so I am going to do things a bit different with this newsletter. Many of you have told me you want me to focus on domestic issues while others have said they are intrigued by the “Big Picture” foreign affairs: Islamo-Fascism, prophecies and such. Therefore I will attempt to do both and you can read the parts you want to or just go with the whole enchilada (Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing).
Happening Here
Remember the “other hand” analogy Rodney and I are constantly using? How many of you know about the Federal Reserve’s “Discount Window”? Bloomberg reported April 1st that Ben Bernanke has been shielding foreign investors from the stigma of accepting public loans (link1). Foreign Banks have also received money from “The Discount Window”, described in the Bloomberg article by Bradley Keon and Craig Torres as:
The discount window, which began lending in 1914, is the Fed’s primary program for providing cash to banks to help them avert a liquidity squeeze. In an April 2009 speech, Bernanke said that revealing the names of discount-window borrowers “might lead market participants to infer weakness.”
In the 29,000 pages released to them under the Freedom of Information Act, “The Discount Window” lending program “surged to a record” during October 2008. Now what was happening back then? Oh Yeah, TARP! While we were looking for ways to save our economy, our Government and the Fed loaned out over $110 billion, 70% of which went to Foreign Banks! The article states that billions more were being loaned out time after time with names on the list of recipients that are both very familiar, including: Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Bank of America. Foreign banks were also on the list, including Dexia SA [Brussels and France], Depfa Bank PLC [Ireland], Societe Generale SA [France], Deutsche Bank [Germany], and Bank of China ; Oh, and did I mention the Bank of Libya?!?! (link2) The Libyan bank, partly owned by the Central Bank of Libya, received 73 loans from the Federal Reserve after Lehman Brothers fell! How much?, Approximately $35 Billion! I wonder where Qaddafi got the money to fight the rebels.
Meanwhile, we have no budget. That’s right, our politicians are quibbling over cuts between $10 billion and $60 billion, which when put into perspective is really like trying to put out a volcano by urinating on it. Here’s the thing though, most of the people in the U.S. know we are in seriously dangerous territory as far as spending and the deficit, and that we are going to have to tighten our belts or lose everything. Many Americans have made the sacrifices in their own lives to deal with personal finances. We elected people we thought would have the moral courage to take on the challenge of putting things back together, where are they? Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are politicizing things by planning on using the “Extreme” option when referring to spending cuts purposed by Republicans and the Tea Party. This option means that they will label all efforts to cut the spending as “Extreme” (link3). I am hearing that a compromise will occur which cuts $33 billion from this year’s budget. That is out of $3 trillion budget, or approximately 1%. This level of budget cuts is not going to save America. I have been hearing democrats say that the “Tea Party wants drastic cuts but doesn’t want Social Security or Medi-Care touched, so it’s basically saying cut, but not my stuff”. Folk’s, as far as I am concerned, everything is on the chopping block; everything, if it saves America. Now I know some of you republicans are going to say “what about Defense spending Mike?” There is a lot of waste in the Defense industry. It is the duty of our Government to protect us against all enemies foreign and domestic but it can be more efficient in doing such. I know my democrat friends are saying “but Mike, why would you get rid of Social Security and Medi-Care? That will kill thousands of children!” Really? We all know that fraud runs rampant in these programs. People, we have got to get serious and have the “adult” conversation about this, our Country depends on it and our “Intellectual Elite” in Washington don’t have the fortitude to tackle the problem because they may find out the problem is them. How’s that for “Extreme” Mr. Schumer?
Happening There
The Kinetic Military Action in Libya has cost us approximately $550 million and the cost of an F-15 fighter jet what have we received in return? Oil at $108 a barrel, $4 a gallon gasoline, and since we announced we were going to pull out our air support, the rebels (possibly Al- Qaeda) want a cease fire (link4). Now this doesn’t tick me off half as much as the total hypocrisy of the whole thing. Senator Obama in 2002 made a statement that he apparently forgot about. In this speech he said this about a madman in the Middle East:
Now let me be clear: I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man, a ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power.... The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him. But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors...and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.
So perhaps Qaddafi was an imminent threat to us or his neighbors, but wait, Defense Secretary Gates said he posed no threat to us but only to his people. Hmm, is it just me or do you remember the left wing nut jobs saying that the reason these Middle Eastern people hate us is because we interfere with their business too much (more on this later)? Why is it that the decision in a Civil War, that poses no threat to the U.S. up to us? I guess it is this administration’s right to decide who lives and who dies (perhaps it’s that Messiah thing).
