Since the Tea Party movement began over a year ago, many of us have learned a lot more about our Country, our Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. We have come to embrace the ideas that made us the Greatest Nation God ever gave man. Now I know some of our fellow citizens do not believe any of this and disparage our movement but do not be too upset about this, you are in great company. Many of those who oppose us feel the same way about the great men and women who made this the Country that in time of trouble and despair, all other countries run to for help. The Country that people from all over the world have fled to from nations more evil than our detractors believe we are. The Country more people have come to with nothing more than a dream and the clothes on their backs to become Captains of their own destinies. The Country, whose people have volunteered their time, fortunes, blood, and lives for strangers the world over. It is plain to see, for most, that it is the American people that make America great, not it’s Government. Funny thing though, even though most people agree it’s the people who make America great, our brothers and sisters on the other side of the political divide want to make Government stronger. What The Heck? First, they are complaining about our Government being evil and oppressive, then they want to make it bigger and stronger! I wonder if they realize they will not be in control forever. Well, with the arrogance of some of them, they probably think they will.
It would be nice if we had a giant reset button where every one of our politicians would be up for re-election this year. We could vote all the bums out at the same time! Just something I’ve been thinking of.
Another thing I have been thinking of is the amendments to the Constitution, the eighteenth in particular. The eighteenth amendment was the “Prohibition Act” that forbade the manufacture, sale, transport, importation and exportation of intoxicating liquors (another bad progressive idea). This amendment to the Constitution did not affect all Americans, only the ones involved with alcohol. Therefore, my question is this, if the aforementioned required an amendment for only a percentage of Americans, why was something like the Health Care Reform Act, that has an affect on all Americans, not made an amendment to the Constitution? If it was that important to this administration, I mean come on, go all out! Did they fore go the amendment process because they knew they could not get ¾ of the states to agree on it, or was it because they were afraid it would be repealed by another amendment as the eighteenth was by the twenty second? Well, I guess the silver lining in all this is that we won’t need ¾ of the states to repeal it either.
Folks, we need to keep on keeping on and try to remain civil. You know the truth and how great this Country you live in is, that is right, I said IS! As I said at first, it is the people, “We the People”, that make this Country great, not the Government. Remember in November; let us return our Country to a limited Government, the way it is supposed to be.
New on in the other Bills section of the Armory, the “Endless Stimulus” bill from Chris Dodd.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Game is Changing
Yesterday (4/15/10) was a good day, wasn’t it? Thousands and thousands of people letting their voices be heard. Hopefully, all of you were able to attend a Tea Party near you. I personally was able to make it to two parties. I arrived to the first one, where 100+ people on 4 street corners were having a good time. I opened my trunk to get the signs I made then fear struck me. Oh no, …I forgot my Klan robe & hood at home. I have to go to this party totally exposed, a black man at a Tea Party!!! This isn’t supposed to happen, according to the mainstream media. I took my signs and proudly walked up to a group of people. They looked at me and guess what happened? Hugs, kisses and high fives all around. Total strangers united in a common goal. We had a great time. The same result at the second Tea Party I attended. I was vigilantly watching for potential problems and inappropriate signs but I saw none. Everyone was well behaved and I haven’t heard of any problems at any other Tea Party. My only complaint was at the first rally, there were 3 anti Tea Party protesters further down the street. I recognized a local Reporter and wouldn’t you know it, he spent more time covering them than the Tea Party. Oh well, no surprises there, the media is so full of crap.
Hey people, you know what? The game is changing. A year ago at our first Tea Party, the media and some Politicians were minimizing us, calling us a few rabble-rousers. Telling folks that there were only a few people showing up at the Tea Parties, when in fact there were thousands. Last year, Liberals/Democrats tried to ignore us, now, they are trying everything they can to disrupt us. This sounds like an act of desperation. They now fear us, which is a good thing.
As we look towards the November elections, we must be extremely vigilant with Politicians who are running for office. Remember, a Politician is a Politician and will say anything to get elected. Most of them will say anything to appease the crowd but we must also look under the exterior of these Politicians. Look at their voting records (if previously elected). Watch their interviews and debates. Listen to what they are saying and not saying. We must ensure that Politicians will go and do the people’s bidding, not the lobbyists. Let’s make sure these Politicians understand the Constitution.
Please check out our website, and post pictures, share with us your experiences with the Tea Parties you attended. I, for one, will not let the media dictate where we go from here. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Until next time, Rodney.
Hey people, you know what? The game is changing. A year ago at our first Tea Party, the media and some Politicians were minimizing us, calling us a few rabble-rousers. Telling folks that there were only a few people showing up at the Tea Parties, when in fact there were thousands. Last year, Liberals/Democrats tried to ignore us, now, they are trying everything they can to disrupt us. This sounds like an act of desperation. They now fear us, which is a good thing.
