Hey Folks,
Due to a new addition in my family, I am a little tired so I am re-posting a newsletter from May of 2009 that is still relevant today. Please take another look at "History Does Not Wait" from May 2, 2009
History Does not Wait
To The People of Liberty,
We are in a time of historic significance not because we have elected our first black president but because we have allowed those, our forefathers fought to give us power over, to wrest from us our heritage as well as our future. We have essentially given up our inheritance of liberty for submission to a small elite. We have ignored the warnings from our past and now find ourselves in a situation most dire.
The wise men who founded our great nation have been reduced to rouges and liars by those who wish to govern us. We are told that their words now hold no meaning, that we have “Progressed” far beyond the dreams of our founders, yet one need only look at where we are to see the progress they speak of has been tried before and failed. If we look at the words of those old wise men, we find, more often than not, that they ring truer than ever before.
”The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought,” Samuel Adams spoke these words over 200 years ago and the last line of it makes me wonder if we defended it as we ought?
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson wrote these words over 200 years ago, do you see anything that sparks a thought?
Our current body politic has passed the largest spending bills in history. They have given themselves money from the public coffers in the form of “Pork Barrel” projects and pay raises while trying to dig even deeper into the people’s pockets. Thomas Jefferson appears to have been very correct on this issue.
The dreams of our fathers are dying, America is dying, and our very way of life is dying. Where do you stand? Where do your friends and family stand? What do you plan to do?
“History does not wait for the timid or the indifferent; history is for those daring enough to make it.”~ M.M.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Stupid Season Is Here
Well I think it’s official, the stupid season is here. That time of year when mid term elections are near and those in office (including the current administration) starts to throw crap against the wall to see what sticks. When that doesn’t work, something else comes up, then comes knee jerk reactions, the retractions and finally, the deflections. It’s almost scripted how some of these things occur. Look at the past week or so.
First, people of the tea party are racists exclaimed the NAACP. The mainstream media went nuts about this. It was on prime-time news, late night news and early morning news. I admit, I was disappointed to see this in the headlines and all over the T.V. I was so hoping we could make it through an election cycle without the race card being played. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to see the Revs Jackson and Sharpton on T.V anymore. I was hoping the NAACP would be dissolved by now, I mean how much more advanced can one get than President of the United States. Just the fact that the group only wants the advancement of colored people is racist in it’s self, or at least sounds discriminatory. Perhaps the group should be changed to promote the advancement of all people or the advancement of the American people (just a thought).
Then comes the Shirley Sherrod Fiasco. I’ve seen the tape in it’s entirely and no, I don’t think this woman is racist. Could she have chosen better wording while describing her experience, yes. The Obama Administration lost their minds. They wanted this woman’s head because they knew the crap storm that this would cause. The excerpts I saw were indeed damaging but after hearing the full story, I saw where she was going. Yeah, I think Andrew Breitbart should have aired the entire speech or maybe he did and the mainstream media elected to air a snippet of it. Regardless, the NAACP wanted her removed and she was forced to resign. When the full story came out they wanted her reinstated, as did many others in the Administration (the flip flop), the President said that Secretary Tom Vilsack (head of the Dep. of Agriculture) “jumped the gun” when dealing with Mrs. Sherrod. Now the administration and the NAACP are blaming Breitbart, he is the racist. The NAACP and Mrs. Sherrod are contemplating legal action against Andrew Breitbart. The finger pointing is never ending.
Whoa, you know what folks, I became so distracted that I didn’t talk about the Arizona vs. The USA lawsuit going on to stop illegal immigration into our country. I didn’t talk about cap and trade that’s getting forced down our throats (remember the health-care bill). I didn’t talk about the financial reform bill that President Obama signed or the unemployment benefits bill that was also signed. All of this equals… more of our money being spent. Money that we don’t have!! Damn it folks, we must remain focused. We must not let the distractions knock us off course. I’ve head of this tea party split that happened last week, forget about it, this country’s founding fathers put us on the right course. Now we, the defending fathers must keep up the fight. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”. This sure has been the case this past week or so hasn’t it. The politicians will try to hold on to their power by any means necessary. Stupid season is here, lets break out the umbrellas because it’s going to rain stupid but we must continue to march forward.
