I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with love, gratefulness and of course food. My family had dinner early, so around 5pm, after watching football most of the day, I sat down with a slice of pumpkin pie and watched the evening news. I then heard something that made me bite my tongue; Looks like the administration is once again looking at creating a National sales tax. Damn, I knew it! I thought this crap went away a few years ago, soon after President Obama took office, but no, here we go again.
Folks, a couple of years back this national sales tax was and still is known as the value added tax, or, V.A.T. what is V.A.T? Here is one definition:
A V.A.T is a national sales tax that would be collected by retailers. But it can also be imposed on products as they make their way through the manufacturing process. That is, manufactures, producers and business that add value to the product as well as by the consumer pay the tax for a single product.
The administration dangles the carrot to the American people by saying the V.A.T will eliminate the income tax. Hell, on the surface it sounds good. No more income tax, sign me up! Remember people, the devil’s in the details. President Obama is vetting a V.A.T to extract more wealth from the private sector to sustain this insatiable hunger for more government spending. Earlier this year, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke commenced a vetting strategy to convince Americans that they may have to choose between higher taxes or massive cuts to Government programs such as social security, Medicare, Education and Defense. This is essentially fear mongering, and a false choice. The Government needs to reform entitlement programs, needs to root out waste, fraud and abuse.
The reason why elites in Washington look at a V.A.T before increasing income taxes is because not enough of the population even pays income taxes, to make it worthwhile for the Government to use the income tax structure to balance the budget. According to the tax policy center, only about 47% of Americans will pay no federal income taxes at all. Meanwhile the Government can extract the most amount of your wealth, from a national sales tax. Think about this, 47% of Americans will pay no income tax. 100% of Americans will buy many things throughout the year. Let’s say the V.A.T is 20% (by the way, this is on top of all the other State, local taxes you already pay) that’s a 20% V.A.T on consumers of anything you buy. After speaking with some folks about this, here are some of the pros and cons:
Pro- It would eliminate the income tax. All taxes would be collected by retail businesses as they sell goods and service
Con- Income taxes are evil, however I don’t want to be taxed to death every time I buy something at the store or buy a gift for a friend
Pro- It would tax all citizens at the same rate so that only those who spent more would pay more taxes
Con- A V.A.T is essentially a tax on consumption. Since low income families spend almost every penny they earn on subsistence items, they would pay a higher percent of their earnings in taxes.
To me, I say no way. A national sales tax would be the end of economic freedom as we know it, because the federal government would then have the power to tax all aspects of our lives. Until Washington can restrain spending, we should not entrust it with the power to create a brand new tax.
My question for you, is the national sales tax the fairest plan? What do you think of a V.A.T being imposed on consumer goods?
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
-Until next time, Rodney
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Look Behind the Curtain
Hey Folks,
Well the midterm elections are over and the Republicans did very well; let’s hope they are as conservative as they claim. What amazes me however, is the fact that not all the Democrats are getting the message as shown by the re-election of Nancy Pelosi to the top leadership position in the house for their party. Did you hear Uncle Joe’s (Biden) reasoning about why we don’t get along with the President? It’s because “he’s so brilliant. He is an intellectual.” Are you trying to tell us we’re idiots Uncle Joe? Here is a link to the GQ interview: Biden GQ interview (http://www.gq.com/news-politics/politics/201012/joe-biden-interview-vice-president-obama?printable=true ).
Now I am sure that all of you have been hearing about the TSA groping that violates the 4th amendment big time, and you’ve probably heard about the Federal Reserve running the printing presses at full speed, devaluing our dollar further, but remember Rodney and I telling you to watch what the other hand was doing? How many of you heard about our $60 billion dollar deal with Saudi Arabia to sell them Fighter Jets and Helicopters slipped in while Congress was in recess. That’s correct; Congress did not approve of this the Administration just did it. Just a reminder, Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Wahhabi Islam which really doesn’t like us very much, as a matter of fact, they want to kill everyone who is not one of them. The Wahhabists have built Mosques all over the world to spread their terror and hate but what’s $60 billion worth of killing machines between friends? Here is the ABC article about the deal: $60 Billion Arms deal to Saudi Arabia (http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/critics-slam-obama-administration-hiding-massive-saudi-arms/story?id=12192558 ).
Did you hear about the COICA bill that went the Senate Judiciary Committee passed that gives the Attorney General the right to shut down websites “suspected” of copyright infringement without due process, and much to my surprise even the ACLU is against this bill. Here is a link to the bill S 3804 ( http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:s3804rs.txt.pdf ).
And speaking of the web, the FCC is trying to bring back “Net-Neutrality” just in time for Christmas (that’s right. I said “CHRISTMAS” ACLU). Here’s the link to this story: FCC may regulate internet before Christmas (http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/130197-fcc-may-regulate-internet-lines-days-before-christmas ).
Folks, like a wounded animal that has been cornered, the Liberals are fighting back with all they have. In the days and weeks to come they are going to try and push everything they want through because they know the new congress will not go for their B.S. We need to be extra vigilant in these last few days of 2010. Whatever the big story in the mainstream media is, look behind the curtain and see what they are really up to.
Please check out our website www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com for useful information and cool videos.
Until Next Time,
Well the midterm elections are over and the Republicans did very well; let’s hope they are as conservative as they claim. What amazes me however, is the fact that not all the Democrats are getting the message as shown by the re-election of Nancy Pelosi to the top leadership position in the house for their party. Did you hear Uncle Joe’s (Biden) reasoning about why we don’t get along with the President? It’s because “he’s so brilliant. He is an intellectual.” Are you trying to tell us we’re idiots Uncle Joe? Here is a link to the GQ interview: Biden GQ interview (http://www.gq.com/news-politics/politics/201012/joe-biden-interview-vice-president-obama?printable=true ).
Now I am sure that all of you have been hearing about the TSA groping that violates the 4th amendment big time, and you’ve probably heard about the Federal Reserve running the printing presses at full speed, devaluing our dollar further, but remember Rodney and I telling you to watch what the other hand was doing? How many of you heard about our $60 billion dollar deal with Saudi Arabia to sell them Fighter Jets and Helicopters slipped in while Congress was in recess. That’s correct; Congress did not approve of this the Administration just did it. Just a reminder, Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Wahhabi Islam which really doesn’t like us very much, as a matter of fact, they want to kill everyone who is not one of them. The Wahhabists have built Mosques all over the world to spread their terror and hate but what’s $60 billion worth of killing machines between friends? Here is the ABC article about the deal: $60 Billion Arms deal to Saudi Arabia (http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/critics-slam-obama-administration-hiding-massive-saudi-arms/story?id=12192558 ).
Did you hear about the COICA bill that went the Senate Judiciary Committee passed that gives the Attorney General the right to shut down websites “suspected” of copyright infringement without due process, and much to my surprise even the ACLU is against this bill. Here is a link to the bill S 3804 ( http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:s3804rs.txt.pdf ).
And speaking of the web, the FCC is trying to bring back “Net-Neutrality” just in time for Christmas (that’s right. I said “CHRISTMAS” ACLU). Here’s the link to this story: FCC may regulate internet before Christmas (http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/130197-fcc-may-regulate-internet-lines-days-before-christmas ).
Folks, like a wounded animal that has been cornered, the Liberals are fighting back with all they have. In the days and weeks to come they are going to try and push everything they want through because they know the new congress will not go for their B.S. We need to be extra vigilant in these last few days of 2010. Whatever the big story in the mainstream media is, look behind the curtain and see what they are really up to.
Please check out our website www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com for useful information and cool videos.
Until Next Time,
Friday, November 5, 2010
Who Did They Hear?
“We’ve been given a second chance and a golden opportunity.” “People want to see results.” -Eric Cantor, VA. (R)
Hello all,
Well, for the most part, the mid term elections are now over. Overall, Republican Candidates did very well. It wasn’t a total sweep but gaining 6 Senate seats, 7 Governorships, and 65+ House seats isn’t too bad. I’ve read it’s the largest midterm gain by one party since WWII. Congratulations to the Republican winners on Tuesday. Hopefully, this is but the first of many waves to sweep across the country and wash away the crap that is still deeply rooted in Washington DC. Now, lets roll up the sleeves, its time to get to work.
Eric Cantor’s quote at the beginning of this newsletter sums it up. We, the people have sent a message; its time for you to do the people’s work. You work for us, if you don’t do what the people want, you will be fired. Our message to the newly elected officials is this; we sent you to Washington with mandates. They are: Significantly cut government spending, repeal “ObamaCare”, stop all tax increases, defend our nation’s security and stop bowing to foreign dictators, and put elected officials back in charge by reining in abuses by executive branch agencies like the EPA and its job killing cap and trade plan.
You should begin working on these mandates immediately. We do not expect everything done overnight, but you must make great progress sooner rather than later. If you fail with these mandates, then you will be swept out of office by that wave that put you there; the people. To the established incumbent politicians, our message is this; this past Tuesday, the people of the United States began to take our country back. It might be a good idea if you started listening to us. If you decide to pursue your own agenda, contribute to back room deals, continue to spend our money without thought, or decide to not read another bill before you vote on it, then your backside will be the next one removed from our employment.
Did anyone listen to president Obama on Wednesday? I did, and you know what? He sounded very humble. He said that the American people have spoken and he has heard them. He then goes on about being open to “tweaking” a few things in the Healthcare bill… THE MAN STILL DOESN’T GET IT! I don’t get how he believes that the people still want his healthcare bill at all. Oh, but he is open to a little “tweaking” here and there. The President said he heard the American people. Now, I wonder what the hell did he hear. Lord, have mercy! He is so frustrating.
Today I heard on the radio, this guy had called into the talk show I was listening to, and he said that people should be afraid of that racist Tea Party who has bought out the Republican Party (did you all buy something without telling me). To this day I still have to chuckle at being called and being associated with a bunch of racists. Never mind that with this past election we have added two black Congressmen; Allen West (Florida) and Tim Scott (South Carolina). Two Hispanics; Senator elect Marco Rubio (Florida) and Susanna Martinez, Governor elect of New Mexico, and one Sikh Indian; Nikki Haley, Governor elect of South Carolina. Finally, I hear that Nancy Pelosi, yes that Nancy Pelosi, is running for House Minority Leader. Again, I don’t know who some of these folks are listening to, but it’s not the American people. Lord, take me now! Folks, we have our work cut out for us.
Join us on our website thepeopleofliberty.com. A lot of good information is there. Oh, before I forget, here is my newsletter question; What do you think should be the first thing the newly elected Congress does?
-Until next time, Rodney
Hello all,
Well, for the most part, the mid term elections are now over. Overall, Republican Candidates did very well. It wasn’t a total sweep but gaining 6 Senate seats, 7 Governorships, and 65+ House seats isn’t too bad. I’ve read it’s the largest midterm gain by one party since WWII. Congratulations to the Republican winners on Tuesday. Hopefully, this is but the first of many waves to sweep across the country and wash away the crap that is still deeply rooted in Washington DC. Now, lets roll up the sleeves, its time to get to work.
Eric Cantor’s quote at the beginning of this newsletter sums it up. We, the people have sent a message; its time for you to do the people’s work. You work for us, if you don’t do what the people want, you will be fired. Our message to the newly elected officials is this; we sent you to Washington with mandates. They are: Significantly cut government spending, repeal “ObamaCare”, stop all tax increases, defend our nation’s security and stop bowing to foreign dictators, and put elected officials back in charge by reining in abuses by executive branch agencies like the EPA and its job killing cap and trade plan.
You should begin working on these mandates immediately. We do not expect everything done overnight, but you must make great progress sooner rather than later. If you fail with these mandates, then you will be swept out of office by that wave that put you there; the people. To the established incumbent politicians, our message is this; this past Tuesday, the people of the United States began to take our country back. It might be a good idea if you started listening to us. If you decide to pursue your own agenda, contribute to back room deals, continue to spend our money without thought, or decide to not read another bill before you vote on it, then your backside will be the next one removed from our employment.
Did anyone listen to president Obama on Wednesday? I did, and you know what? He sounded very humble. He said that the American people have spoken and he has heard them. He then goes on about being open to “tweaking” a few things in the Healthcare bill… THE MAN STILL DOESN’T GET IT! I don’t get how he believes that the people still want his healthcare bill at all. Oh, but he is open to a little “tweaking” here and there. The President said he heard the American people. Now, I wonder what the hell did he hear. Lord, have mercy! He is so frustrating.
Today I heard on the radio, this guy had called into the talk show I was listening to, and he said that people should be afraid of that racist Tea Party who has bought out the Republican Party (did you all buy something without telling me). To this day I still have to chuckle at being called and being associated with a bunch of racists. Never mind that with this past election we have added two black Congressmen; Allen West (Florida) and Tim Scott (South Carolina). Two Hispanics; Senator elect Marco Rubio (Florida) and Susanna Martinez, Governor elect of New Mexico, and one Sikh Indian; Nikki Haley, Governor elect of South Carolina. Finally, I hear that Nancy Pelosi, yes that Nancy Pelosi, is running for House Minority Leader. Again, I don’t know who some of these folks are listening to, but it’s not the American people. Lord, take me now! Folks, we have our work cut out for us.
Join us on our website thepeopleofliberty.com. A lot of good information is there. Oh, before I forget, here is my newsletter question; What do you think should be the first thing the newly elected Congress does?
-Until next time, Rodney
Monday, November 1, 2010
Always Vote for Principle
Always Vote for Principle
Hey Folks,
Well, it is election time and I hope that all of you and everyone you know are going to vote in this historic election. While I was voting the other day (yes, I am an absentee voter) I once again saw that my choices were the better of two evils, very disheartening. I began wondering, again, how the heck did we get to this point from where our Founders started? I mean really, most of the ads are “look how bad my opponent is, at least I’m not as bad as them”, seriously, is this what we’ve come to? What happened to the reluctant politicians like George Washington? Why is it that all we appear to have any more are those wanting to be “Career Politicians?” It’s no wonder that American voter turnout is so much lower than Iraqi voter turnout (America 2006 midterm= 37.1%, Iraq 2010= 62.9% to 70%; one would almost think we were the ones being threatened with death for voting.