As we look towards the November elections, we must be extremely vigilant with Politicians who are running for office. Remember, a Politician is a Politician and will say anything to get elected. Most of them will say anything to appease the crowd but we must also look under the exterior of these Politicians. Look at their voting records (if previously elected). Watch their interviews and debates. Listen to what they are saying and not saying. We must ensure that Politicians will go and do the people’s bidding, not the lobbyists. Let’s make sure these Politicians understand the Constitution.
Please check out our website, and post pictures, share with us your experiences with the Tea Parties you attended. I, for one, will not let the media dictate where we go from here. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Until next time, Rodney.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Don't Be What They're Looking For
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." ~ Thomas Jefferson (always worth repeating)
Well, it’s Tax Day Tea Party Time again and there are so many more angry Americans than last year just waiting to be heard, we want you to be heard too. I have posted many of the Tea Parties going on around the country on our website: . If you don’t see one in your area I suggest you google the name of your city, or one near you, with the words “Tea Party” after it and you should be able to find one. I know I didn’t get all of them and some are repeats, I’m working on that.
Things are heating up with the Parties with record numbers becoming more interested in our movement.We need to show the interested that we know what we are talking about and not let them believe the blatant lies about us in the media. This year we have something new, an opposition group, the “Coffee Party” who has vowed to disrupt as many Tea Parties as possible and as I have said before, we need to be informed. Folks, I can’t stress this enough, we must keep our cool and be the more informed in this battle. The press and the Liberal Machine are looking for us to be “Racist, Angry, Misinformed, Gun Hugging, Spitting, White People without Hoods and Sheets”. Seriously, these people are starving for just one moment captured on film or audio to discredit the whole movement. They’re already making stuff up to do this, let’s not give them the ammo to destroy that which so many have worked so hard for. Believe me, Rodney and I are angry at all the slights from those who are suppose to represent us and those that say they are “Open Minded” yet call us names without even hearing the facts but, this is not the time to be the “Angry Mobs” they want. If we want to be heard, we need to articulate and educate everyone about what we believe and who we are. As angry as you may be, please show restraint even if confronted by a “Coffee Party” member. Think about what the media may use against you or us when you speak and no,I am not taking away your freedom of speech. I am only asking you to be smart in what you are saying.
“Our fight is not with bombs and guns; our fight is at the ballot box.”
One way we can win this war is by informing ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our friends, and those around us about what America was meant to be. I have been reading a lot of books on the founding of this Great Nation lately and I must say that my education didn’t teach me a lot about our Founding Fathers or the sacrifices they made to give us the Freedom we have taken for granted (o.k., perhaps I was asleep during those lessons). I have put a book review on our site to assist you in choosing some really great books to help you educate yourself and others. There are some really great videos on the site to inform and entertain you. We have government documents such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, speeches from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. We have the Hacked E-mails from the “Climate-Gate” scandal, the Health Care Bill, the Cyber-Security Bill, and others, all for FREE! Check it out.
Well, it’s Tax Day Tea Party Time again and there are so many more angry Americans than last year just waiting to be heard, we want you to be heard too. I have posted many of the Tea Parties going on around the country on our website: . If you don’t see one in your area I suggest you google the name of your city, or one near you, with the words “Tea Party” after it and you should be able to find one. I know I didn’t get all of them and some are repeats, I’m working on that.
Things are heating up with the Parties with record numbers becoming more interested in our movement.We need to show the interested that we know what we are talking about and not let them believe the blatant lies about us in the media. This year we have something new, an opposition group, the “Coffee Party” who has vowed to disrupt as many Tea Parties as possible and as I have said before, we need to be informed. Folks, I can’t stress this enough, we must keep our cool and be the more informed in this battle. The press and the Liberal Machine are looking for us to be “Racist, Angry, Misinformed, Gun Hugging, Spitting, White People without Hoods and Sheets”. Seriously, these people are starving for just one moment captured on film or audio to discredit the whole movement. They’re already making stuff up to do this, let’s not give them the ammo to destroy that which so many have worked so hard for. Believe me, Rodney and I are angry at all the slights from those who are suppose to represent us and those that say they are “Open Minded” yet call us names without even hearing the facts but, this is not the time to be the “Angry Mobs” they want. If we want to be heard, we need to articulate and educate everyone about what we believe and who we are. As angry as you may be, please show restraint even if confronted by a “Coffee Party” member. Think about what the media may use against you or us when you speak and no,I am not taking away your freedom of speech. I am only asking you to be smart in what you are saying.
“Our fight is not with bombs and guns; our fight is at the ballot box.”
One way we can win this war is by informing ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our friends, and those around us about what America was meant to be. I have been reading a lot of books on the founding of this Great Nation lately and I must say that my education didn’t teach me a lot about our Founding Fathers or the sacrifices they made to give us the Freedom we have taken for granted (o.k., perhaps I was asleep during those lessons). I have put a book review on our site to assist you in choosing some really great books to help you educate yourself and others. There are some really great videos on the site to inform and entertain you. We have government documents such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, speeches from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. We have the Hacked E-mails from the “Climate-Gate” scandal, the Health Care Bill, the Cyber-Security Bill, and others, all for FREE! Check it out.
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