Think about this for a moment: the entire Middle East is on fire. Each country is having some sort of uprising or rumors of possible uprisings. One country in that region has declared war on the U.S. and has been fighting us by proxy for almost 30 years. President after President has ignored the situation and this country is now poised to become the leading Nation in that part of the World. Why is it that the dissidents in this country receive no assistance from our leaders? If the rebels in this Nation were to overcome the Theocratic Madman who rules there the entire World would be much safer. Now, I am not promoting another war, I am just posing the question as to the reasoning behind Libya and not Iran or Iran’s closest ally Syria. These two Countries pose a threat to U.S. allies, U.S. interests, the freedoms of people living in those countries, and indeed, peace for all mankind. “Wait, what did you say Mike? Peace for all mankind?” That is exactly what I said.
The reason I made such a statement is due to Islamic Prophecy about the Madi or 12th Imam. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes fully that this person is alive and well here now. Whether or not you believe this madman is inconsequential due to that fact that millions of Muslims do. Scary part of all this is that in order for the Imam / Madi to show himself bloodshed and chaos must be occurring. After the Imam / Madi arrives Israel will be obliterated, the world will be under Sharia Law, and the unbeliever’s converted, killed (beheaded is best), or subdued. The Madman will do all he can to accomplish these goals. See, it doesn’t matter if you are religious or not, know prophecy or not, are a liberal, rich, intellectual, or anything else except a “good” Muslim (link5).
How many of you have heard or believe this: “The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is the cause of all the trouble in the world”. Do any of you actually know what a Palestinian is? Have you ever heard of a Palestinian Jew or Christian? Did any of you know that there has never, in the history of the World been a Palestinian Nation? The people known to most as Palestinians were actually those who lived in a geographic area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The names this area has had throughout history include: Judea, Syria Palestinia, Southern Syria, Southern Levant, the Land of Israel, Zion, Canaan, and Transjordan. Palestine included Jews, Christians, Arabs, and Muslims all known as Palestinians because of their location not ethnicity.
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire the Middle East was divided up into territories in 1920. The British took control of the area known as the British Mandate of Palestine and ruled there until 1948 when they turned it over to the Israelis. This caused a lot of heartburn for the Muslims in the area since the Israeli’s are primarily Jewish and hated by the Islamic faith. It was from this point in history that the term “Palestinian” changed. The Jordanian, Syrian, and Egyptian Muslims (Arabs) who lived in the area suddenly became known as Palestinians in an ethnic sense. The Arab Muslims have been using this as a point of victim-hood to retrieve land they believe is owed them but on a scarier note to annihilate the hated “little Satan” Israel. I wonder what they want to do to us whom they refer to as the “Great Satan”.
When I was younger, studying prophecies, I listened to some of the prominent scholars of the time saying that “All Nations shall rise against Israel” and thinking to myself, all nations but America. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that America would turn her back on the Jewish people. Now, I am not so sure and I can see where things appear to be leading under our current administration. I am not saying that the prophecies are coming true and that the end is near, quite a few more things have to happen before that time, but it is a very interesting time to be living.
In Conclusion
America is not the strongest Nation on Earth because of our Government, it is you, it is us. We as innovators, entrepreneurs, individuals, groups, and even as consumers have made other countries great. We are the ones who have given more to others than any other people on the planet. We are the ones who have improved the quality of life for hundreds of millions of human beings. It is We the People of the United States of America who have given our treasure, blood, sweat, and tears around the globe so that others can have it as good as us. We are a Great Nation! We can do whatever we put our minds to and if that is saving our beloved country from our own politicians, by God We Can Do It.
There are a lot of things going on in our World these days and it is difficult to keep up with everything. Rodney and I try our best to keep you up to date and if we miss something don’t get upset just comment on it, e-mail us, and get it off your chest. We want you to be heard and informed which is why we are trying to revamp our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com. We have added an Islamo-Fascism area where you can actually read the Qur’an in its own words and in order. We also added links to all the reviewed books so you can see other’s comments on Amazon and even purchase them if you wish. Stay informed and don’t give up!
Until Next Time,
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." ~ Dietriech Bonhoeffer
Cut and paste into your browser’s address window if they don’t work
Link 1: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-01/foreign-banks-tapped-fed-s-lifeline-most-as-bernanke-kept-borrowers-secret.html
Link 2: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-31/libya-owned-arab-banking-corp-drew-at-least-5-billion-from-fed-in-crisis.html
Link 3: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/03/schumer-coordinates-dem-budget-attack-gop
Link 4: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-01/libya-rebels-seek-cease-fire-after-u-s-vows-to-withdraw-jets-by-tomorrow.html
Link 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0RuSyyBIRM
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