Rodney and I made a decision awhile back not to endorse any candidates, for which we caught some flack. Recently other Tea-Parties have put out voter guides and moved whole-heartedly behind select candidates, I will not say anything bad about this practice but I will clarify our position. First let me say that I believe there are some great sounding candidates out there, key word being “sounding”, the point here is that Americans have been burned by politicians for over a century now and most of those that burned us all sounded great hence being elected. One of my favorite founders, Thomas Jefferson, stated that “Power is not alluring to pure minds”, now what I glean from this is that those wanting the power most likely have something on their mind other than what is pure as history has proven time and time again. A good question for any candidate I think would be; what did you want to become when you where younger? What do you want to be now? If the answer to either of these is “A Politician” I would probably steer clear of that candidate.
What are the “DNC” and the “RNC” except breading grounds for Career Politicians? They are the groups who decide what candidate suits them and their agenda best. For decades we have been told not to waste our votes on third party candidates because they could not win but I ask you, where has this thinking gotten us? If we believe that our politicians are supposed to “Protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic” why would you limit yourself to only two that appear wishy-washy on that concept? Politicians from both of the “Politician Mills” of the DNC and the RNC have brought us to the point we are at, we need “Change We Can Truly Believe In” (to coin a phrase from someone) now more than ever. Vote for who you believe will get us back to where we need to be, regardless of party affiliation.
“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. “ ~ John Quincy Adams
Have you read the small print on some of the ads these politicians are running? Those are the people who have bought that candidate usually. Our political process has become so corrupted by the not so “Mighty Dollar” that politicians are beholden to whoever holds the purse strings for their continued election. Do any of you think this is the way our founders wanted it to be? Of course not! This is so far from what they believed they must be spinning in their graves.
I believe the aforementioned issues are what turn off most Americans from voting but that’s not the reason we are in this mess. The reason we are in this mess is you and me! We were to guard our public liberty like a precious jewel, did we? We were supposed to be its “safe depository”, were we? No, we were not. We let this happen.
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.” ~ Patrick Henry
“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Have you ever heard that the majority of Americans are center-right when it comes to politics? If that is so, why do all the Looney Progressives (from both parties) keep getting elected? I believe it is the “Silent Majority Syndrome”. Most of the silent majority types are very polite, don’t talk politics or religion (it’s personal, you know), and usually have a lot of stuff to do and worry about other things more than electing some lawyer type into office. Now these people are not stupid, nor are they ignorant as so many on the minority side paint them, they are America, the heart, soul, and backbone of this great nation. They do not all live in the Midwest or the South, they are all over doing all they can to make ends meet and feed their families. If this is America why is it our politicians are so out of touch with these folks? Could it be that, well, they’re silent? I mean think about it, the Liberals and Progressives protest constantly and at times get violent (G-20 and such), they are loud and obnoxious, and they’ve been practicing since the 60’s, think of it as “The squeaky wheel gets the oil” trick. Now look at the rest of us, some of us are trying our hand at the protest thing, we are, for the most part, calm and orderly, pick up after ourselves, cooperate with the authorities, and love America. We are starting to gain a lot more respect and recognition but, we need to stay true to who we are, America. People, this election is our first major battle, win or lose we must continue the fight and hold every single politician accountable to the Constitution.
We need everybody to get out there and vote, especially the “Silent Majority”, your country is calling for your help, will you???
“Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Hey Folks,
Well, it is election time and I hope that all of you and everyone you know are going to vote in this historic election. While I was voting the other day (yes, I am an absentee voter) I once again saw that my choices were the better of two evils, very disheartening. I began wondering, again, how the heck did we get to this point from where our Founders started? I mean really, most of the ads are “look how bad my opponent is, at least I’m not as bad as them”, seriously, is this what we’ve come to? What happened to the reluctant politicians like George Washington? Why is it that all we appear to have any more are those wanting to be “Career Politicians?” It’s no wonder that American voter turnout is so much lower than Iraqi voter turnout (America 2006 midterm= 37.1%, Iraq 2010= 62.9% to 70%; one would almost think we were the ones being threatened with death for voting.
Rodney and I made a decision awhile back not to endorse any candidates, for which we caught some flack. Recently other Tea-Parties have put out voter guides and moved whole-heartedly behind select candidates, I will not say anything bad about this practice but I will clarify our position. First let me say that I believe there are some great sounding candidates out there, key word being “sounding”, the point here is that Americans have been burned by politicians for over a century now and most of those that burned us all sounded great hence being elected. One of my favorite founders, Thomas Jefferson, stated that “Power is not alluring to pure minds”, now what I glean from this is that those wanting the power most likely have something on their mind other than what is pure as history has proven time and time again. A good question for any candidate I think would be; what did you want to become when you where younger? What do you want to be now? If the answer to either of these is “A Politician” I would probably steer clear of that candidate.
What are the “DNC” and the “RNC” except breading grounds for Career Politicians? They are the groups who decide what candidate suits them and their agenda best. For decades we have been told not to waste our votes on third party candidates because they could not win but I ask you, where has this thinking gotten us? If we believe that our politicians are supposed to “Protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic” why would you limit yourself to only two that appear wishy-washy on that concept? Politicians from both of the “Politician Mills” of the DNC and the RNC have brought us to the point we are at, we need “Change We Can Truly Believe In” (to coin a phrase from someone) now more than ever. Vote for who you believe will get us back to where we need to be, regardless of party affiliation.
“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. “ ~ John Quincy Adams
Have you read the small print on some of the ads these politicians are running? Those are the people who have bought that candidate usually. Our political process has become so corrupted by the not so “Mighty Dollar” that politicians are beholden to whoever holds the purse strings for their continued election. Do any of you think this is the way our founders wanted it to be? Of course not! This is so far from what they believed they must be spinning in their graves.
I believe the aforementioned issues are what turn off most Americans from voting but that’s not the reason we are in this mess. The reason we are in this mess is you and me! We were to guard our public liberty like a precious jewel, did we? We were supposed to be its “safe depository”, were we? No, we were not. We let this happen.
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.” ~ Patrick Henry
“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Have you ever heard that the majority of Americans are center-right when it comes to politics? If that is so, why do all the Looney Progressives (from both parties) keep getting elected? I believe it is the “Silent Majority Syndrome”. Most of the silent majority types are very polite, don’t talk politics or religion (it’s personal, you know), and usually have a lot of stuff to do and worry about other things more than electing some lawyer type into office. Now these people are not stupid, nor are they ignorant as so many on the minority side paint them, they are America, the heart, soul, and backbone of this great nation. They do not all live in the Midwest or the South, they are all over doing all they can to make ends meet and feed their families. If this is America why is it our politicians are so out of touch with these folks? Could it be that, well, they’re silent? I mean think about it, the Liberals and Progressives protest constantly and at times get violent (G-20 and such), they are loud and obnoxious, and they’ve been practicing since the 60’s, think of it as “The squeaky wheel gets the oil” trick. Now look at the rest of us, some of us are trying our hand at the protest thing, we are, for the most part, calm and orderly, pick up after ourselves, cooperate with the authorities, and love America. We are starting to gain a lot more respect and recognition but, we need to stay true to who we are, America. People, this election is our first major battle, win or lose we must continue the fight and hold every single politician accountable to the Constitution.
We need everybody to get out there and vote, especially the “Silent Majority”, your country is calling for your help, will you???
“Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hard Work Comes After the Party
“I need you to be fired up, I need you to stay fired up, all the way to November 2nd. Because November 2nd is going to say a lot about your future”- President Obama, speaking to young supporter’s at a DNC rally.
Hi all,
I sincerely hope the President is right, regarding the remark above. I hope after the November 2nd elections, our future will all look a bit brighter. I don’t need to tell all of you about the importance of the coming up elections. I won’t go into the importance of getting out there and casting your vote. I want to talk about, the morning after.
If you pay attention to or believe in the polls, it appears that the Republicans will enjoy several key victories in the Senate and the House. The Republicans might even take back the majority of the House of Representatives. I’m not one to be a killjoy or one to dampen the party but our work can’t stop on November 3rd. our work, being vigilant; letting our voice be heard; holding our elected officials accountable, must continue. I’ll even go a step further and say we must become hyper vigilant.
There are two reasons I say this:
1. Incumbent Democrats will use the lame duck session, before newly elected republicans are sworn in, to try and pass any and all pending bills legislature, earmarks etc. as humanly possible. In fact, some Democratic leaders have already singled that this is what’s planned if the election goes poorly for them.
2. I don’t totally trust the Republican Party either. We know politicians will say whatever they must to get people to vote for them. They may also have the best intentions going into office, and then they sell their souls to the devil. If this does happen, Democrats won’t hesitate to shove this in our faces and rightfully so. We expect the Republican Party to immediately begin to overturn the health care bill, freeze the out of control spending and so on. I say, they better deliver on these promises or in a short 2 years time it will be like ground hog day.
So hey, if all goes as expected on Tuesday November 2nd, have a party, have 2 parties. On Wednesday November 3rd work begins anew. Tell me what you think. What should we be watchful for after these elections are over? Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com for some great resources and information.
Until next time, Rodney
Hi all,
I sincerely hope the President is right, regarding the remark above. I hope after the November 2nd elections, our future will all look a bit brighter. I don’t need to tell all of you about the importance of the coming up elections. I won’t go into the importance of getting out there and casting your vote. I want to talk about, the morning after.
If you pay attention to or believe in the polls, it appears that the Republicans will enjoy several key victories in the Senate and the House. The Republicans might even take back the majority of the House of Representatives. I’m not one to be a killjoy or one to dampen the party but our work can’t stop on November 3rd. our work, being vigilant; letting our voice be heard; holding our elected officials accountable, must continue. I’ll even go a step further and say we must become hyper vigilant.
There are two reasons I say this:
1. Incumbent Democrats will use the lame duck session, before newly elected republicans are sworn in, to try and pass any and all pending bills legislature, earmarks etc. as humanly possible. In fact, some Democratic leaders have already singled that this is what’s planned if the election goes poorly for them.
2. I don’t totally trust the Republican Party either. We know politicians will say whatever they must to get people to vote for them. They may also have the best intentions going into office, and then they sell their souls to the devil. If this does happen, Democrats won’t hesitate to shove this in our faces and rightfully so. We expect the Republican Party to immediately begin to overturn the health care bill, freeze the out of control spending and so on. I say, they better deliver on these promises or in a short 2 years time it will be like ground hog day.
So hey, if all goes as expected on Tuesday November 2nd, have a party, have 2 parties. On Wednesday November 3rd work begins anew. Tell me what you think. What should we be watchful for after these elections are over? Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com for some great resources and information.
Until next time, Rodney
Death and Taxes
Hey Folks,
I’ve been away from my duties here the last few weeks due to the passing of my mother. She was a wonderful woman who was very deserving of finally finding her peace. I have received the sympathies of many friends and family and I am very appreciative to all of you, and now, back to business.
I am truly amazed at the coverage the “Tea-Parties” are now getting; we have become a potent force for change. Most predictions coming from both sides of the political spectrum show that there will be an “avalanche” of conservatives swept into offices across the country because of, well, you. Our voices are being heard (finally) and we are making a difference but, don’t count our chickens before they are hatched (remember Scott Brown?). Our work is far from over whether we win or lose come Nov. 2. We need to still hold all these “conservatives” accountable, as well as their counterparts lest we find ourselves back in the same situation.
Several things I think we need to push for win or lose in Nov., are things like congressional term limits, salary caps on all politicians, a permanent end to the “earmarks”, smaller government, and of course lower taxes and spending cuts. If we are being heard let’s really tell them how we feel.
Almost everyone I’ve talked to over the years thinks that term limits for House and Senate members is an excellent idea. Most agree that 8 years (the same as a President) is more than enough time for any politician, so why hasn’t it happened? Simply put, why would the lawmakers make laws to limit their time with power? We need to keep reminding these “Elites” that America is “We the People”, that we are the true leaders of this country. I have heard maybe only one or two politicians even suggest term limits buy, as you may have guessed, they get shot down quickly. We must support these candidates and push the politicians into doing our will not theirs. Is it time for a 28th amendment?
If you could vote yourself a raise at work, would you? Most people would just like congress does almost every year, recession or not. Although it is a perk most of us would probably like to enjoy also, it needs to be changed. If a politician or even a government worker was paid what the average worker in the nation was paid, do you think that may give some incentive to that politician to raise the average wage? I say the National average because if you use State or district averages you could run into “earmark” trouble. The reason I mentioned government workers is why should the regular workers pay people doing the same job more than what they are making with their tax dollars? This is a little trickier than term limits but, if “We the People” put our heads together I am sure we could fix this issue.
I have heard in many campaign speeches, from many politicians on every side of the isle promising to “never seek”, “put a stop to”, as well as “kill” earmarks, and they wonder why we don’t trust them. Back in March of ’09 the GOP stated they would “reject all earmarks!” but, they went back to their old ways. Now, earmarks are used to bring “Federal” dollars (your tax money) to the Politician’s State or district, which in the past is what got these folks elected in their States and districts. What ended up happening is that special interests got “Tax Payer” money from politicians they “bribed” with favors and lucrative incentives thus letting the special interests make policy by proxy politicians. Perhaps another amendment is in order.
Over the past few weeks one thing that struck me as odd was that certain people were telling me how lucky I was that my mother had died this year and not the next. At first I was a bit taken back by their comments but then remembered about the “Death Tax” or “Inheritance Tax”. I ask you; why, in a civilized, socially advanced society such as the United States of America should anyone worry about what year they die? What this shows me is how huge our Government has become that our leaders need to tax even our deaths. I ask you, if we had maintained a limited Government, as our founding fathers had envisioned, do you think we would have to worry about out of control spending so much so that we would have to worry about when we die? It is appalling to me that we have got to this point and that our politicians are still talking about spending more!
People, our inaction has caused these problems; our staying home on election days, not paying attention to what our politicians were doing, being so wrapped up in our daily routines that all else seemed uninteresting. We need to stay vigilant and speak up. We need to make sure everyone we know votes in every election. We need to be involved or we will lose our America as we know and love it. You are a voice that needs to be heard, Speak Up! By choosing to do nothing, you are choosing to be taken wherever our leaders lead us, be it to our freedom or our destruction… It’s your choice.
Check out our website: www.thePeopleofLiberty.com
I’ve been away from my duties here the last few weeks due to the passing of my mother. She was a wonderful woman who was very deserving of finally finding her peace. I have received the sympathies of many friends and family and I am very appreciative to all of you, and now, back to business.
