Saturday, September 18, 2010

Battling the Establishment

Hi all,

How about some of those primary election results over the past few weeks? I do think we, the people, are starting to get our voice back. Mike and I have stressed all along that it makes no difference what political party politicians align themselves with; if you don’t listen to your constituents you will get fired. This was very evident this past week after Christine O’Donnell’s primary win over the established Mike Castle in Delaware. Interesting enough, I’m hearing now of how the Tea Party is splintering the Republican Party. Well duh! We must clean our own house before we complain about others. This has raised the ire of Karl Rove, who made some bold remarks on the evening of O’Donnell’s victory. To paraphrase Rove, he spoke of doing conservatives no good to elect folks who are unheard of, who just says what people want to hear but don’t have any political experience. That it will hurt conservatives in November, due to established Republicans who would have won seats in Congress, now could go to the Democrats. I over heard someone speaking the other day asking each other what issues do the Tea Party have? Aren’t they shooting themselves in the foot? I though of these questions and decided to address some of this in the newsletter, to remind ourselves why we re in this battle.

The Tea Party has the political whip hand in this campaign year, which is why we have been able to wreak havoc on the mainstream political system throughout this year’s primaries. The Tea Party has booted establishment GOP candidates and pulled forward previously obscure true believers such as Rand Paul in Kentucky, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Mike Lee in Utah, Ken Buck in Colorado, Joe Miller in Alaska, Marco Rubio in Florida and Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. The real battle now is against the Republican Party, which didn’t exactly embrace tea party principles when George W. Bush was president. Much of the flow that angers tea party members are: increased federal spending, growing deficits, Washington’s earmark culture, the looming entitlement crises- were in full force during the Bush years. That’s why we are so focused on busting up the Washington establishment by first busting the GOP. To me this gives us credibility. We can’t be used as a tool for the Democratic Party saying we are just a radical right wing hit squad. By busting up the GOP, we are showing that no party is exempt from doing the people’s will.

Contrary to media spin, our grassroots uprising is not about the Obama Administration, its about firing members of both parties who believe their positions grant them rights to control the actions and money of citizens in order to establish an all-powerful federal government. Year after year the government passes thousands of laws, which on by one crush our freedoms. Our movement is a citizen uprising against the dismantling of our moral values and constitutional Republic drifting toward a socialistic state. President Obama campaigned as a moderate but immediately began governing as a progressive radical. His initiatives came fast and furious, which awakened the people from our politically irresponsible sleep. President Obama’s egotistical style of leadership is not the issue. The November 2nd elections, weather a big win for conservatives or not, isn’t the issue. The issue for the Tea Party patriots should be a life long commitment to stay vigilant, wake up those who are still asleep and be prepared for the long haul. The ultimate goal is the restoration of our constitution to it’s scared place, as the guiding light for liberty.

Give me your thoughts on this. Why do you think we are in this battle? What should be our focus after the November elections? Join us on our website check out the armory section. It has valuable info to help arm ourselves for this battle ahead of us

Until next time, Rodney

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Religion of Peace

Hey folks,

Well our politicians are still spending like crazy, and blaming the other party for the mess we are in and they are both right for a change since they both played big parts in it. Now I could go on one of my usual rants about the hypocrisy of the President’s speech today, using Thomas Jefferson quotes and telling you to get everyone you know off their behinds to vote but, this week being the anniversary of 9/11, I am going to get into an area where I am comfortable but many others are confused or even frightened to get into, Radical Islam.

(The following is not an indictment against the Muslim people, for just as in all other religions, there are those who claim to be adherents yet are associated by their claim only not their actions. This is intended only to shed some light for those seeking answers, I encourage all of you to study this for yourselves and not just take my word for it.)

A couple of weeks ago Rodney sent a newsletter out regarding the “Ground Zero” Mosque, we received some comments that really missed the point and actually a couple of people were upset, why, since Rodney pretty much agreed with their right to build the Mosque he thought it was a bad idea, an opinion held by a majority of Americans. I believe the reason some were upset is because there is a lot of sensitivity regarding Islam and not wanting to be considered an Islamo-phobe or to seem intolerant toward religion. We all should have been upset, not about the building of the Mosque so much as the Administration using our tax dollars to send a religious figure overseas to raise money to build a religious building, especially since they use Jefferson’s quote (falsely interpreted) “Separation of Church and State” when it regards Christianity and other religions so often. I wonder if that’s because other religions don’t threaten to kill people if they disagree with them.

After September 11th, 2001 I decided to learn as much as I could about those who had declared war against us (Osama bin laden declared war against the U.S. in a Fatwa published on February 23rd, 1998). I heard all the politicians telling us that “Islam is a religion of peace”, yet I saw the celebrations in the streets of Muslim Nations and Gaza. We were told that it was only 1 – 10 percent of Muslims that had “High-Jacked” Islam but hold on, 1 percent of 1.4 Billion (the approx. size of Islamic followers) is 14 million people (the size of all of Judaism), 10 percent is 140 Million! Well, doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

I read dozens of books and began studying Arabic and the Quran (Koran). The Arabic was (and is) really difficult but the Quran wasn’t that bad, well, o.k., that’s a lie. I don’t know how many of you have tried reading the Quran but, it isn’t very fluid. I mean the Bible pretty much tells the story chronologically but not the Quran. The Quran was compiled pretty much from longest Surah (chapters) to the shortest (except for Surah 1 [al-Fatihah, The Opening]). There were Surahs that were beautiful talking about “no compulsion in religion” and “everlasting peace” and then there were ones about war, slitting throats, and dismembering, I thought you could pretty much say whatever and claim it came from the Quran but, I then learned the chronological order and things began to fall in place.

