Saturday, February 5, 2011

Insurrections, Fuzzy Math, and Who You Know

Insurrections, Fuzzy Math, and Who You Know

Hey Folks,

Well, there has been a lot happening since our last newsletter; another State of Dis-Union Address, the Insurrections in the Middle East, more fuzzy math on jobs from our “most intellectual” President and his administration, and more cronyism from ole B.O. Now I know there is more going on but to make sure I do not send out a novel I will stick to these issues. As a matter of fact, in regards to the first item, the State of Dis-Union address, I don’t think I need to expand too much, more spending re-packaged as “investments”, really focusing on “Jobs” (no, really, for real this time), and more transparency (no, really, for real this time), is it just me or does this speech sound just like his last State of Dis-Union, only with catchier lingo? Anyhow, I will move on to the other issues.

The insurrections in the Middle East are a combination of a lot of issues with many different players vying for control, there are no simple solutions however, had we stuck to the ideas of our founders we most likely wouldn’t be as eyeball deep in it as we are.

“Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances, with any portion of the foreign world.” ~ George Washington

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.” ~ George Washington

Unfortunately we did not adhere to the precepts of our Founders and here we are. Now, I certainly am glad that I am not the President because this mess is so difficult. Think about it, in Egypt Mubarak is stating that the rebellion is a U.S. plot to overthrow his government (the U.K. Telegraph picked up on this here: ) and the protesters are angry with the U.S. for supporting Mubarak for over 30 years with hundreds of billions of dollars and military equipment. The Muslim Brotherhood, not wanting a crisis to go to waste (sounds eerily familiar doesn’t it), has tried to co-opt the anger of the protesters and position themselves for a role in any new government that may form. Also not wanting a crisis to go to waste, Mohamed El Baradei returned to Egypt to throw his hat into the new government ring also. Now you may or may not remember, El Baradei was the U.N. weapons inspector who said that Iran’s nuclear program was only for peaceful purposes. So basically the U.S. is not going to be looked at favorably whatever outcome occurs in Egypt. But Egypt is not the only nation in which the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are looking to become a part of (if not take over completely), there are also Lebanon, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Turkey, and I am sure there shall be more. You see this is part of the Islamist mind set, all these countries were part of the Islamic Empire during the height of the last Caliphate, The Ottoman Empire, which was partitioned after the Treaty of Sevres in 1920. The Islamists believe this land still belongs to Islam. Prior to that, Islam had conquered from France to as far as Indonesia; many Muslims believe it’s all theirs to this day. Pretty deep problem when you won’t even acknowledge it exists. These are very interesting times for those of you who are students of prophecy (Christian, Jewish, and Islamic) and for those of you who are not, well, probably still interesting.

Hey, did you hear? Unemployment is at 9.0%, down 0.4% after adding just 36,000 jobs…huh? Wait, I thought we needed around 148,000 just to keep pace with the population growth. Confused? Good, you’re supposed to be. You see it all comes down to the political games played by the politicians to make you feel good, “if we only use a certain survey and not another” or “if we look only at one part and not the other we will have the numbers we need”. One reason that the unemployment numbers fell is that the labor force has dropped to a 26 year low from 83.9 million to 86.2 million, which is 2.2 million people who have taken themselves out of the labor force in only 1 year. These people fall off of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics records because they are no longer looking for jobs. It would be nice to know what the truth is for a change but, what can you expect from people obsessed with power worried about losing it?

Speaking of jobs, did you hear, El Presidente created a new “Jobs and Competitiveness” board. The guy he picked to head this board up has created lots of jobs (3/4’s of them overseas), and has done business all over the world (including Iran during sanctions against doing such), the President even thought so highly of this guy that he gave him $24.9 million in stimulus grants (secretly of course. ) after this guys company paid $23.5 million to settle allegations of bribery for contracts under the U.N. / Iraqi Oil for Food Program between 2000 and 2003 ( ). Last month the Obama EPA began enforcing new rules concerning expansion of new power plants and greenhouse gasses, funny thing though; this guys company is exempt from these regulations ( ). Now this guy has done a lot for the Democrats and the President himself by donating millions of dollars to the party and lots of airtime on his television networks, supporting the President’s policies on channel after channel and attacking anyone who opposes his benefactor. This man is none other than G.E. / NBC’s Jeffery Immelt. I guess it really is about who you know.

Folks, there is a lot going on out there and I wish I could keep you up on all of it. Many of you have called me out on not getting our website up to date and not expanding our Islamo-Fascism area like I said I would. I have been busy trying to take care of my son but I will try to make a bit more time to catch up. I want all of you to be informed and continue to come back to our website for valuable information. If you have suggestions let us know. Until then, keep checking out for more information.