I am truly amazed at the coverage the “Tea-Parties” are now getting; we have become a potent force for change. Most predictions coming from both sides of the political spectrum show that there will be an “avalanche” of conservatives swept into offices across the country because of, well, you. Our voices are being heard (finally) and we are making a difference but, don’t count our chickens before they are hatched (remember Scott Brown?). Our work is far from over whether we win or lose come Nov. 2. We need to still hold all these “conservatives” accountable, as well as their counterparts lest we find ourselves back in the same situation.
Several things I think we need to push for win or lose in Nov., are things like congressional term limits, salary caps on all politicians, a permanent end to the “earmarks”, smaller government, and of course lower taxes and spending cuts. If we are being heard let’s really tell them how we feel.
Almost everyone I’ve talked to over the years thinks that term limits for House and Senate members is an excellent idea. Most agree that 8 years (the same as a President) is more than enough time for any politician, so why hasn’t it happened? Simply put, why would the lawmakers make laws to limit their time with power? We need to keep reminding these “Elites” that America is “We the People”, that we are the true leaders of this country. I have heard maybe only one or two politicians even suggest term limits buy, as you may have guessed, they get shot down quickly. We must support these candidates and push the politicians into doing our will not theirs. Is it time for a 28th amendment?
If you could vote yourself a raise at work, would you? Most people would just like congress does almost every year, recession or not. Although it is a perk most of us would probably like to enjoy also, it needs to be changed. If a politician or even a government worker was paid what the average worker in the nation was paid, do you think that may give some incentive to that politician to raise the average wage? I say the National average because if you use State or district averages you could run into “earmark” trouble. The reason I mentioned government workers is why should the regular workers pay people doing the same job more than what they are making with their tax dollars? This is a little trickier than term limits but, if “We the People” put our heads together I am sure we could fix this issue.
I have heard in many campaign speeches, from many politicians on every side of the isle promising to “never seek”, “put a stop to”, as well as “kill” earmarks, and they wonder why we don’t trust them. Back in March of ’09 the GOP stated they would “reject all earmarks!” but, they went back to their old ways. Now, earmarks are used to bring “Federal” dollars (your tax money) to the Politician’s State or district, which in the past is what got these folks elected in their States and districts. What ended up happening is that special interests got “Tax Payer” money from politicians they “bribed” with favors and lucrative incentives thus letting the special interests make policy by proxy politicians. Perhaps another amendment is in order.
Over the past few weeks one thing that struck me as odd was that certain people were telling me how lucky I was that my mother had died this year and not the next. At first I was a bit taken back by their comments but then remembered about the “Death Tax” or “Inheritance Tax”. I ask you; why, in a civilized, socially advanced society such as the United States of America should anyone worry about what year they die? What this shows me is how huge our Government has become that our leaders need to tax even our deaths. I ask you, if we had maintained a limited Government, as our founding fathers had envisioned, do you think we would have to worry about out of control spending so much so that we would have to worry about when we die? It is appalling to me that we have got to this point and that our politicians are still talking about spending more!
People, our inaction has caused these problems; our staying home on election days, not paying attention to what our politicians were doing, being so wrapped up in our daily routines that all else seemed uninteresting. We need to stay vigilant and speak up. We need to make sure everyone we know votes in every election. We need to be involved or we will lose our America as we know and love it. You are a voice that needs to be heard, Speak Up! By choosing to do nothing, you are choosing to be taken wherever our leaders lead us, be it to our freedom or our destruction… It’s your choice.
Check out our website: www.thePeopleofLiberty.com
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Battling the Establishment
Hi all,
How about some of those primary election results over the past few weeks? I do think we, the people, are starting to get our voice back. Mike and I have stressed all along that it makes no difference what political party politicians align themselves with; if you don’t listen to your constituents you will get fired. This was very evident this past week after Christine O’Donnell’s primary win over the established Mike Castle in Delaware. Interesting enough, I’m hearing now of how the Tea Party is splintering the Republican Party. Well duh! We must clean our own house before we complain about others. This has raised the ire of Karl Rove, who made some bold remarks on the evening of O’Donnell’s victory. To paraphrase Rove, he spoke of doing conservatives no good to elect folks who are unheard of, who just says what people want to hear but don’t have any political experience. That it will hurt conservatives in November, due to established Republicans who would have won seats in Congress, now could go to the Democrats. I over heard someone speaking the other day asking each other what issues do the Tea Party have? Aren’t they shooting themselves in the foot? I though of these questions and decided to address some of this in the newsletter, to remind ourselves why we re in this battle.
The Tea Party has the political whip hand in this campaign year, which is why we have been able to wreak havoc on the mainstream political system throughout this year’s primaries. The Tea Party has booted establishment GOP candidates and pulled forward previously obscure true believers such as Rand Paul in Kentucky, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Mike Lee in Utah, Ken Buck in Colorado, Joe Miller in Alaska, Marco Rubio in Florida and Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. The real battle now is against the Republican Party, which didn’t exactly embrace tea party principles when George W. Bush was president. Much of the flow that angers tea party members are: increased federal spending, growing deficits, Washington’s earmark culture, the looming entitlement crises- were in full force during the Bush years. That’s why we are so focused on busting up the Washington establishment by first busting the GOP. To me this gives us credibility. We can’t be used as a tool for the Democratic Party saying we are just a radical right wing hit squad. By busting up the GOP, we are showing that no party is exempt from doing the people’s will.
Contrary to media spin, our grassroots uprising is not about the Obama Administration, its about firing members of both parties who believe their positions grant them rights to control the actions and money of citizens in order to establish an all-powerful federal government. Year after year the government passes thousands of laws, which on by one crush our freedoms. Our movement is a citizen uprising against the dismantling of our moral values and constitutional Republic drifting toward a socialistic state. President Obama campaigned as a moderate but immediately began governing as a progressive radical. His initiatives came fast and furious, which awakened the people from our politically irresponsible sleep. President Obama’s egotistical style of leadership is not the issue. The November 2nd elections, weather a big win for conservatives or not, isn’t the issue. The issue for the Tea Party patriots should be a life long commitment to stay vigilant, wake up those who are still asleep and be prepared for the long haul. The ultimate goal is the restoration of our constitution to it’s scared place, as the guiding light for liberty.
Give me your thoughts on this. Why do you think we are in this battle? What should be our focus after the November elections? Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com check out the armory section. It has valuable info to help arm ourselves for this battle ahead of us
Until next time, Rodney
How about some of those primary election results over the past few weeks? I do think we, the people, are starting to get our voice back. Mike and I have stressed all along that it makes no difference what political party politicians align themselves with; if you don’t listen to your constituents you will get fired. This was very evident this past week after Christine O’Donnell’s primary win over the established Mike Castle in Delaware. Interesting enough, I’m hearing now of how the Tea Party is splintering the Republican Party. Well duh! We must clean our own house before we complain about others. This has raised the ire of Karl Rove, who made some bold remarks on the evening of O’Donnell’s victory. To paraphrase Rove, he spoke of doing conservatives no good to elect folks who are unheard of, who just says what people want to hear but don’t have any political experience. That it will hurt conservatives in November, due to established Republicans who would have won seats in Congress, now could go to the Democrats. I over heard someone speaking the other day asking each other what issues do the Tea Party have? Aren’t they shooting themselves in the foot? I though of these questions and decided to address some of this in the newsletter, to remind ourselves why we re in this battle.
The Tea Party has the political whip hand in this campaign year, which is why we have been able to wreak havoc on the mainstream political system throughout this year’s primaries. The Tea Party has booted establishment GOP candidates and pulled forward previously obscure true believers such as Rand Paul in Kentucky, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Mike Lee in Utah, Ken Buck in Colorado, Joe Miller in Alaska, Marco Rubio in Florida and Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. The real battle now is against the Republican Party, which didn’t exactly embrace tea party principles when George W. Bush was president. Much of the flow that angers tea party members are: increased federal spending, growing deficits, Washington’s earmark culture, the looming entitlement crises- were in full force during the Bush years. That’s why we are so focused on busting up the Washington establishment by first busting the GOP. To me this gives us credibility. We can’t be used as a tool for the Democratic Party saying we are just a radical right wing hit squad. By busting up the GOP, we are showing that no party is exempt from doing the people’s will.
Contrary to media spin, our grassroots uprising is not about the Obama Administration, its about firing members of both parties who believe their positions grant them rights to control the actions and money of citizens in order to establish an all-powerful federal government. Year after year the government passes thousands of laws, which on by one crush our freedoms. Our movement is a citizen uprising against the dismantling of our moral values and constitutional Republic drifting toward a socialistic state. President Obama campaigned as a moderate but immediately began governing as a progressive radical. His initiatives came fast and furious, which awakened the people from our politically irresponsible sleep. President Obama’s egotistical style of leadership is not the issue. The November 2nd elections, weather a big win for conservatives or not, isn’t the issue. The issue for the Tea Party patriots should be a life long commitment to stay vigilant, wake up those who are still asleep and be prepared for the long haul. The ultimate goal is the restoration of our constitution to it’s scared place, as the guiding light for liberty.
Give me your thoughts on this. Why do you think we are in this battle? What should be our focus after the November elections? Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com check out the armory section. It has valuable info to help arm ourselves for this battle ahead of us
Until next time, Rodney
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Religion of Peace
Hey folks,
Well our politicians are still spending like crazy, and blaming the other party for the mess we are in and they are both right for a change since they both played big parts in it. Now I could go on one of my usual rants about the hypocrisy of the President’s speech today, using Thomas Jefferson quotes and telling you to get everyone you know off their behinds to vote but, this week being the anniversary of 9/11, I am going to get into an area where I am comfortable but many others are confused or even frightened to get into, Radical Islam.
(The following is not an indictment against the Muslim people, for just as in all other religions, there are those who claim to be adherents yet are associated by their claim only not their actions. This is intended only to shed some light for those seeking answers, I encourage all of you to study this for yourselves and not just take my word for it.)
A couple of weeks ago Rodney sent a newsletter out regarding the “Ground Zero” Mosque, we received some comments that really missed the point and actually a couple of people were upset, why, since Rodney pretty much agreed with their right to build the Mosque he thought it was a bad idea, an opinion held by a majority of Americans. I believe the reason some were upset is because there is a lot of sensitivity regarding Islam and not wanting to be considered an Islamo-phobe or to seem intolerant toward religion. We all should have been upset, not about the building of the Mosque so much as the Administration using our tax dollars to send a religious figure overseas to raise money to build a religious building, especially since they use Jefferson’s quote (falsely interpreted) “Separation of Church and State” when it regards Christianity and other religions so often. I wonder if that’s because other religions don’t threaten to kill people if they disagree with them.
After September 11th, 2001 I decided to learn as much as I could about those who had declared war against us (Osama bin laden declared war against the U.S. in a Fatwa published on February 23rd, 1998). I heard all the politicians telling us that “Islam is a religion of peace”, yet I saw the celebrations in the streets of Muslim Nations and Gaza. We were told that it was only 1 – 10 percent of Muslims that had “High-Jacked” Islam but hold on, 1 percent of 1.4 Billion (the approx. size of Islamic followers) is 14 million people (the size of all of Judaism), 10 percent is 140 Million! Well, doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
I read dozens of books and began studying Arabic and the Quran (Koran). The Arabic was (and is) really difficult but the Quran wasn’t that bad, well, o.k., that’s a lie. I don’t know how many of you have tried reading the Quran but, it isn’t very fluid. I mean the Bible pretty much tells the story chronologically but not the Quran. The Quran was compiled pretty much from longest Surah (chapters) to the shortest (except for Surah 1 [al-Fatihah, The Opening]). There were Surahs that were beautiful talking about “no compulsion in religion” and “everlasting peace” and then there were ones about war, slitting throats, and dismembering, I thought you could pretty much say whatever and claim it came from the Quran but, I then learned the chronological order and things began to fall in place.
The Cliff-Notes, Cliff-Notes version of Muhammad is this; 570 A.D. Born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) into the tribe Quraysh. He was raised by his uncle Abu Talib who was a merchant in the trading center of Mecca. Mecca was a crossroads for many diverse people of the area including Jews, Christians, Zorarastorians, and many, many others. In Mecca was the Ka’bah where many religions from around the area put their idols and figures so they could worship while trading in the city. In 610 A.D. Muhammad is apparently visited by the angel Gabriel who reveals the Monotheism of Allah to him. Muhammad first converts his wife Khadija and his uncle. He goes into the Ka’bah and destroys all the idols and figures which was bad for business in Mecca. In 622 A.D. Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina; this is known as the Hijra. While in Medina, Muhammad and his followers start wars with the resident Jewish clans in Medina and then war against the caravans coming to and from Mecca. Each battle won, Muhammad proclaims it was the will of Allah, each loss, someone didn’t believe enough or had angered Allah. People who were not killed in battle were either converted to Islam, were made a slave, or were tortured and then killed. In 630 A.D. Muhammad and the Muslims conquer Mecca. In 631 A.D. all Arab tribes are forced to accept Islam. Muhammad dies in Medina in June of 632 A.D. Islam went on to occupy land from India to Spain and Southwestern France (and still believe they are entitled to that land). This is the very, very abbreviated version.
If one were to read the Quran they would not get this in the order given to you, it would mix all the sentences up without any dates which could easily confuse anyone. If you read the Quran in chronological order however, it is clear that Muhammad tried to start a religion taking what he felt were the best parts of certain religions (Judaism and Christianity especially) and claimed his was the best. When his people in Mecca rejected his religion and ran him out of town he grew angry and turned against anyone who would defy him.
The Early Meccan Surahs, are peaceful and reminiscent of Jewish and Christian literature, as are many of the Middle Meccan Surahs however, one can sense the growing frustration of Muhammad in the Late Meccan Surahs. It is in 28 Medina Surahs, the Surahs after the Hijra where “Radical Islam” draws its manifestos.
In the very first Medina Surah (2 al-Baqarah / The Cow) there is a key verse known as the verse of abrogation; Surah 2:106 – “When we cancel a message or throw it into oblivion, we replace it with one better or similar. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things?” This should be troubling to all of us who are not Muslim because the verses after this Surah cancel all others before it and the ones after it are terrifyingly intolerant to all who are not Muslim.
Surah 8 (2nd Medina chapter) al-Anfal (Spoils of War)
Surah 8:12 through 17 - [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." This is because they defied and disobeyed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever defies and disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. "That [is yours], so taste it." And indeed for the disbelievers is the punishment of the Fire. O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battle-field, never turn your backs to them. And whoever turns his back to them on such a day - unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own), - he indeed has drawn upon himself wrath from Allah. And his abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination! And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
Surah 8:55 - Verily, The worst of moving (living) creatures before Allah are those who disbelieve, - so they shall not believe.