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
Until next time, Rodney
First, people of the tea party are racists exclaimed the NAACP. The mainstream media went nuts about this. It was on prime-time news, late night news and early morning news. I admit, I was disappointed to see this in the headlines and all over the T.V. I was so hoping we could make it through an election cycle without the race card being played. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to see the Revs Jackson and Sharpton on T.V anymore. I was hoping the NAACP would be dissolved by now, I mean how much more advanced can one get than President of the United States. Just the fact that the group only wants the advancement of colored people is racist in it’s self, or at least sounds discriminatory. Perhaps the group should be changed to promote the advancement of all people or the advancement of the American people (just a thought).
Then comes the Shirley Sherrod Fiasco. I’ve seen the tape in it’s entirely and no, I don’t think this woman is racist. Could she have chosen better wording while describing her experience, yes. The Obama Administration lost their minds. They wanted this woman’s head because they knew the crap storm that this would cause. The excerpts I saw were indeed damaging but after hearing the full story, I saw where she was going. Yeah, I think Andrew Breitbart should have aired the entire speech or maybe he did and the mainstream media elected to air a snippet of it. Regardless, the NAACP wanted her removed and she was forced to resign. When the full story came out they wanted her reinstated, as did many others in the Administration (the flip flop), the President said that Secretary Tom Vilsack (head of the Dep. of Agriculture) “jumped the gun” when dealing with Mrs. Sherrod. Now the administration and the NAACP are blaming Breitbart, he is the racist. The NAACP and Mrs. Sherrod are contemplating legal action against Andrew Breitbart. The finger pointing is never ending.
Whoa, you know what folks, I became so distracted that I didn’t talk about the Arizona vs. The USA lawsuit going on to stop illegal immigration into our country. I didn’t talk about cap and trade that’s getting forced down our throats (remember the health-care bill). I didn’t talk about the financial reform bill that President Obama signed or the unemployment benefits bill that was also signed. All of this equals… more of our money being spent. Money that we don’t have!! Damn it folks, we must remain focused. We must not let the distractions knock us off course. I’ve head of this tea party split that happened last week, forget about it, this country’s founding fathers put us on the right course. Now we, the defending fathers must keep up the fight. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”. This sure has been the case this past week or so hasn’t it. The politicians will try to hold on to their power by any means necessary. Stupid season is here, lets break out the umbrellas because it’s going to rain stupid but we must continue to march forward.
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
Until next time, Rodney
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Politicians are Goofy
Once upon a time, not so long ago I must have fallen through some type of looking glass, or into a parallel universe, or something. I mean really, this is no longer an America I recognize. The politicians are going full speed ahead, darn the wishes of the people (well, politicians are still pretty much the same but, dang)! This week our Senators in Washington passed the Financial Reform Act (H.R.4173) that is to make sure “we the taxpayers” will never have to bail out those too big to fail ever again. The NAACP this week put out a resolution demanding that we “repudiate the racist elements and activities within [our] tea party”. And of course the U.S. Government filed suit against the State of Arizona on July 6th that actually has nothing to do with “Racism” but whether States have the right to do the job the Fed’s are suppose to or even assist with the Federal Government’s laws. I am beginning to think our Government is Disneyland, everything is Mickey Moused and all the Politicians are Goofy (sorry Disneyland [Disneyland is not responsible for any content of this news letter])!
O.k., so how many of you know why the Federal Reserve was created? What about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C.)? How about the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C)? Well quickly, The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 due in response to several severe financial panics to include the 1907 “Banker’s Panic”. The F.D.I.C. came about from the “Glass-Steagall act” of 1933 which was enacted as a response to “the Great Depression” and a year later the S.E.C. was created also in response to “The Great Depression”. Now, what do these all have in common? They are all Government bureaucracies that were made to prevent financial disasters from ever occurring in America. Hmmm, so why did we have another financial disaster? There were many reasons and there is some debate as to what the major cause was however, the housing portion is tied greatly to the Fair Housing Act fist introduced by Jimmy Carter, and reinvigorated by Bill Clinton. This act forced banking institutions to give home loans to people who could not really afford the loans to begin with. There were penalties if banks did not comply with the act and eventually Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Government Sponsored Entities [GSE’s]) bought up most of these loans that went bad which caused a major financial KABLOOOIE! Now, what is interesting about our new “Financial Reform Act” (H.R.4173) is not only all the non-financial B.S. (pork), but the fact that the people who wrote the darn thing Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are both highly involved in scandals as well as Fannie and Freddie, not to mention we are repeating history that didn’t help us anyhow. Someone once said “Crazy is doing something over and over again expecting a different result”, well there you go. I have put the bill on our website ( www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com ) but it is the original 1616 page bill not the 2000+ page monster it became, if I find the final version I will re-post it on the site.