The Cliff-Notes, Cliff-Notes version of Muhammad is this; 570 A.D. Born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) into the tribe Quraysh. He was raised by his uncle Abu Talib who was a merchant in the trading center of Mecca. Mecca was a crossroads for many diverse people of the area including Jews, Christians, Zorarastorians, and many, many others. In Mecca was the Ka’bah where many religions from around the area put their idols and figures so they could worship while trading in the city. In 610 A.D. Muhammad is apparently visited by the angel Gabriel who reveals the Monotheism of Allah to him. Muhammad first converts his wife Khadija and his uncle. He goes into the Ka’bah and destroys all the idols and figures which was bad for business in Mecca. In 622 A.D. Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina; this is known as the Hijra. While in Medina, Muhammad and his followers start wars with the resident Jewish clans in Medina and then war against the caravans coming to and from Mecca. Each battle won, Muhammad proclaims it was the will of Allah, each loss, someone didn’t believe enough or had angered Allah. People who were not killed in battle were either converted to Islam, were made a slave, or were tortured and then killed. In 630 A.D. Muhammad and the Muslims conquer Mecca. In 631 A.D. all Arab tribes are forced to accept Islam. Muhammad dies in Medina in June of 632 A.D. Islam went on to occupy land from India to Spain and Southwestern France (and still believe they are entitled to that land). This is the very, very abbreviated version.

If one were to read the Quran they would not get this in the order given to you, it would mix all the sentences up without any dates which could easily confuse anyone. If you read the Quran in chronological order however, it is clear that Muhammad tried to start a religion taking what he felt were the best parts of certain religions (Judaism and Christianity especially) and claimed his was the best. When his people in Mecca rejected his religion and ran him out of town he grew angry and turned against anyone who would defy him.

The Early Meccan Surahs, are peaceful and reminiscent of Jewish and Christian literature, as are many of the Middle Meccan Surahs however, one can sense the growing frustration of Muhammad in the Late Meccan Surahs. It is in 28 Medina Surahs, the Surahs after the Hijra where “Radical Islam” draws its manifestos.

In the very first Medina Surah (2 al-Baqarah / The Cow) there is a key verse known as the verse of abrogation; Surah 2:106 – “When we cancel a message or throw it into oblivion, we replace it with one better or similar. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things?” This should be troubling to all of us who are not Muslim because the verses after this Surah cancel all others before it and the ones after it are terrifyingly intolerant to all who are not Muslim.

Surah 8 (2nd Medina chapter) al-Anfal (Spoils of War)

Surah 8:12 through 17 - [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." This is because they defied and disobeyed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever defies and disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. "That [is yours], so taste it." And indeed for the disbelievers is the punishment of the Fire. O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battle-field, never turn your backs to them. And whoever turns his back to them on such a day - unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own), - he indeed has drawn upon himself wrath from Allah. And his abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination! And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Surah 8:55 - Verily, The worst of moving (living) creatures before Allah are those who disbelieve, - so they shall not believe.

Surah 8:65 - O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.

Surah 3(3rd Medina chapter) al-Imran (the Family of Imran)

Surah 3:85 - And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.

Surah 47 (9th Medina chapter) Surah Muhammad (Muhammad)

Surah 47:4 - So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.

Surah 48 (25th Medina chapter) al-Fath (Victory)

Surah 48:29 - Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad SAW till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise).

Surah 5 (26th Medina chapter) al-Ma’idah (the Table Spread)

Surah 5:10 - They who disbelieve and deny our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) are those who will be the dwellers of the Hell-fire.

Surah 5:33 - The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.

Surah 5:51 - O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).

Surah 9 (27th Medina chapter) at-Tawbah (the Repentance) next to last chapter and the most significant to Wahabists and other Radicals.

Surah 9:5 (the Verse of the Sword) - And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakat, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Surah 9:29 & 30 - Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?

Surah 9:123 - O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who are the Al-Muttaqun (the pious).

Surah 110 (the last Medina chapter and last chapter of the Quran) an-Nasr (Help)

Surah 110 - When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah), And you see that the people enter Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds, So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives.

Now folks, I am not saying that every last Muslim believes every last one of these words from the Quran, I mean really, how many Christians do you know who know everything in the Bible. These verses are however, what many of the “Radical Muslims” use to bring other Muslims to their cause. It is clear from these verses that if Islam is a “Religion of Peace” it doesn’t use the Quran as its “Word of Allah” but, I could be wrong.

The truth is sometimes difficult to accept but if you intentionally ignore a problem, does it go away? The Politically Correct, the Politicians, and the Mainstream Media don’t seem to care about the truth anymore so, they remain ignorant yet believe they know better than we do and refuse to debate, resorting to name calling instead. People, all I ask is that you educate yourselves and know the truth because you know what is said: “The Truth Shall Set You Free.”

I plan on spending a little more time on our website,, giving more information in the Armory section on the topic of Islam. I encourage you to check out our Book Review section so you can find books to help you educate yourself on a variety of topics.

Forgive me if I in some way trampled on your sensibilities, insulted you, or bored those of you who didn’t want to hear this but I felt it was important to let you see the “Religion of Peace” up close and personal.