Surah 8:65 - O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.
Surah 3(3rd Medina chapter) al-Imran (the Family of Imran)
Surah 3:85 - And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
Surah 47 (9th Medina chapter) Surah Muhammad (Muhammad)
Surah 47:4 - So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.
Surah 48 (25th Medina chapter) al-Fath (Victory)
Surah 48:29 - Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad SAW till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise).
Surah 5 (26th Medina chapter) al-Ma’idah (the Table Spread)
Surah 5:10 - They who disbelieve and deny our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) are those who will be the dwellers of the Hell-fire.
Surah 5:33 - The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.
Surah 5:51 - O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).
Surah 9 (27th Medina chapter) at-Tawbah (the Repentance) next to last chapter and the most significant to Wahabists and other Radicals.
Surah 9:5 (the Verse of the Sword) - And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakat, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Surah 9:29 & 30 - Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?
Surah 9:123 - O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who are the Al-Muttaqun (the pious).
Surah 110 (the last Medina chapter and last chapter of the Quran) an-Nasr (Help)
Surah 110 - When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah), And you see that the people enter Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds, So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives.
Now folks, I am not saying that every last Muslim believes every last one of these words from the Quran, I mean really, how many Christians do you know who know everything in the Bible. These verses are however, what many of the “Radical Muslims” use to bring other Muslims to their cause. It is clear from these verses that if Islam is a “Religion of Peace” it doesn’t use the Quran as its “Word of Allah” but, I could be wrong.
The truth is sometimes difficult to accept but if you intentionally ignore a problem, does it go away? The Politically Correct, the Politicians, and the Mainstream Media don’t seem to care about the truth anymore so, they remain ignorant yet believe they know better than we do and refuse to debate, resorting to name calling instead. People, all I ask is that you educate yourselves and know the truth because you know what is said: “The Truth Shall Set You Free.”
I plan on spending a little more time on our website, www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com, giving more information in the Armory section on the topic of Islam. I encourage you to check out our Book Review section so you can find books to help you educate yourself on a variety of topics.
Forgive me if I in some way trampled on your sensibilities, insulted you, or bored those of you who didn’t want to hear this but I felt it was important to let you see the “Religion of Peace” up close and personal.
Well our politicians are still spending like crazy, and blaming the other party for the mess we are in and they are both right for a change since they both played big parts in it. Now I could go on one of my usual rants about the hypocrisy of the President’s speech today, using Thomas Jefferson quotes and telling you to get everyone you know off their behinds to vote but, this week being the anniversary of 9/11, I am going to get into an area where I am comfortable but many others are confused or even frightened to get into, Radical Islam.
(The following is not an indictment against the Muslim people, for just as in all other religions, there are those who claim to be adherents yet are associated by their claim only not their actions. This is intended only to shed some light for those seeking answers, I encourage all of you to study this for yourselves and not just take my word for it.)
A couple of weeks ago Rodney sent a newsletter out regarding the “Ground Zero” Mosque, we received some comments that really missed the point and actually a couple of people were upset, why, since Rodney pretty much agreed with their right to build the Mosque he thought it was a bad idea, an opinion held by a majority of Americans. I believe the reason some were upset is because there is a lot of sensitivity regarding Islam and not wanting to be considered an Islamo-phobe or to seem intolerant toward religion. We all should have been upset, not about the building of the Mosque so much as the Administration using our tax dollars to send a religious figure overseas to raise money to build a religious building, especially since they use Jefferson’s quote (falsely interpreted) “Separation of Church and State” when it regards Christianity and other religions so often. I wonder if that’s because other religions don’t threaten to kill people if they disagree with them.
After September 11th, 2001 I decided to learn as much as I could about those who had declared war against us (Osama bin laden declared war against the U.S. in a Fatwa published on February 23rd, 1998). I heard all the politicians telling us that “Islam is a religion of peace”, yet I saw the celebrations in the streets of Muslim Nations and Gaza. We were told that it was only 1 – 10 percent of Muslims that had “High-Jacked” Islam but hold on, 1 percent of 1.4 Billion (the approx. size of Islamic followers) is 14 million people (the size of all of Judaism), 10 percent is 140 Million! Well, doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
I read dozens of books and began studying Arabic and the Quran (Koran). The Arabic was (and is) really difficult but the Quran wasn’t that bad, well, o.k., that’s a lie. I don’t know how many of you have tried reading the Quran but, it isn’t very fluid. I mean the Bible pretty much tells the story chronologically but not the Quran. The Quran was compiled pretty much from longest Surah (chapters) to the shortest (except for Surah 1 [al-Fatihah, The Opening]). There were Surahs that were beautiful talking about “no compulsion in religion” and “everlasting peace” and then there were ones about war, slitting throats, and dismembering, I thought you could pretty much say whatever and claim it came from the Quran but, I then learned the chronological order and things began to fall in place.
The Cliff-Notes, Cliff-Notes version of Muhammad is this; 570 A.D. Born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) into the tribe Quraysh. He was raised by his uncle Abu Talib who was a merchant in the trading center of Mecca. Mecca was a crossroads for many diverse people of the area including Jews, Christians, Zorarastorians, and many, many others. In Mecca was the Ka’bah where many religions from around the area put their idols and figures so they could worship while trading in the city. In 610 A.D. Muhammad is apparently visited by the angel Gabriel who reveals the Monotheism of Allah to him. Muhammad first converts his wife Khadija and his uncle. He goes into the Ka’bah and destroys all the idols and figures which was bad for business in Mecca. In 622 A.D. Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina; this is known as the Hijra. While in Medina, Muhammad and his followers start wars with the resident Jewish clans in Medina and then war against the caravans coming to and from Mecca. Each battle won, Muhammad proclaims it was the will of Allah, each loss, someone didn’t believe enough or had angered Allah. People who were not killed in battle were either converted to Islam, were made a slave, or were tortured and then killed. In 630 A.D. Muhammad and the Muslims conquer Mecca. In 631 A.D. all Arab tribes are forced to accept Islam. Muhammad dies in Medina in June of 632 A.D. Islam went on to occupy land from India to Spain and Southwestern France (and still believe they are entitled to that land). This is the very, very abbreviated version.
If one were to read the Quran they would not get this in the order given to you, it would mix all the sentences up without any dates which could easily confuse anyone. If you read the Quran in chronological order however, it is clear that Muhammad tried to start a religion taking what he felt were the best parts of certain religions (Judaism and Christianity especially) and claimed his was the best. When his people in Mecca rejected his religion and ran him out of town he grew angry and turned against anyone who would defy him.
The Early Meccan Surahs, are peaceful and reminiscent of Jewish and Christian literature, as are many of the Middle Meccan Surahs however, one can sense the growing frustration of Muhammad in the Late Meccan Surahs. It is in 28 Medina Surahs, the Surahs after the Hijra where “Radical Islam” draws its manifestos.
In the very first Medina Surah (2 al-Baqarah / The Cow) there is a key verse known as the verse of abrogation; Surah 2:106 – “When we cancel a message or throw it into oblivion, we replace it with one better or similar. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things?” This should be troubling to all of us who are not Muslim because the verses after this Surah cancel all others before it and the ones after it are terrifyingly intolerant to all who are not Muslim.
Surah 8 (2nd Medina chapter) al-Anfal (Spoils of War)
Surah 8:12 through 17 - [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." This is because they defied and disobeyed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever defies and disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. "That [is yours], so taste it." And indeed for the disbelievers is the punishment of the Fire. O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battle-field, never turn your backs to them. And whoever turns his back to them on such a day - unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own), - he indeed has drawn upon himself wrath from Allah. And his abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination! And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
Surah 8:55 - Verily, The worst of moving (living) creatures before Allah are those who disbelieve, - so they shall not believe.
Surah 8:65 - O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.
Surah 3(3rd Medina chapter) al-Imran (the Family of Imran)
Surah 3:85 - And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
Surah 47 (9th Medina chapter) Surah Muhammad (Muhammad)
Surah 47:4 - So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.
Surah 48 (25th Medina chapter) al-Fath (Victory)
Surah 48:29 - Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad SAW till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise).
Surah 5 (26th Medina chapter) al-Ma’idah (the Table Spread)
Surah 5:10 - They who disbelieve and deny our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) are those who will be the dwellers of the Hell-fire.
Surah 5:33 - The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.
Surah 5:51 - O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).
Surah 9 (27th Medina chapter) at-Tawbah (the Repentance) next to last chapter and the most significant to Wahabists and other Radicals.
Surah 9:5 (the Verse of the Sword) - And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakat, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Surah 9:29 & 30 - Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?
Surah 9:123 - O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who are the Al-Muttaqun (the pious).
Surah 110 (the last Medina chapter and last chapter of the Quran) an-Nasr (Help)
Surah 110 - When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah), And you see that the people enter Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds, So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives.
Now folks, I am not saying that every last Muslim believes every last one of these words from the Quran, I mean really, how many Christians do you know who know everything in the Bible. These verses are however, what many of the “Radical Muslims” use to bring other Muslims to their cause. It is clear from these verses that if Islam is a “Religion of Peace” it doesn’t use the Quran as its “Word of Allah” but, I could be wrong.
The truth is sometimes difficult to accept but if you intentionally ignore a problem, does it go away? The Politically Correct, the Politicians, and the Mainstream Media don’t seem to care about the truth anymore so, they remain ignorant yet believe they know better than we do and refuse to debate, resorting to name calling instead. People, all I ask is that you educate yourselves and know the truth because you know what is said: “The Truth Shall Set You Free.”
I plan on spending a little more time on our website, www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com, giving more information in the Armory section on the topic of Islam. I encourage you to check out our Book Review section so you can find books to help you educate yourself on a variety of topics.
Forgive me if I in some way trampled on your sensibilities, insulted you, or bored those of you who didn’t want to hear this but I felt it was important to let you see the “Religion of Peace” up close and personal.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Famous words from our founders who often talked of equality along with liberty but lately it seems the meaning of their words have been somewhat skewed or even high jacked. If we look at what Thomas Jefferson was saying in the Declaration of Independence it is clear that he was stating that we are all granted the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by God equally yet, it seems today that our happiness, liberty, and even our health are to be doled out to us equally by government. If you have too much happiness the government can take it from you and give it to someone who doesn’t have the same amount. Think this is silly? Look at our “Progressive” tax code. The people who are the most successful have to pay a much higher share of taxes and the people who are the least successful pay little to nothing.
Think of this for a moment: two people born here in America, both go to public school. Person number one studies really hard and tries to get good grades; person two doesn’t really care what kind of grades they get and eventually drops out in tenth grade. Person one goes on to college studying hard and working when they can to pay their bills. Person two gets a job as a dishwasher but eventually gets fired because he doesn’t really care about his job anyway. Person one goes on to create a business that employs a lot of people and helps the community by creating more jobs. Now, what is equal according to the founders is not what is equal according to our current politicians.
“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
Benjamin Franklin
By looking at Mr. Franklin’s quote above, our founder’s thought that one’s happiness was the job of that person, not of the government. We could then conclude that person number one in our example would be left to their happiness and be able to pass that happiness on to whom ever they pleased. Person number two however, would have to be happy with their own situation or they could try to improve it as so many others who came to this country did with nothing more then the shirts on their backs. It was this philosophy that made America so great in the world.
Our politicians today seem to think that person number one has too much and therefore should give what that person has earned to person number two because person number two doesn’t have it as good as person number one. They do not seem to care that person number one is helping others fulfill their dreams of happiness by creating jobs. Number two “is less fortunate” and “it isn’t fair that one person should have more than anyone else” even if person one tried so much harder to fulfill their happiness. And Heaven forbid if person number one wants to leave their hard earned happiness for their family, the government will have to take from that also. It seems pretty much what the government is telling you is; “How Dare You Succeed!”
Now I know that not all situations are like the example I gave however, it is up to each individual to achieve their own form of happiness. By being envious of what others have perhaps you should find out how they got there and do what they did to get it. If someone inherited their happiness what did their benefactor do to be able to leave such happiness for their heir? Jealousy is not the American way, or at least it wasn’t. Do you remember the sayings; “Yankee ingenuity”, “Rugged Individualism”, “The Land of Opportunity” and so many others that showed why so many left their homelands to come to the great melting pot that is America? People wanted to be Americans, not just live here, because they could be a rugged individual with Yankee ingenuity in the land of opportunity free to pursue their own happiness. We need to get back to this urgently!
“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.” - Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence makes it clear to all Americans; our unalienable rights come from GOD not Government. We have lost our inheritance from our founders because we stood by and let our politicians take away from us that which we were suppose to guard.
I can not stress enough the importance of the up coming elections in November. I am not asking anyone to vote for the Republicans, Democrats, or any other party, what I want is for you to vote for those individuals that want to bring our country back in line with what we were meant to be. I want you to inform everyone you can about what you know. I want everyone you know to vote, make sure it happens. True change begins with you! We need to take our country back from these politicians who have perverted our nation into what we have fought against since our beginning. Remember in November!
Since it has been some time since I used quotes, I am going to leave you with a few. Take care and have a safe weekend.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson
If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?
Thomas Jefferson
It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.
Thomas Jefferson
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Famous words from our founders who often talked of equality along with liberty but lately it seems the meaning of their words have been somewhat skewed or even high jacked. If we look at what Thomas Jefferson was saying in the Declaration of Independence it is clear that he was stating that we are all granted the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by God equally yet, it seems today that our happiness, liberty, and even our health are to be doled out to us equally by government. If you have too much happiness the government can take it from you and give it to someone who doesn’t have the same amount. Think this is silly? Look at our “Progressive” tax code. The people who are the most successful have to pay a much higher share of taxes and the people who are the least successful pay little to nothing.
Think of this for a moment: two people born here in America, both go to public school. Person number one studies really hard and tries to get good grades; person two doesn’t really care what kind of grades they get and eventually drops out in tenth grade. Person one goes on to college studying hard and working when they can to pay their bills. Person two gets a job as a dishwasher but eventually gets fired because he doesn’t really care about his job anyway. Person one goes on to create a business that employs a lot of people and helps the community by creating more jobs. Now, what is equal according to the founders is not what is equal according to our current politicians.