The NAACP, playing off the left-wing slander machine, requested that we (Tea Partiers) condemn and repudiate the racist and bigoted elements within our movement and to stop with our racist activities. I Whole-Heartedly agree! Mike, What the Heck?!?!? No really, if I knew of any racist or bigoted activities I would condemn and repudiate them in an instant however, I have not had to do this at all at any event or even in casual conversation with fellow Tea Partiers. What this resolution from the NAACP shows me is that these people are ignorant of who we are and what we stand for, or perhaps they are part of the smear merchants on the left, you decide. I for one am thankful to Dr. Martin Luther King for teaching that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, I only wish that the characters on the left knew their darn History (reference to July 3rd newsletter).
Remember when Arizona passed their immigration law, all the talk of how “Racist” it was and how Obama stated that people would “Go out for an ice cream and be asked for their papers”? Well, turns out that the law suit filed by A.G. Eric Holder has nothing to do with racism but with whether or not a State can do what the Federal Government is suppose to or even assist them in the performance of their duties. In the past the Federal Government has withdrawn funds from States that did not assist or enforce Federal Laws now they want to sue the States for doing what past administrations required? Holy Guacamole, if the Federal Government can’t keep you safe, you better not do it yourself or else. There is a copy of the Arizona Law and I am also putting a copy of the suit filed on our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
I know immigration is becoming the hot button issue du jour here and I know a few of you are on one side and many on another. I grew up in the San Diego area and I know the problems on both sides. Trust me, if I was a father in Tijuana and saw how great America was just across the border I would want to be here too, many people from all over the world have had the same feelings. Our country was built on immigrants who came through Ellis Island and other points of entry. They learned our language, fought in our wars on our side against their homelands in some cases. All of them wanted to be free and have a chance to make it on their own. Today there are many still wanting to be free and make it on their own but there are also those who want an easy life with free medical, free welfare, and remain citizens of their home countries. The illegal population in San Diego has nearly bankrupted of healthcare system. It seemed like every election we had a bond measure for a hospital that would have to close its doors if we didn’t pass it (don’t tell me the poor didn’t get treated). Our schools had to slow down their teaching in order to let those who didn’t know our language to get up to speed. Then there are those who are criminals who think they can get away with things here because, well, they can. I know, I know Mexico is a bad place to live and I know I wouldn’t want to live there either but, if your country is that bad and you still want to be a citizen of it, FIX IT!!! Hey, if you don’t like what your country is doing, fix it, that’s a good idea, we should try that some time.
I have a job for all of you. “Oh no, here he goes again”. It’s not that hard folks, I want all of you to be sure that everybody you know is registered to vote well before the election, make sure they are educated on the issues, and be sure they vote. The only way we are going to change things is to get new blood in those Congressional chairs. Until Next time, keep educating yourselves and be vigilant, the attacks are just going to get worse the closer election day comes.