“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
Benjamin Franklin
By looking at Mr. Franklin’s quote above, our founder’s thought that one’s happiness was the job of that person, not of the government. We could then conclude that person number one in our example would be left to their happiness and be able to pass that happiness on to whom ever they pleased. Person number two however, would have to be happy with their own situation or they could try to improve it as so many others who came to this country did with nothing more then the shirts on their backs. It was this philosophy that made America so great in the world.
Our politicians today seem to think that person number one has too much and therefore should give what that person has earned to person number two because person number two doesn’t have it as good as person number one. They do not seem to care that person number one is helping others fulfill their dreams of happiness by creating jobs. Number two “is less fortunate” and “it isn’t fair that one person should have more than anyone else” even if person one tried so much harder to fulfill their happiness. And Heaven forbid if person number one wants to leave their hard earned happiness for their family, the government will have to take from that also. It seems pretty much what the government is telling you is; “How Dare You Succeed!”
Now I know that not all situations are like the example I gave however, it is up to each individual to achieve their own form of happiness. By being envious of what others have perhaps you should find out how they got there and do what they did to get it. If someone inherited their happiness what did their benefactor do to be able to leave such happiness for their heir? Jealousy is not the American way, or at least it wasn’t. Do you remember the sayings; “Yankee ingenuity”, “Rugged Individualism”, “The Land of Opportunity” and so many others that showed why so many left their homelands to come to the great melting pot that is America? People wanted to be Americans, not just live here, because they could be a rugged individual with Yankee ingenuity in the land of opportunity free to pursue their own happiness. We need to get back to this urgently!
“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.” - Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence makes it clear to all Americans; our unalienable rights come from GOD not Government. We have lost our inheritance from our founders because we stood by and let our politicians take away from us that which we were suppose to guard.
I can not stress enough the importance of the up coming elections in November. I am not asking anyone to vote for the Republicans, Democrats, or any other party, what I want is for you to vote for those individuals that want to bring our country back in line with what we were meant to be. I want you to inform everyone you can about what you know. I want everyone you know to vote, make sure it happens. True change begins with you! We need to take our country back from these politicians who have perverted our nation into what we have fought against since our beginning. Remember in November!
Since it has been some time since I used quotes, I am going to leave you with a few. Take care and have a safe weekend.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson
If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?
Thomas Jefferson
It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.
Thomas Jefferson
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Concerted Effort
“There’s no question that there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded. How is this being ginned up.” – Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house
Hi all,
Nancy Pelosi’s quote above tells me a few things about our elected officials. Her quote left me shaking my head and wondering, politicians have really lost touch with the people they represent. Nancy Pelosi is right though, when she says that there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue. This should be an issue of what’s right for our country, not a political issue for either side. Why is it so damn difficult to do what’s right nowadays? Legally and constitutionally, can a mosque be built on this site in question, yes. Should a mosque be built on the site, no. I guess that only the first amendment rights of Muslims are sacred to Nancy Pelosi. Never mind the rights of the 75-80% of Americans who find placing a mosque near the site of the 911 attacks to be insensitive, inappropriate, offensive and indecent. I mean, just because they can, should they? Personally, to me if a mosque is allowed to be built there, it might as well be built in the shape of an extended middle finger, toward the American people.
You know what else I noticed? Where are these so called Republican leaders?
Oh sure, you heard of them now speaking out against this mosque, but it took President Obama to open his mouth to get Republicans to speak out. See folks, this is what I mean when I said politicians are losing touch. Not Democrats, nor Republicans, but all of them. I’ve heard of this mosque being proposed a while ago, surely Republican leaders had heard something about this before President Obama said something. It seems that they have to see what direction the wind of the court of public opinion is blowing before something is said. I’ve read blogs and newsletters from other tea party members regarding this opposition of the mosque, well before this latest wave of politicians on T.V and radio talking about this. Why? Aren’t we paying these folks to stay on top of these things? I think it’s time for us 75-80% of Americans to do what’s right… in November let’s vote ‘em out!
How did we get to this point? Where the will of the people is just pushed aside? Weather by a Judge or by a political party, why is this happening? What do you think about the mosque issue? Nancy Pelosi wants anyone opposed to the mosque investigated, that’s you and me. Let me hear from you, American tea party.
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
Until next time, Rodney
Hi all,
Nancy Pelosi’s quote above tells me a few things about our elected officials. Her quote left me shaking my head and wondering, politicians have really lost touch with the people they represent. Nancy Pelosi is right though, when she says that there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue. This should be an issue of what’s right for our country, not a political issue for either side. Why is it so damn difficult to do what’s right nowadays? Legally and constitutionally, can a mosque be built on this site in question, yes. Should a mosque be built on the site, no. I guess that only the first amendment rights of Muslims are sacred to Nancy Pelosi. Never mind the rights of the 75-80% of Americans who find placing a mosque near the site of the 911 attacks to be insensitive, inappropriate, offensive and indecent. I mean, just because they can, should they? Personally, to me if a mosque is allowed to be built there, it might as well be built in the shape of an extended middle finger, toward the American people.
You know what else I noticed? Where are these so called Republican leaders?
Oh sure, you heard of them now speaking out against this mosque, but it took President Obama to open his mouth to get Republicans to speak out. See folks, this is what I mean when I said politicians are losing touch. Not Democrats, nor Republicans, but all of them. I’ve heard of this mosque being proposed a while ago, surely Republican leaders had heard something about this before President Obama said something. It seems that they have to see what direction the wind of the court of public opinion is blowing before something is said. I’ve read blogs and newsletters from other tea party members regarding this opposition of the mosque, well before this latest wave of politicians on T.V and radio talking about this. Why? Aren’t we paying these folks to stay on top of these things? I think it’s time for us 75-80% of Americans to do what’s right… in November let’s vote ‘em out!
How did we get to this point? Where the will of the people is just pushed aside? Weather by a Judge or by a political party, why is this happening? What do you think about the mosque issue? Nancy Pelosi wants anyone opposed to the mosque investigated, that’s you and me. Let me hear from you, American tea party.
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
Until next time, Rodney
Saturday, July 31, 2010
History Does Not Wait (from May 2009)
Hey Folks,
Due to a new addition in my family, I am a little tired so I am re-posting a newsletter from May of 2009 that is still relevant today. Please take another look at "History Does Not Wait" from May 2, 2009
History Does not Wait
To The People of Liberty,
We are in a time of historic significance not because we have elected our first black president but because we have allowed those, our forefathers fought to give us power over, to wrest from us our heritage as well as our future. We have essentially given up our inheritance of liberty for submission to a small elite. We have ignored the warnings from our past and now find ourselves in a situation most dire.
The wise men who founded our great nation have been reduced to rouges and liars by those who wish to govern us. We are told that their words now hold no meaning, that we have “Progressed” far beyond the dreams of our founders, yet one need only look at where we are to see the progress they speak of has been tried before and failed. If we look at the words of those old wise men, we find, more often than not, that they ring truer than ever before.
”The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought,” Samuel Adams spoke these words over 200 years ago and the last line of it makes me wonder if we defended it as we ought?
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson wrote these words over 200 years ago, do you see anything that sparks a thought?
Our current body politic has passed the largest spending bills in history. They have given themselves money from the public coffers in the form of “Pork Barrel” projects and pay raises while trying to dig even deeper into the people’s pockets. Thomas Jefferson appears to have been very correct on this issue.
The dreams of our fathers are dying, America is dying, and our very way of life is dying. Where do you stand? Where do your friends and family stand? What do you plan to do?
“History does not wait for the timid or the indifferent; history is for those daring enough to make it.”~ M.M.
Due to a new addition in my family, I am a little tired so I am re-posting a newsletter from May of 2009 that is still relevant today. Please take another look at "History Does Not Wait" from May 2, 2009
History Does not Wait
To The People of Liberty,
We are in a time of historic significance not because we have elected our first black president but because we have allowed those, our forefathers fought to give us power over, to wrest from us our heritage as well as our future. We have essentially given up our inheritance of liberty for submission to a small elite. We have ignored the warnings from our past and now find ourselves in a situation most dire.
The wise men who founded our great nation have been reduced to rouges and liars by those who wish to govern us. We are told that their words now hold no meaning, that we have “Progressed” far beyond the dreams of our founders, yet one need only look at where we are to see the progress they speak of has been tried before and failed. If we look at the words of those old wise men, we find, more often than not, that they ring truer than ever before.
”The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought,” Samuel Adams spoke these words over 200 years ago and the last line of it makes me wonder if we defended it as we ought?
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson wrote these words over 200 years ago, do you see anything that sparks a thought?
Our current body politic has passed the largest spending bills in history. They have given themselves money from the public coffers in the form of “Pork Barrel” projects and pay raises while trying to dig even deeper into the people’s pockets. Thomas Jefferson appears to have been very correct on this issue.
The dreams of our fathers are dying, America is dying, and our very way of life is dying. Where do you stand? Where do your friends and family stand? What do you plan to do?
“History does not wait for the timid or the indifferent; history is for those daring enough to make it.”~ M.M.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Stupid Season Is Here
Well I think it’s official, the stupid season is here. That time of year when mid term elections are near and those in office (including the current administration) starts to throw crap against the wall to see what sticks. When that doesn’t work, something else comes up, then comes knee jerk reactions, the retractions and finally, the deflections. It’s almost scripted how some of these things occur. Look at the past week or so.
First, people of the tea party are racists exclaimed the NAACP. The mainstream media went nuts about this. It was on prime-time news, late night news and early morning news. I admit, I was disappointed to see this in the headlines and all over the T.V. I was so hoping we could make it through an election cycle without the race card being played. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to see the Revs Jackson and Sharpton on T.V anymore. I was hoping the NAACP would be dissolved by now, I mean how much more advanced can one get than President of the United States. Just the fact that the group only wants the advancement of colored people is racist in it’s self, or at least sounds discriminatory. Perhaps the group should be changed to promote the advancement of all people or the advancement of the American people (just a thought).
Then comes the Shirley Sherrod Fiasco. I’ve seen the tape in it’s entirely and no, I don’t think this woman is racist. Could she have chosen better wording while describing her experience, yes. The Obama Administration lost their minds. They wanted this woman’s head because they knew the crap storm that this would cause. The excerpts I saw were indeed damaging but after hearing the full story, I saw where she was going. Yeah, I think Andrew Breitbart should have aired the entire speech or maybe he did and the mainstream media elected to air a snippet of it. Regardless, the NAACP wanted her removed and she was forced to resign. When the full story came out they wanted her reinstated, as did many others in the Administration (the flip flop), the President said that Secretary Tom Vilsack (head of the Dep. of Agriculture) “jumped the gun” when dealing with Mrs. Sherrod. Now the administration and the NAACP are blaming Breitbart, he is the racist. The NAACP and Mrs. Sherrod are contemplating legal action against Andrew Breitbart. The finger pointing is never ending.
Whoa, you know what folks, I became so distracted that I didn’t talk about the Arizona vs. The USA lawsuit going on to stop illegal immigration into our country. I didn’t talk about cap and trade that’s getting forced down our throats (remember the health-care bill). I didn’t talk about the financial reform bill that President Obama signed or the unemployment benefits bill that was also signed. All of this equals… more of our money being spent. Money that we don’t have!! Damn it folks, we must remain focused. We must not let the distractions knock us off course. I’ve head of this tea party split that happened last week, forget about it, this country’s founding fathers put us on the right course. Now we, the defending fathers must keep up the fight. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”. This sure has been the case this past week or so hasn’t it. The politicians will try to hold on to their power by any means necessary. Stupid season is here, lets break out the umbrellas because it’s going to rain stupid but we must continue to march forward.
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
Until next time, Rodney
First, people of the tea party are racists exclaimed the NAACP. The mainstream media went nuts about this. It was on prime-time news, late night news and early morning news. I admit, I was disappointed to see this in the headlines and all over the T.V. I was so hoping we could make it through an election cycle without the race card being played. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to see the Revs Jackson and Sharpton on T.V anymore. I was hoping the NAACP would be dissolved by now, I mean how much more advanced can one get than President of the United States. Just the fact that the group only wants the advancement of colored people is racist in it’s self, or at least sounds discriminatory. Perhaps the group should be changed to promote the advancement of all people or the advancement of the American people (just a thought).
Then comes the Shirley Sherrod Fiasco. I’ve seen the tape in it’s entirely and no, I don’t think this woman is racist. Could she have chosen better wording while describing her experience, yes. The Obama Administration lost their minds. They wanted this woman’s head because they knew the crap storm that this would cause. The excerpts I saw were indeed damaging but after hearing the full story, I saw where she was going. Yeah, I think Andrew Breitbart should have aired the entire speech or maybe he did and the mainstream media elected to air a snippet of it. Regardless, the NAACP wanted her removed and she was forced to resign. When the full story came out they wanted her reinstated, as did many others in the Administration (the flip flop), the President said that Secretary Tom Vilsack (head of the Dep. of Agriculture) “jumped the gun” when dealing with Mrs. Sherrod. Now the administration and the NAACP are blaming Breitbart, he is the racist. The NAACP and Mrs. Sherrod are contemplating legal action against Andrew Breitbart. The finger pointing is never ending.
Whoa, you know what folks, I became so distracted that I didn’t talk about the Arizona vs. The USA lawsuit going on to stop illegal immigration into our country. I didn’t talk about cap and trade that’s getting forced down our throats (remember the health-care bill). I didn’t talk about the financial reform bill that President Obama signed or the unemployment benefits bill that was also signed. All of this equals… more of our money being spent. Money that we don’t have!! Damn it folks, we must remain focused. We must not let the distractions knock us off course. I’ve head of this tea party split that happened last week, forget about it, this country’s founding fathers put us on the right course. Now we, the defending fathers must keep up the fight. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”. This sure has been the case this past week or so hasn’t it. The politicians will try to hold on to their power by any means necessary. Stupid season is here, lets break out the umbrellas because it’s going to rain stupid but we must continue to march forward.
Join us on our website www.thepeopleofliberty.com
Until next time, Rodney
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Politicians are Goofy
Once upon a time, not so long ago I must have fallen through some type of looking glass, or into a parallel universe, or something. I mean really, this is no longer an America I recognize. The politicians are going full speed ahead, darn the wishes of the people (well, politicians are still pretty much the same but, dang)! This week our Senators in Washington passed the Financial Reform Act (H.R.4173) that is to make sure “we the taxpayers” will never have to bail out those too big to fail ever again. The NAACP this week put out a resolution demanding that we “repudiate the racist elements and activities within [our] tea party”. And of course the U.S. Government filed suit against the State of Arizona on July 6th that actually has nothing to do with “Racism” but whether States have the right to do the job the Fed’s are suppose to or even assist with the Federal Government’s laws. I am beginning to think our Government is Disneyland, everything is Mickey Moused and all the Politicians are Goofy (sorry Disneyland [Disneyland is not responsible for any content of this news letter])!
O.k., so how many of you know why the Federal Reserve was created? What about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C.)? How about the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C)? Well quickly, The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 due in response to several severe financial panics to include the 1907 “Banker’s Panic”. The F.D.I.C. came about from the “Glass-Steagall act” of 1933 which was enacted as a response to “the Great Depression” and a year later the S.E.C. was created also in response to “The Great Depression”. Now, what do these all have in common? They are all Government bureaucracies that were made to prevent financial disasters from ever occurring in America. Hmmm, so why did we have another financial disaster? There were many reasons and there is some debate as to what the major cause was however, the housing portion is tied greatly to the Fair Housing Act fist introduced by Jimmy Carter, and reinvigorated by Bill Clinton. This act forced banking institutions to give home loans to people who could not really afford the loans to begin with. There were penalties if banks did not comply with the act and eventually Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Government Sponsored Entities [GSE’s]) bought up most of these loans that went bad which caused a major financial KABLOOOIE! Now, what is interesting about our new “Financial Reform Act” (H.R.4173) is not only all the non-financial B.S. (pork), but the fact that the people who wrote the darn thing Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are both highly involved in scandals as well as Fannie and Freddie, not to mention we are repeating history that didn’t help us anyhow. Someone once said “Crazy is doing something over and over again expecting a different result”, well there you go. I have put the bill on our website ( www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com ) but it is the original 1616 page bill not the 2000+ page monster it became, if I find the final version I will re-post it on the site.
The NAACP, playing off the left-wing slander machine, requested that we (Tea Partiers) condemn and repudiate the racist and bigoted elements within our movement and to stop with our racist activities. I Whole-Heartedly agree! Mike, What the Heck?!?!? No really, if I knew of any racist or bigoted activities I would condemn and repudiate them in an instant however, I have not had to do this at all at any event or even in casual conversation with fellow Tea Partiers. What this resolution from the NAACP shows me is that these people are ignorant of who we are and what we stand for, or perhaps they are part of the smear merchants on the left, you decide. I for one am thankful to Dr. Martin Luther King for teaching that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, I only wish that the characters on the left knew their darn History (reference to July 3rd newsletter).
Remember when Arizona passed their immigration law, all the talk of how “Racist” it was and how Obama stated that people would “Go out for an ice cream and be asked for their papers”? Well, turns out that the law suit filed by A.G. Eric Holder has nothing to do with racism but with whether or not a State can do what the Federal Government is suppose to or even assist them in the performance of their duties. In the past the Federal Government has withdrawn funds from States that did not assist or enforce Federal Laws now they want to sue the States for doing what past administrations required? Holy Guacamole, if the Federal Government can’t keep you safe, you better not do it yourself or else. There is a copy of the Arizona Law and I am also putting a copy of the suit filed on our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
I know immigration is becoming the hot button issue du jour here and I know a few of you are on one side and many on another. I grew up in the San Diego area and I know the problems on both sides. Trust me, if I was a father in Tijuana and saw how great America was just across the border I would want to be here too, many people from all over the world have had the same feelings. Our country was built on immigrants who came through Ellis Island and other points of entry. They learned our language, fought in our wars on our side against their homelands in some cases. All of them wanted to be free and have a chance to make it on their own. Today there are many still wanting to be free and make it on their own but there are also those who want an easy life with free medical, free welfare, and remain citizens of their home countries. The illegal population in San Diego has nearly bankrupted of healthcare system. It seemed like every election we had a bond measure for a hospital that would have to close its doors if we didn’t pass it (don’t tell me the poor didn’t get treated). Our schools had to slow down their teaching in order to let those who didn’t know our language to get up to speed. Then there are those who are criminals who think they can get away with things here because, well, they can. I know, I know Mexico is a bad place to live and I know I wouldn’t want to live there either but, if your country is that bad and you still want to be a citizen of it, FIX IT!!! Hey, if you don’t like what your country is doing, fix it, that’s a good idea, we should try that some time.
I have a job for all of you. “Oh no, here he goes again”. It’s not that hard folks, I want all of you to be sure that everybody you know is registered to vote well before the election, make sure they are educated on the issues, and be sure they vote. The only way we are going to change things is to get new blood in those Congressional chairs. Until Next time, keep educating yourselves and be vigilant, the attacks are just going to get worse the closer election day comes.
(Once again, the Disney Corporation had nothing to do with the content of this newsletter)
O.k., so how many of you know why the Federal Reserve was created? What about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C.)? How about the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C)? Well quickly, The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 due in response to several severe financial panics to include the 1907 “Banker’s Panic”. The F.D.I.C. came about from the “Glass-Steagall act” of 1933 which was enacted as a response to “the Great Depression” and a year later the S.E.C. was created also in response to “The Great Depression”. Now, what do these all have in common? They are all Government bureaucracies that were made to prevent financial disasters from ever occurring in America. Hmmm, so why did we have another financial disaster? There were many reasons and there is some debate as to what the major cause was however, the housing portion is tied greatly to the Fair Housing Act fist introduced by Jimmy Carter, and reinvigorated by Bill Clinton. This act forced banking institutions to give home loans to people who could not really afford the loans to begin with. There were penalties if banks did not comply with the act and eventually Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Government Sponsored Entities [GSE’s]) bought up most of these loans that went bad which caused a major financial KABLOOOIE! Now, what is interesting about our new “Financial Reform Act” (H.R.4173) is not only all the non-financial B.S. (pork), but the fact that the people who wrote the darn thing Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are both highly involved in scandals as well as Fannie and Freddie, not to mention we are repeating history that didn’t help us anyhow. Someone once said “Crazy is doing something over and over again expecting a different result”, well there you go. I have put the bill on our website ( www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com ) but it is the original 1616 page bill not the 2000+ page monster it became, if I find the final version I will re-post it on the site.
The NAACP, playing off the left-wing slander machine, requested that we (Tea Partiers) condemn and repudiate the racist and bigoted elements within our movement and to stop with our racist activities. I Whole-Heartedly agree! Mike, What the Heck?!?!? No really, if I knew of any racist or bigoted activities I would condemn and repudiate them in an instant however, I have not had to do this at all at any event or even in casual conversation with fellow Tea Partiers. What this resolution from the NAACP shows me is that these people are ignorant of who we are and what we stand for, or perhaps they are part of the smear merchants on the left, you decide. I for one am thankful to Dr. Martin Luther King for teaching that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, I only wish that the characters on the left knew their darn History (reference to July 3rd newsletter).
Remember when Arizona passed their immigration law, all the talk of how “Racist” it was and how Obama stated that people would “Go out for an ice cream and be asked for their papers”? Well, turns out that the law suit filed by A.G. Eric Holder has nothing to do with racism but with whether or not a State can do what the Federal Government is suppose to or even assist them in the performance of their duties. In the past the Federal Government has withdrawn funds from States that did not assist or enforce Federal Laws now they want to sue the States for doing what past administrations required? Holy Guacamole, if the Federal Government can’t keep you safe, you better not do it yourself or else. There is a copy of the Arizona Law and I am also putting a copy of the suit filed on our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
I know immigration is becoming the hot button issue du jour here and I know a few of you are on one side and many on another. I grew up in the San Diego area and I know the problems on both sides. Trust me, if I was a father in Tijuana and saw how great America was just across the border I would want to be here too, many people from all over the world have had the same feelings. Our country was built on immigrants who came through Ellis Island and other points of entry. They learned our language, fought in our wars on our side against their homelands in some cases. All of them wanted to be free and have a chance to make it on their own. Today there are many still wanting to be free and make it on their own but there are also those who want an easy life with free medical, free welfare, and remain citizens of their home countries. The illegal population in San Diego has nearly bankrupted of healthcare system. It seemed like every election we had a bond measure for a hospital that would have to close its doors if we didn’t pass it (don’t tell me the poor didn’t get treated). Our schools had to slow down their teaching in order to let those who didn’t know our language to get up to speed. Then there are those who are criminals who think they can get away with things here because, well, they can. I know, I know Mexico is a bad place to live and I know I wouldn’t want to live there either but, if your country is that bad and you still want to be a citizen of it, FIX IT!!! Hey, if you don’t like what your country is doing, fix it, that’s a good idea, we should try that some time.
I have a job for all of you. “Oh no, here he goes again”. It’s not that hard folks, I want all of you to be sure that everybody you know is registered to vote well before the election, make sure they are educated on the issues, and be sure they vote. The only way we are going to change things is to get new blood in those Congressional chairs. Until Next time, keep educating yourselves and be vigilant, the attacks are just going to get worse the closer election day comes.
(Once again, the Disney Corporation had nothing to do with the content of this newsletter)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Who You Walk With
“Tell me who you walk with, I’ll tell you who you are” - President Obama
I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. Who could ever get tired of celebrating our nation’s birthday. I mean baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. I was ready to celebrate all week long, and then I heard that the Justice Department had actually filed a lawsuit to overturn the Arizona law. I normally try to steer away from singling out Presidents for the actions of a government agency but this one is President Obama’s to own. It was at his direction, that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department “look into” then sequentially file this lawsuit. Rep. Brian Bilbray, (R)- Solana beach states “the Governments’ lawsuit highlights the failure of the Federal Government to enforce immigration laws. Calling for an injunction to stop Arizona from enforcing the law only compounds this failure”. Rep. Darrell Issa, (R) Vista said “For the better part of two decades, citizens in border states like Texas, California and Arizona have been told that illegal immigration enforcement is the responsibility of the Federal Government. While their concerns about the safety of their families and communities have been largely brushed aside or met with inconsistent, under resourced and ineffective responses from the federal government. Yes, this has been going on for decades but this is the first time the Government has sued a state for passing a law that mirrors the existing law.
President Obama spoke the quote above during a speech and press conference with Mexican President Calderon on May 19, 2010. Apparently this quote is from a Mexican proverb and you know what, I whole-heartedly agree with the President on this one. Now I must ask, whom does President Obama walk with?
How about Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama’s pastor of 20 years. You’ve heard some of the anti Semitic remarks this man has made. You don’t stay in a church for over 20 years with the same pastor, if you don’t share some of his beliefs. How about walking with “The Honorable” Louis Farrakhan? I’m sure you’ve heard some of his anti Semitic ramblings. President Obama’s church bestowed its highest social achievement award to Rev. Louis Farrakhan. This is the Louis Farrakhan who declared President Obama as “ The Messiah.” what about Bill Ayers? President Obama said he is a good friend of mine. This friend was the leader of a radical group that was responsible for several bombings of Government buildings in the 60’s. How about Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega? Both leaders of their countries and socialists to boot. I could go on but I think you get it. Two spiritual leaders, one of who believes there is a sphere, a mother ship hovering in the sky, a terrorist, and two socialist Dictators.
I know who President Obama doesn’t walk with, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Nor does he walk with the citizens of Arizona or large number of the American people. President Obama, tell me who you walk with, I’ll tell you who you are.
Here is my newsletter question for you all.
Q: Does the United States of America still represent freedom to the world or do you think we have lost our moral authority over the years?
Check out our website: www.thepeopleofliberty.com for useful information, or just to let off some steam on our blogs.
Until next time,
I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. Who could ever get tired of celebrating our nation’s birthday. I mean baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. I was ready to celebrate all week long, and then I heard that the Justice Department had actually filed a lawsuit to overturn the Arizona law. I normally try to steer away from singling out Presidents for the actions of a government agency but this one is President Obama’s to own. It was at his direction, that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department “look into” then sequentially file this lawsuit. Rep. Brian Bilbray, (R)- Solana beach states “the Governments’ lawsuit highlights the failure of the Federal Government to enforce immigration laws. Calling for an injunction to stop Arizona from enforcing the law only compounds this failure”. Rep. Darrell Issa, (R) Vista said “For the better part of two decades, citizens in border states like Texas, California and Arizona have been told that illegal immigration enforcement is the responsibility of the Federal Government. While their concerns about the safety of their families and communities have been largely brushed aside or met with inconsistent, under resourced and ineffective responses from the federal government. Yes, this has been going on for decades but this is the first time the Government has sued a state for passing a law that mirrors the existing law.
President Obama spoke the quote above during a speech and press conference with Mexican President Calderon on May 19, 2010. Apparently this quote is from a Mexican proverb and you know what, I whole-heartedly agree with the President on this one. Now I must ask, whom does President Obama walk with?
How about Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama’s pastor of 20 years. You’ve heard some of the anti Semitic remarks this man has made. You don’t stay in a church for over 20 years with the same pastor, if you don’t share some of his beliefs. How about walking with “The Honorable” Louis Farrakhan? I’m sure you’ve heard some of his anti Semitic ramblings. President Obama’s church bestowed its highest social achievement award to Rev. Louis Farrakhan. This is the Louis Farrakhan who declared President Obama as “ The Messiah.” what about Bill Ayers? President Obama said he is a good friend of mine. This friend was the leader of a radical group that was responsible for several bombings of Government buildings in the 60’s. How about Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega? Both leaders of their countries and socialists to boot. I could go on but I think you get it. Two spiritual leaders, one of who believes there is a sphere, a mother ship hovering in the sky, a terrorist, and two socialist Dictators.
I know who President Obama doesn’t walk with, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Nor does he walk with the citizens of Arizona or large number of the American people. President Obama, tell me who you walk with, I’ll tell you who you are.
Here is my newsletter question for you all.
Q: Does the United States of America still represent freedom to the world or do you think we have lost our moral authority over the years?
Check out our website: www.thepeopleofliberty.com for useful information, or just to let off some steam on our blogs.
Until next time,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
It has been quite a week, Robert Byrd died, the Financial Reform Act going through the Senate, more and more “Pork” being added to the War Funding Bill to where it will amount to another “Stimulus”, and more lies about “Tea Party” (conservatives) being racists. Let me tell you something right now, I am starting to rethink something I had said early on. I had stated that we should not call for impeachment of Barack Obama because we would end up with “Uncle Joe” and if we impeach “Uncle Joe” we end up with The Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy “Bella Lugosi” Pelosi. I actually argued against this with some of you and lost some support from others however, if the next Speaker of the House is more conservative (shouldn’t be too difficult) I say we impeach these Socialists. I mean, perhaps even now “Uncle Joe” would be more worried about ticking off the American people if his boss gets thrown out. I know this is not our way of doing things but, How Much Do We Want to Take?!?!