(Once again, the Disney Corporation had nothing to do with the content of this newsletter)
O.k., so how many of you know why the Federal Reserve was created? What about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C.)? How about the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C)? Well quickly, The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 due in response to several severe financial panics to include the 1907 “Banker’s Panic”. The F.D.I.C. came about from the “Glass-Steagall act” of 1933 which was enacted as a response to “the Great Depression” and a year later the S.E.C. was created also in response to “The Great Depression”. Now, what do these all have in common? They are all Government bureaucracies that were made to prevent financial disasters from ever occurring in America. Hmmm, so why did we have another financial disaster? There were many reasons and there is some debate as to what the major cause was however, the housing portion is tied greatly to the Fair Housing Act fist introduced by Jimmy Carter, and reinvigorated by Bill Clinton. This act forced banking institutions to give home loans to people who could not really afford the loans to begin with. There were penalties if banks did not comply with the act and eventually Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Government Sponsored Entities [GSE’s]) bought up most of these loans that went bad which caused a major financial KABLOOOIE! Now, what is interesting about our new “Financial Reform Act” (H.R.4173) is not only all the non-financial B.S. (pork), but the fact that the people who wrote the darn thing Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are both highly involved in scandals as well as Fannie and Freddie, not to mention we are repeating history that didn’t help us anyhow. Someone once said “Crazy is doing something over and over again expecting a different result”, well there you go. I have put the bill on our website ( www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com ) but it is the original 1616 page bill not the 2000+ page monster it became, if I find the final version I will re-post it on the site.
The NAACP, playing off the left-wing slander machine, requested that we (Tea Partiers) condemn and repudiate the racist and bigoted elements within our movement and to stop with our racist activities. I Whole-Heartedly agree! Mike, What the Heck?!?!? No really, if I knew of any racist or bigoted activities I would condemn and repudiate them in an instant however, I have not had to do this at all at any event or even in casual conversation with fellow Tea Partiers. What this resolution from the NAACP shows me is that these people are ignorant of who we are and what we stand for, or perhaps they are part of the smear merchants on the left, you decide. I for one am thankful to Dr. Martin Luther King for teaching that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, I only wish that the characters on the left knew their darn History (reference to July 3rd newsletter).
Remember when Arizona passed their immigration law, all the talk of how “Racist” it was and how Obama stated that people would “Go out for an ice cream and be asked for their papers”? Well, turns out that the law suit filed by A.G. Eric Holder has nothing to do with racism but with whether or not a State can do what the Federal Government is suppose to or even assist them in the performance of their duties. In the past the Federal Government has withdrawn funds from States that did not assist or enforce Federal Laws now they want to sue the States for doing what past administrations required? Holy Guacamole, if the Federal Government can’t keep you safe, you better not do it yourself or else. There is a copy of the Arizona Law and I am also putting a copy of the suit filed on our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
I know immigration is becoming the hot button issue du jour here and I know a few of you are on one side and many on another. I grew up in the San Diego area and I know the problems on both sides. Trust me, if I was a father in Tijuana and saw how great America was just across the border I would want to be here too, many people from all over the world have had the same feelings. Our country was built on immigrants who came through Ellis Island and other points of entry. They learned our language, fought in our wars on our side against their homelands in some cases. All of them wanted to be free and have a chance to make it on their own. Today there are many still wanting to be free and make it on their own but there are also those who want an easy life with free medical, free welfare, and remain citizens of their home countries. The illegal population in San Diego has nearly bankrupted of healthcare system. It seemed like every election we had a bond measure for a hospital that would have to close its doors if we didn’t pass it (don’t tell me the poor didn’t get treated). Our schools had to slow down their teaching in order to let those who didn’t know our language to get up to speed. Then there are those who are criminals who think they can get away with things here because, well, they can. I know, I know Mexico is a bad place to live and I know I wouldn’t want to live there either but, if your country is that bad and you still want to be a citizen of it, FIX IT!!! Hey, if you don’t like what your country is doing, fix it, that’s a good idea, we should try that some time.
I have a job for all of you. “Oh no, here he goes again”. It’s not that hard folks, I want all of you to be sure that everybody you know is registered to vote well before the election, make sure they are educated on the issues, and be sure they vote. The only way we are going to change things is to get new blood in those Congressional chairs. Until Next time, keep educating yourselves and be vigilant, the attacks are just going to get worse the closer election day comes.