Back on November 20th, 2009 I sent all of you a newsletter which was very harsh towards Robert Byrd. The man died this week and is being honored by his peers in Washington and after 57 years I guess it’s appropriate. I started thinking about what I said, you know; Joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 and was elected, unanimously, “Exalted Cyclops” ( does that mean he only had one eyehole in his sheet?). He is quoted thusly: “I shall never fight in the Armed Forces with a negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” This 9 term Senator personally filibustered the Civil Rights act of 1964 for 14 hours during the Democrats 83 day filibuster of the bill (and they say the Conservatives are the racists?). Well I thought about apologizing since he’s dead and all but, nope it’s all true except maybe the one eyehole in the sheet thing, for that I may be sorry…naw, not really.
How many of you have been keeping track of the Financial Reform Act in the Senate? It is known as H.R. 4173 and has been added on to repeatedly by both House and Senate members. Some have said that it will give banks the ability to charge us for anything they want. Now the language in the bill available from May of this year doesn’t directly state this however, when banks are fined or charged for things by the Government they most assuredly will charge you to make up for their loses. I have posted the version of this bill that was proposed in May on our web site: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the Armory (Other Bills section).
The War Funding Bill is suppose to be about supporting our brave men and women on the front lines of the war effort overseas but, in the bill is $18 billion dollars for the Energy Dept. for renewable energy, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund”, $5 billion for “Pell Grant short falls”, $1 billion for a “Summer Jobs” initiative, and many more. Here’s the deal Folks, the Senate passed a War Funding bill back in May with a price tag of $37 billion, the House now has it up to $60 billion and the extra $ doesn’t go to the troops. This is politics as usual; the Republicans did it also however, IT IS STILL OUR MONEY THEY’RE SPENDING!!!
One of the toughest things for me being a conservative is being called a “Racist” by people who don’t even know me. I mean really now, my sister is part black, my best man and friend is black, I have always worked alongside many blacks I have been proud to call my friends yet, because I believe that we should teach a man how to fish instead of just giving him someone else’s this makes me a “Racist”. Because I call myself a conservative I’m a “Racist” (at least I’m not called an “Uncle Tom” like Rodney)? Folks, KNOW YOUR DARN HISTORY!!!
The Republican Party was the party of the Blacks after the Civil War. Republicans elected the first blacks to Congress. The KKK lynched some 4800 people 1300 were white, 3500 were black the one thing they had in common, they were all Republicans. The KKK was formed in 1866 to wipe out the Republicans for putting blacks in office. Between 1861 and 1875 the Republican Congress passed 23 Civil Rights bills including the 14th and 15th amendments. When the Democrats took over, not one single Civil Rights bill was passed until 1964 when the “Republicans” pushed it through despite JFK and Johnson opposing it and Filibusters for 83 days. Most of the accomplishments made between 1861 and 1875 were undone under Woodrow Wilson. People, they have high-jacked our History!!!
I encourage all of you to learn about Hiram Rhodes Revels (first black Senator), Robert De-Large (an ex-slave turned congressman), Josiah Walls (also an ex-slave turned congressman), Benjamin Turner (an ex-slave turned congressman), Jefferson Long (of the U.S. House), Joseph Haynes Rainey (an ex-slave and for a short time he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Robert Brown Elliott (speaker of the S.C. House). These were the first 7 black Americans elected to office back in the 1870’s. How many of you know these names? How many of you know they were all Republicans? People, we cannot sit back and let the truth be untold or perverted by those who hate our ideas, our values, and our Love for This Country!
Have A Great (and safe) INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!
Back on November 20th, 2009 I sent all of you a newsletter which was very harsh towards Robert Byrd. The man died this week and is being honored by his peers in Washington and after 57 years I guess it’s appropriate. I started thinking about what I said, you know; Joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 and was elected, unanimously, “Exalted Cyclops” ( does that mean he only had one eyehole in his sheet?). He is quoted thusly: “I shall never fight in the Armed Forces with a negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” This 9 term Senator personally filibustered the Civil Rights act of 1964 for 14 hours during the Democrats 83 day filibuster of the bill (and they say the Conservatives are the racists?). Well I thought about apologizing since he’s dead and all but, nope it’s all true except maybe the one eyehole in the sheet thing, for that I may be sorry…naw, not really.
How many of you have been keeping track of the Financial Reform Act in the Senate? It is known as H.R. 4173 and has been added on to repeatedly by both House and Senate members. Some have said that it will give banks the ability to charge us for anything they want. Now the language in the bill available from May of this year doesn’t directly state this however, when banks are fined or charged for things by the Government they most assuredly will charge you to make up for their loses. I have posted the version of this bill that was proposed in May on our web site: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the Armory (Other Bills section).
The War Funding Bill is suppose to be about supporting our brave men and women on the front lines of the war effort overseas but, in the bill is $18 billion dollars for the Energy Dept. for renewable energy, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund”, $5 billion for “Pell Grant short falls”, $1 billion for a “Summer Jobs” initiative, and many more. Here’s the deal Folks, the Senate passed a War Funding bill back in May with a price tag of $37 billion, the House now has it up to $60 billion and the extra $ doesn’t go to the troops. This is politics as usual; the Republicans did it also however, IT IS STILL OUR MONEY THEY’RE SPENDING!!!
One of the toughest things for me being a conservative is being called a “Racist” by people who don’t even know me. I mean really now, my sister is part black, my best man and friend is black, I have always worked alongside many blacks I have been proud to call my friends yet, because I believe that we should teach a man how to fish instead of just giving him someone else’s this makes me a “Racist”. Because I call myself a conservative I’m a “Racist” (at least I’m not called an “Uncle Tom” like Rodney)? Folks, KNOW YOUR DARN HISTORY!!!
The Republican Party was the party of the Blacks after the Civil War. Republicans elected the first blacks to Congress. The KKK lynched some 4800 people 1300 were white, 3500 were black the one thing they had in common, they were all Republicans. The KKK was formed in 1866 to wipe out the Republicans for putting blacks in office. Between 1861 and 1875 the Republican Congress passed 23 Civil Rights bills including the 14th and 15th amendments. When the Democrats took over, not one single Civil Rights bill was passed until 1964 when the “Republicans” pushed it through despite JFK and Johnson opposing it and Filibusters for 83 days. Most of the accomplishments made between 1861 and 1875 were undone under Woodrow Wilson. People, they have high-jacked our History!!!
I encourage all of you to learn about Hiram Rhodes Revels (first black Senator), Robert De-Large (an ex-slave turned congressman), Josiah Walls (also an ex-slave turned congressman), Benjamin Turner (an ex-slave turned congressman), Jefferson Long (of the U.S. House), Joseph Haynes Rainey (an ex-slave and for a short time he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives), and Robert Brown Elliott (speaker of the S.C. House). These were the first 7 black Americans elected to office back in the 1870’s. How many of you know these names? How many of you know they were all Republicans? People, we cannot sit back and let the truth be untold or perverted by those who hate our ideas, our values, and our Love for This Country!
Have A Great (and safe) INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I want to touch on a few things that have me saying, why? First up, is the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and B.P. I want to first say that it is a sad situation at what is happening to the residents who live by or are affected by the oil spill. Hopefully they can stop this leak and get some of this devastation under control. Who will be controlling what is another question. For 60+ days I’ve heard several folks in the Obama administration saying that this spill is B.P’s problem. While I agree that getting this leak repaired, the cost to clean up the oil and pay damages to those affected are B.P’s problem, it is not theirs alone. I believe in this case, the government can step in with the supply of resources, manpower and logistics needed to speed up the process. The government can then get reimbursed by B.P. I’m not saying the government isn’t doing anything but there is sure a lot of fingers pointing at B.P and little action from the administration besides looking for someone’s ass to kick. My question is why wasn’t help from several outside resources to assist in the stopping and clean up of this oil spill accepted by this administration? Several private companies and a few Countries offered assistance to the administration, but were rejected. Why? Put the politics aside, folks need help. When people need this amount of help, they look to the government to take charge. They want to take over everything else, why not now.
Damn if I didn’t hear this morning that Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz) says that President Obama said to him at a June 18th oval office meeting, that this administration is dragging it’s feet on border enforcement. According to Sen. Kyl the President said, “if we secure the border, then you all (Republicans) won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.” ” In other words ” explains Kyl, “they’re holding it hostage. They won’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with comprehensive immigration reform.” Did you get that? The President of the United States is deliberately allowing our nation’s immigration laws go unenforced in order to force passage of his immigration “reform”, which includes a “path to citizenship.” (Amnesty) for millions of illegal immigrants. Why? Didn’t President Obama take an oath to defend and uphold The Constitution of the United States. Illegal immigration is still illegal isn’t it? It seems he is allowing laws not to be enforced unless it benefits him. Why are we allowing this? The other day, I hear that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is in Central America, that the President is directing the Department of Justice to file a lawsuit against the state of Arizona to overturn the law he is sworn to enforce. Why?
If some of you folks have the answer to “why?”, please inform us. The politicians of today do not deserve our trust, and we should question “why?” to everything. If the politicians are trying to earn our trust, then they should be more than happy to explain their positions on everything that is asked of them. November is approaching and for those in office, who can’t or won’t explain “why” to the people, must be removed from the office they hold.
A while ago, Mike and I put out the call for those who wish to contribute to or even write an OP-ED newsletter on our site. This offer is still available. Many of you have great ideas and post great questions to us. Take this opportunity to share with all of us in the group. Don’t wait for every other week, for Mike or I to post a newsletter. I’d love to see an increase in traffic on the websites. Hard working people exchanging ideas and putting plans into action. This can lead to big things, like taking our Country back. Checkout our website www.thepoepleofliberty.com for valuable information.
Until next time,
Damn if I didn’t hear this morning that Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz) says that President Obama said to him at a June 18th oval office meeting, that this administration is dragging it’s feet on border enforcement. According to Sen. Kyl the President said, “if we secure the border, then you all (Republicans) won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.” ” In other words ” explains Kyl, “they’re holding it hostage. They won’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with comprehensive immigration reform.” Did you get that? The President of the United States is deliberately allowing our nation’s immigration laws go unenforced in order to force passage of his immigration “reform”, which includes a “path to citizenship.” (Amnesty) for millions of illegal immigrants. Why? Didn’t President Obama take an oath to defend and uphold The Constitution of the United States. Illegal immigration is still illegal isn’t it? It seems he is allowing laws not to be enforced unless it benefits him. Why are we allowing this? The other day, I hear that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is in Central America, that the President is directing the Department of Justice to file a lawsuit against the state of Arizona to overturn the law he is sworn to enforce. Why?
If some of you folks have the answer to “why?”, please inform us. The politicians of today do not deserve our trust, and we should question “why?” to everything. If the politicians are trying to earn our trust, then they should be more than happy to explain their positions on everything that is asked of them. November is approaching and for those in office, who can’t or won’t explain “why” to the people, must be removed from the office they hold.
A while ago, Mike and I put out the call for those who wish to contribute to or even write an OP-ED newsletter on our site. This offer is still available. Many of you have great ideas and post great questions to us. Take this opportunity to share with all of us in the group. Don’t wait for every other week, for Mike or I to post a newsletter. I’d love to see an increase in traffic on the websites. Hard working people exchanging ideas and putting plans into action. This can lead to big things, like taking our Country back. Checkout our website www.thepoepleofliberty.com for valuable information.
Until next time,
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Belly of the Beast
Hey Folks,
Sorry I haven’t written in awhile but I have been moving to the Bay Area, now I know many of you are thinking “Holy Cow Michael, have you lost your mind?” and perhaps I have however, I can watch the knuckleheads a lot closer from where I am now. I have my internet hooked up now and am back in business.
While I was waiting for my cable to be hooked up I saw a portion of the Charlie Rose show on the PBS station here, his guest was Chris “Thrill up My Leg” Matthews. During the interview they began discussing Mr. Matthews “Documentary” on Tea-Parties coming up on Wednesday. Mr. Matthews seemed to stress that what the Tea-Partiers are arguing about following the Constitution was “settled in grade-school and we should all know that the Constitution doesn’t matter anymore, and is not for our time anyway”. He went on to also state that Tea-Partiers are “all about the second amendment which makes them very dangerous like the Militia”. Folks, I am afraid this is what most of these Socialist types believe and Mr. Matthews is progressing this belief in his “Documentary”.
You know, two Saturdays ago I went into the belly of the beast, San Francisco, and what a day of irony I had. First I walked from city hall to my favorite place the Buena Vista Inn. Now this walk was an adventure in itself, you see I misunderstood my beautiful wife who told me not to take Hyde St. all the way to the Buena Vista because it would take me through “the Tender Loin” district. Now like most husbands I only heard a portion, I heard “You can take Hyde all the way to the Buena Vista.” Now I’m not one to freak out in bad situations, which is a very good thing, and let me tell you if I weren’t me, I probably would have. The entire trip to my destination smelled of urine, I had every person I saw sitting or lying on the street ask if I could spare anything, I had several persons ask if I wanted a “good time” without knowing their gender on most occasions. Now, I believe I was a very lucky guy because it was 8:30 a.m. and most of these individuals were in wind down mode from the night before. I was very happy to reach my destination and had a really nice breakfast. After breakfast I wandered around a bit and tried not to get high from all the second hand smoke wafting around the wharf area. I headed back towards the marina and found a nice little street fair near Union and Lombard St. Brats and Beer = Good time.
In the afternoon I walked back towards city hall, not on Hyde, so I could meet my wife after her exam. Upon reaching city hall I ran into a protest rally. There were signs saying how evil Barack Obama was and at first I thought I might fit in however, it was a group protesting Israel for the flotilla raids. The main speakers were screaming about how Israel was the cause of all the problems in the world and how they should be done away with, and chanting “Intifada, Intifada”. Behind the protest I saw an Asian art exhibit with a very large statue of a Hindu god and I thought how ironic it was that these Muslims here protesting what Israel did in front of a Hindu god being of the people who have slaughtered more Hindus than any other people on Earth. The protest reminded me of other rallies I have seen only in films of W.W. II, not as many followers, but the same hatred. It was making me ill and I decided to move to another location since I had a couple of hours before my wife would be out of her exam.