(Once again, the Disney Corporation had nothing to do with the content of this newsletter)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Who You Walk With
“Tell me who you walk with, I’ll tell you who you are” - President Obama
I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. Who could ever get tired of celebrating our nation’s birthday. I mean baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. I was ready to celebrate all week long, and then I heard that the Justice Department had actually filed a lawsuit to overturn the Arizona law. I normally try to steer away from singling out Presidents for the actions of a government agency but this one is President Obama’s to own. It was at his direction, that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department “look into” then sequentially file this lawsuit. Rep. Brian Bilbray, (R)- Solana beach states “the Governments’ lawsuit highlights the failure of the Federal Government to enforce immigration laws. Calling for an injunction to stop Arizona from enforcing the law only compounds this failure”. Rep. Darrell Issa, (R) Vista said “For the better part of two decades, citizens in border states like Texas, California and Arizona have been told that illegal immigration enforcement is the responsibility of the Federal Government. While their concerns about the safety of their families and communities have been largely brushed aside or met with inconsistent, under resourced and ineffective responses from the federal government. Yes, this has been going on for decades but this is the first time the Government has sued a state for passing a law that mirrors the existing law.
President Obama spoke the quote above during a speech and press conference with Mexican President Calderon on May 19, 2010. Apparently this quote is from a Mexican proverb and you know what, I whole-heartedly agree with the President on this one. Now I must ask, whom does President Obama walk with?
How about Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama’s pastor of 20 years. You’ve heard some of the anti Semitic remarks this man has made. You don’t stay in a church for over 20 years with the same pastor, if you don’t share some of his beliefs. How about walking with “The Honorable” Louis Farrakhan? I’m sure you’ve heard some of his anti Semitic ramblings. President Obama’s church bestowed its highest social achievement award to Rev. Louis Farrakhan. This is the Louis Farrakhan who declared President Obama as “ The Messiah.” what about Bill Ayers? President Obama said he is a good friend of mine. This friend was the leader of a radical group that was responsible for several bombings of Government buildings in the 60’s. How about Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega? Both leaders of their countries and socialists to boot. I could go on but I think you get it. Two spiritual leaders, one of who believes there is a sphere, a mother ship hovering in the sky, a terrorist, and two socialist Dictators.
I know who President Obama doesn’t walk with, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Nor does he walk with the citizens of Arizona or large number of the American people. President Obama, tell me who you walk with, I’ll tell you who you are.
Here is my newsletter question for you all.
Q: Does the United States of America still represent freedom to the world or do you think we have lost our moral authority over the years?
Check out our website: www.thepeopleofliberty.com for useful information, or just to let off some steam on our blogs.
Until next time,
I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. Who could ever get tired of celebrating our nation’s birthday. I mean baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. I was ready to celebrate all week long, and then I heard that the Justice Department had actually filed a lawsuit to overturn the Arizona law. I normally try to steer away from singling out Presidents for the actions of a government agency but this one is President Obama’s to own. It was at his direction, that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department “look into” then sequentially file this lawsuit. Rep. Brian Bilbray, (R)- Solana beach states “the Governments’ lawsuit highlights the failure of the Federal Government to enforce immigration laws. Calling for an injunction to stop Arizona from enforcing the law only compounds this failure”. Rep. Darrell Issa, (R) Vista said “For the better part of two decades, citizens in border states like Texas, California and Arizona have been told that illegal immigration enforcement is the responsibility of the Federal Government. While their concerns about the safety of their families and communities have been largely brushed aside or met with inconsistent, under resourced and ineffective responses from the federal government. Yes, this has been going on for decades but this is the first time the Government has sued a state for passing a law that mirrors the existing law.
President Obama spoke the quote above during a speech and press conference with Mexican President Calderon on May 19, 2010. Apparently this quote is from a Mexican proverb and you know what, I whole-heartedly agree with the President on this one. Now I must ask, whom does President Obama walk with?
How about Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama’s pastor of 20 years. You’ve heard some of the anti Semitic remarks this man has made. You don’t stay in a church for over 20 years with the same pastor, if you don’t share some of his beliefs. How about walking with “The Honorable” Louis Farrakhan? I’m sure you’ve heard some of his anti Semitic ramblings. President Obama’s church bestowed its highest social achievement award to Rev. Louis Farrakhan. This is the Louis Farrakhan who declared President Obama as “ The Messiah.” what about Bill Ayers? President Obama said he is a good friend of mine. This friend was the leader of a radical group that was responsible for several bombings of Government buildings in the 60’s. How about Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega? Both leaders of their countries and socialists to boot. I could go on but I think you get it. Two spiritual leaders, one of who believes there is a sphere, a mother ship hovering in the sky, a terrorist, and two socialist Dictators.
I know who President Obama doesn’t walk with, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Nor does he walk with the citizens of Arizona or large number of the American people. President Obama, tell me who you walk with, I’ll tell you who you are.
Here is my newsletter question for you all.
Q: Does the United States of America still represent freedom to the world or do you think we have lost our moral authority over the years?
Check out our website: www.thepeopleofliberty.com for useful information, or just to let off some steam on our blogs.
Until next time,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
It has been quite a week, Robert Byrd died, the Financial Reform Act going through the Senate, more and more “Pork” being added to the War Funding Bill to where it will amount to another “Stimulus”, and more lies about “Tea Party” (conservatives) being racists. Let me tell you something right now, I am starting to rethink something I had said early on. I had stated that we should not call for impeachment of Barack Obama because we would end up with “Uncle Joe” and if we impeach “Uncle Joe” we end up with The Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy “Bella Lugosi” Pelosi. I actually argued against this with some of you and lost some support from others however, if the next Speaker of the House is more conservative (shouldn’t be too difficult) I say we impeach these Socialists. I mean, perhaps even now “Uncle Joe” would be more worried about ticking off the American people if his boss gets thrown out. I know this is not our way of doing things but, How Much Do We Want to Take?!?!
Back on November 20th, 2009 I sent all of you a newsletter which was very harsh towards Robert Byrd. The man died this week and is being honored by his peers in Washington and after 57 years I guess it’s appropriate. I started thinking about what I said, you know; Joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 and was elected, unanimously, “Exalted Cyclops” ( does that mean he only had one eyehole in his sheet?). He is quoted thusly: “I shall never fight in the Armed Forces with a negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” This 9 term Senator personally filibustered the Civil Rights act of 1964 for 14 hours during the Democrats 83 day filibuster of the bill (and they say the Conservatives are the racists?). Well I thought about apologizing since he’s dead and all but, nope it’s all true except maybe the one eyehole in the sheet thing, for that I may be sorry…naw, not really.
How many of you have been keeping track of the Financial Reform Act in the Senate? It is known as H.R. 4173 and has been added on to repeatedly by both House and Senate members. Some have said that it will give banks the ability to charge us for anything they want. Now the language in the bill available from May of this year doesn’t directly state this however, when banks are fined or charged for things by the Government they most assuredly will charge you to make up for their loses. I have posted the version of this bill that was proposed in May on our web site: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the Armory (Other Bills section).
The War Funding Bill is suppose to be about supporting our brave men and women on the front lines of the war effort overseas but, in the bill is $18 billion dollars for the Energy Dept. for renewable energy, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund”, $5 billion for “Pell Grant short falls”, $1 billion for a “Summer Jobs” initiative, and many more. Here’s the deal Folks, the Senate passed a War Funding bill back in May with a price tag of $37 billion, the House now has it up to $60 billion and the extra $ doesn’t go to the troops. This is politics as usual; the Republicans did it also however, IT IS STILL OUR MONEY THEY’RE SPENDING!!!
One of the toughest things for me being a conservative is being called a “Racist” by people who don’t even know me. I mean really now, my sister is part black, my best man and friend is black, I have always worked alongside many blacks I have been proud to call my friends yet, because I believe that we should teach a man how to fish instead of just giving him someone else’s this makes me a “Racist”. Because I call myself a conservative I’m a “Racist” (at least I’m not called an “Uncle Tom” like Rodney)? Folks, KNOW YOUR DARN HISTORY!!!
The Republican Party was the party of the Blacks after the Civil War. Republicans elected the first blacks to Congress. The KKK lynched some 4800 people 1300 were white, 3500 were black the one thing they had in common, they were all Republicans. The KKK was formed in 1866 to wipe out the Republicans for putting blacks in office. Between 1861 and 1875 the Republican Congress passed 23 Civil Rights bills including the 14th and 15th amendments. When the Democrats took over, not one single Civil Rights bill was passed until 1964 when the “Republicans” pushed it through despite JFK and Johnson opposing it and Filibusters for 83 days. Most of the accomplishments made between 1861 and 1875 were undone under Woodrow Wilson. People, they have high-jacked our History!!!
I encourage all of you to learn about Hiram Rhodes Revels (first black Senator), Robert De-Large (an ex-slave turned congressman), Josiah Walls (also an ex-slave turned congressman), Benjamin Turner (an ex-slave turned congressman), Jefferson Long (of the U.S. House), Joseph Haynes Rainey (an ex-slave and for a short time he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Robert Brown Elliott (speaker of the S.C. House). These were the first 7 black Americans elected to office back in the 1870’s. How many of you know these names? How many of you know they were all Republicans? People, we cannot sit back and let the truth be untold or perverted by those who hate our ideas, our values, and our Love for This Country!
Have A Great (and safe) INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!
Back on November 20th, 2009 I sent all of you a newsletter which was very harsh towards Robert Byrd. The man died this week and is being honored by his peers in Washington and after 57 years I guess it’s appropriate. I started thinking about what I said, you know; Joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 and was elected, unanimously, “Exalted Cyclops” ( does that mean he only had one eyehole in his sheet?). He is quoted thusly: “I shall never fight in the Armed Forces with a negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” This 9 term Senator personally filibustered the Civil Rights act of 1964 for 14 hours during the Democrats 83 day filibuster of the bill (and they say the Conservatives are the racists?). Well I thought about apologizing since he’s dead and all but, nope it’s all true except maybe the one eyehole in the sheet thing, for that I may be sorry…naw, not really.
How many of you have been keeping track of the Financial Reform Act in the Senate? It is known as H.R. 4173 and has been added on to repeatedly by both House and Senate members. Some have said that it will give banks the ability to charge us for anything they want. Now the language in the bill available from May of this year doesn’t directly state this however, when banks are fined or charged for things by the Government they most assuredly will charge you to make up for their loses. I have posted the version of this bill that was proposed in May on our web site: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the Armory (Other Bills section).
The War Funding Bill is suppose to be about supporting our brave men and women on the front lines of the war effort overseas but, in the bill is $18 billion dollars for the Energy Dept. for renewable energy, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund”, $5 billion for “Pell Grant short falls”, $1 billion for a “Summer Jobs” initiative, and many more. Here’s the deal Folks, the Senate passed a War Funding bill back in May with a price tag of $37 billion, the House now has it up to $60 billion and the extra $ doesn’t go to the troops. This is politics as usual; the Republicans did it also however, IT IS STILL OUR MONEY THEY’RE SPENDING!!!
One of the toughest things for me being a conservative is being called a “Racist” by people who don’t even know me. I mean really now, my sister is part black, my best man and friend is black, I have always worked alongside many blacks I have been proud to call my friends yet, because I believe that we should teach a man how to fish instead of just giving him someone else’s this makes me a “Racist”. Because I call myself a conservative I’m a “Racist” (at least I’m not called an “Uncle Tom” like Rodney)? Folks, KNOW YOUR DARN HISTORY!!!
The Republican Party was the party of the Blacks after the Civil War. Republicans elected the first blacks to Congress. The KKK lynched some 4800 people 1300 were white, 3500 were black the one thing they had in common, they were all Republicans. The KKK was formed in 1866 to wipe out the Republicans for putting blacks in office. Between 1861 and 1875 the Republican Congress passed 23 Civil Rights bills including the 14th and 15th amendments. When the Democrats took over, not one single Civil Rights bill was passed until 1964 when the “Republicans” pushed it through despite JFK and Johnson opposing it and Filibusters for 83 days. Most of the accomplishments made between 1861 and 1875 were undone under Woodrow Wilson. People, they have high-jacked our History!!!
I encourage all of you to learn about Hiram Rhodes Revels (first black Senator), Robert De-Large (an ex-slave turned congressman), Josiah Walls (also an ex-slave turned congressman), Benjamin Turner (an ex-slave turned congressman), Jefferson Long (of the U.S. House), Joseph Haynes Rainey (an ex-slave and for a short time he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Robert Brown Elliott (speaker of the S.C. House). These were the first 7 black Americans elected to office back in the 1870’s. How many of you know these names? How many of you know they were all Republicans? People, we cannot sit back and let the truth be untold or perverted by those who hate our ideas, our values, and our Love for This Country!
Have A Great (and safe) INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!
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