I heard loud rock music coming from a few blocks from where the protesters were and I decided I would check it out. I saw many “Rainbow” flags flying around the band that was making all the noise and found out it was a Christian Rock Band. Across from the Christian Rock Band was a cart serving some food to people who looked like they could afford their own but never-the-less they were giving it out. Come to find out it was a Muslim organization handing out the food to other Muslims who were making fun of the Christians. On the lawn were people spinning around like what you would have seen at Woodstock or something with the familiar smell from the wharf circling about, a rather ironic scene indeed.
Now the reason I told you folks this story is because I believe it is a glimpse into the Liberal mind, nothing concrete, just irony after irony. They cannot see the irony they just keep going “like, whatever man”, while everything around them smells of weed and urine. San Francisco is the Liberal Mecca and one can only wonder how these people ever got into power in the first place. Is it because the silent majority is just too silent, too nice, or because the silent majority is too tired? The thing is folks; we do not protest in the same fashion as these knuckleheads do, we are polite and respectful to the Police and others. We do not call for armed uprisings or burn people in effigy. It is for these reasons we are not getting weaker but stronger. The Lame-Stream Media continues to try and paint us as violent, gun-toting, anarchists yet those who know us, know differently and we will win provided we keep our virtue and morals intact and do not become what they want us to be.
We need to educate ourselves and not back down from others who do not know the truth. Take a stand against those that would lie to the world about whom and what America was and shall be again. Go to our website; www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com to learn more about this Great Nation…America!
Sorry I haven’t written in awhile but I have been moving to the Bay Area, now I know many of you are thinking “Holy Cow Michael, have you lost your mind?” and perhaps I have however, I can watch the knuckleheads a lot closer from where I am now. I have my internet hooked up now and am back in business.
While I was waiting for my cable to be hooked up I saw a portion of the Charlie Rose show on the PBS station here, his guest was Chris “Thrill up My Leg” Matthews. During the interview they began discussing Mr. Matthews “Documentary” on Tea-Parties coming up on Wednesday. Mr. Matthews seemed to stress that what the Tea-Partiers are arguing about following the Constitution was “settled in grade-school and we should all know that the Constitution doesn’t matter anymore, and is not for our time anyway”. He went on to also state that Tea-Partiers are “all about the second amendment which makes them very dangerous like the Militia”. Folks, I am afraid this is what most of these Socialist types believe and Mr. Matthews is progressing this belief in his “Documentary”.
You know, two Saturdays ago I went into the belly of the beast, San Francisco, and what a day of irony I had. First I walked from city hall to my favorite place the Buena Vista Inn. Now this walk was an adventure in itself, you see I misunderstood my beautiful wife who told me not to take Hyde St. all the way to the Buena Vista because it would take me through “the Tender Loin” district. Now like most husbands I only heard a portion, I heard “You can take Hyde all the way to the Buena Vista.” Now I’m not one to freak out in bad situations, which is a very good thing, and let me tell you if I weren’t me, I probably would have. The entire trip to my destination smelled of urine, I had every person I saw sitting or lying on the street ask if I could spare anything, I had several persons ask if I wanted a “good time” without knowing their gender on most occasions. Now, I believe I was a very lucky guy because it was 8:30 a.m. and most of these individuals were in wind down mode from the night before. I was very happy to reach my destination and had a really nice breakfast. After breakfast I wandered around a bit and tried not to get high from all the second hand smoke wafting around the wharf area. I headed back towards the marina and found a nice little street fair near Union and Lombard St. Brats and Beer = Good time.
In the afternoon I walked back towards city hall, not on Hyde, so I could meet my wife after her exam. Upon reaching city hall I ran into a protest rally. There were signs saying how evil Barack Obama was and at first I thought I might fit in however, it was a group protesting Israel for the flotilla raids. The main speakers were screaming about how Israel was the cause of all the problems in the world and how they should be done away with, and chanting “Intifada, Intifada”. Behind the protest I saw an Asian art exhibit with a very large statue of a Hindu god and I thought how ironic it was that these Muslims here protesting what Israel did in front of a Hindu god being of the people who have slaughtered more Hindus than any other people on Earth. The protest reminded me of other rallies I have seen only in films of W.W. II, not as many followers, but the same hatred. It was making me ill and I decided to move to another location since I had a couple of hours before my wife would be out of her exam.
I heard loud rock music coming from a few blocks from where the protesters were and I decided I would check it out. I saw many “Rainbow” flags flying around the band that was making all the noise and found out it was a Christian Rock Band. Across from the Christian Rock Band was a cart serving some food to people who looked like they could afford their own but never-the-less they were giving it out. Come to find out it was a Muslim organization handing out the food to other Muslims who were making fun of the Christians. On the lawn were people spinning around like what you would have seen at Woodstock or something with the familiar smell from the wharf circling about, a rather ironic scene indeed.
Now the reason I told you folks this story is because I believe it is a glimpse into the Liberal mind, nothing concrete, just irony after irony. They cannot see the irony they just keep going “like, whatever man”, while everything around them smells of weed and urine. San Francisco is the Liberal Mecca and one can only wonder how these people ever got into power in the first place. Is it because the silent majority is just too silent, too nice, or because the silent majority is too tired? The thing is folks; we do not protest in the same fashion as these knuckleheads do, we are polite and respectful to the Police and others. We do not call for armed uprisings or burn people in effigy. It is for these reasons we are not getting weaker but stronger. The Lame-Stream Media continues to try and paint us as violent, gun-toting, anarchists yet those who know us, know differently and we will win provided we keep our virtue and morals intact and do not become what they want us to be.
We need to educate ourselves and not back down from others who do not know the truth. Take a stand against those that would lie to the world about whom and what America was and shall be again. Go to our website; www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com to learn more about this Great Nation…America!
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Bureaucracy is Expanding
“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Hey Folks,
How many of you have been paying attention to all the stuff that is going on lately other than Arizona’s SB 1070, Immigration Law? Did you know “Cap and Trade” is back, along with a new “Healthy Choices Act” which will track the Body Mass Indexes of all American children age 2 – 18 years of age? Oh yeah, the Progressives are going full speed ahead with all the Looney ideas of yester year being brought back to be passed before these jack-a-lopes get voted out in November
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.” ~ Oscar Wilde
It truly amazes me that the President, members of Congress, Governors, Mayors, and even school boards are condemning Arizona’s new Immigration law considering it reflects the same language as the immigration procedures of the Federal government. It just goes to show you how naïve the masses can be when continually told lies by the Progressive Movement. Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the Arizona law without even reading it (this appears to be a trend in D.C.)! Do you think any of the others who condemned it have read it? I especially like how they are throwing out the “Racist” smears, as usual, when Mexico kills and imprisons those that illegally cross into their country (just ask the Guatemalans). . SB 1070 and The Bill Clinton 1996 Immigration Bill are available for you to read at www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
The Progressives seem to like calling us names, funny thing though, the names they call us are mostly associated with them throughout history. Take Nazi for example, this was the National Socialist Party of Germany. We are definitely are not Socialists. How about them saying we are “Racists members of the KKK”? Interesting enough, history shows that the “KKK” formed to combat the Republican Party and most blacks in the 1800’s were Republicans. The Klan killed Four Thousand Eight Hundred people, 1300 of those were white Republicans and 3500 were blacks, Black Republicans. This is our history, how many of you know it? There are new videos on www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com from American Heritage with David Barton, one of America’s greatest historians, which will educate you on this subject.
John Kerry announced the other day that he has a new bill to propose, “The American Power Act”. Do Not Be Fooled! This bill is “Cap and Trade” repackaged. If this bill passes, it will result in the largest redistribution of wealth in the history of man and the wealth that is to be redistributed, yours and Your Children’s! People, this will increase the cost of every manufactured item you purchase. Spain tried a similar “Cap and Trade” system and they are now on the verge of bankruptcy with over 20% unemployment! We are not Europe nor do we want to be Mr. Kerry! You can read this new bill at www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
Another bill presented this week was the “Healthy Choices Act” from Congressman Kind and Mary Bono-Mack. The bill requires tracking of the body mass indexes for all children 2 – 18 years of age. It gives grants for analysis of said BMI’s, preventative health services, training programs, and requires transmission of income information by sponsored family or day care groups. It creates new bureaucracies to take care of the new bureaucracies but it is not Socialism, Marxism, Nazism, or Leninism at all! Sure sounds a lot like a “Cradle to Grave” system to me. You can find this bill at www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
Folks, we need to band together and educate our fellow Americans to what is happening. We cannot let the naïve believe the lies the Progressives are filling their heads with. The truth is in your hands use it! The only way we can guarantee that America does not become just like the rest of Europe, Socialist-light, is to educate our friends, families, and co-workers so we can “Vote The Bums Out” in November!!!
Hey Folks,
How many of you have been paying attention to all the stuff that is going on lately other than Arizona’s SB 1070, Immigration Law? Did you know “Cap and Trade” is back, along with a new “Healthy Choices Act” which will track the Body Mass Indexes of all American children age 2 – 18 years of age? Oh yeah, the Progressives are going full speed ahead with all the Looney ideas of yester year being brought back to be passed before these jack-a-lopes get voted out in November
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.” ~ Oscar Wilde
It truly amazes me that the President, members of Congress, Governors, Mayors, and even school boards are condemning Arizona’s new Immigration law considering it reflects the same language as the immigration procedures of the Federal government. It just goes to show you how naïve the masses can be when continually told lies by the Progressive Movement. Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the Arizona law without even reading it (this appears to be a trend in D.C.)! Do you think any of the others who condemned it have read it? I especially like how they are throwing out the “Racist” smears, as usual, when Mexico kills and imprisons those that illegally cross into their country (just ask the Guatemalans). . SB 1070 and The Bill Clinton 1996 Immigration Bill are available for you to read at www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
The Progressives seem to like calling us names, funny thing though, the names they call us are mostly associated with them throughout history. Take Nazi for example, this was the National Socialist Party of Germany. We are definitely are not Socialists. How about them saying we are “Racists members of the KKK”? Interesting enough, history shows that the “KKK” formed to combat the Republican Party and most blacks in the 1800’s were Republicans. The Klan killed Four Thousand Eight Hundred people, 1300 of those were white Republicans and 3500 were blacks, Black Republicans. This is our history, how many of you know it? There are new videos on www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com from American Heritage with David Barton, one of America’s greatest historians, which will educate you on this subject.
John Kerry announced the other day that he has a new bill to propose, “The American Power Act”. Do Not Be Fooled! This bill is “Cap and Trade” repackaged. If this bill passes, it will result in the largest redistribution of wealth in the history of man and the wealth that is to be redistributed, yours and Your Children’s! People, this will increase the cost of every manufactured item you purchase. Spain tried a similar “Cap and Trade” system and they are now on the verge of bankruptcy with over 20% unemployment! We are not Europe nor do we want to be Mr. Kerry! You can read this new bill at www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
Another bill presented this week was the “Healthy Choices Act” from Congressman Kind and Mary Bono-Mack. The bill requires tracking of the body mass indexes for all children 2 – 18 years of age. It gives grants for analysis of said BMI’s, preventative health services, training programs, and requires transmission of income information by sponsored family or day care groups. It creates new bureaucracies to take care of the new bureaucracies but it is not Socialism, Marxism, Nazism, or Leninism at all! Sure sounds a lot like a “Cradle to Grave” system to me. You can find this bill at www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com .
Folks, we need to band together and educate our fellow Americans to what is happening. We cannot let the naïve believe the lies the Progressives are filling their heads with. The truth is in your hands use it! The only way we can guarantee that America does not become just like the rest of Europe, Socialist-light, is to educate our friends, families, and co-workers so we can “Vote The Bums Out” in November!!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
They are slowly becoming unhinged
We are entering that time of year, where several States will be holding primary elections, leading up to the general elections in November. I think we have the progressive/socialists very nervous. As you have no doubt heard, the attacks against the tea party movement have increased ten fold over the past few weeks. Look at Rep Carson’s statement above. We have now gone from being a bunch of white racists, to being a domestic terrorist threat sowing the seeds for domestic terrorism. It’s funny, being that progressive/socialists have no problem calling the tea parties racist, yet they can’t mention that the times square bomber is Islamic. So now, what progressives/socialists are doing is to shut us up by shame. This country is being smothered by political correctness. Why is it now wrong for calling a spade, a spade? Oh, yeah! progressive/socialists are scared. They are slowly becoming unhinged. Come on November, I can’t wait.
Arizona immigration law SB 1070
You know I had to at least broach the subject. I know this is a sticky subject now, but it’s amazing how if you speak to most people, they would agree that this is a nation of law. Oh wait, except when we talk about the passing of this Arizona law. Now, the law be damned. Some claim this will lead to racial profiling. Some out right say this law is racist. We now have Cities, Counties and States calling for a boycott of Arizona. Even the Phoenix Sun’s basketball team wore Jerseys that said “Los Suns” in protest to the Arizona law. This law does nothing more than to enforce the law that’s already on the books. How dare a State enforce the law! What takes the cake is that day that Arizona’s Governor signed the bill, lo and behold, the President of the United States steps to the microphone and calls this law and apparently a majority of Arizona citizens who wanted this law, “misguided”. This law calls for the police to inquire about immigration status only AFTER people are stopped for violating some other crime. I say, good for you Arizona. Hopefully other States start taking action. What part of illegal don’t people understand?
Puerto Rico
Ah yes. This past week, the House of Representatives passed legislation to start the process of making Puerto Rico the 51st State. Never mind over the last few decades, the people of Puerto Rico have rejected this notion several times. This administration is just unbelievable. I guess, as with the healthcare bill, they know what’s best for Puerto Rico and us. Oh no, wait just a minute. The tea party movement is called racist. The administration is damning the immigration bill and will fight for the illegal immigrants from Mexico; the House of Representatives wants Puerto Rico to become a state, therefore allowing them to vote. If memory serves me correctly, a vast majority of people of Hispanic decent and the people of Puerto Rico tends to vote for democrats. No, never mind. It’s just a coincidence……. isn’t it?
Until next time,
Arizona immigration law SB 1070
You know I had to at least broach the subject. I know this is a sticky subject now, but it’s amazing how if you speak to most people, they would agree that this is a nation of law. Oh wait, except when we talk about the passing of this Arizona law. Now, the law be damned. Some claim this will lead to racial profiling. Some out right say this law is racist. We now have Cities, Counties and States calling for a boycott of Arizona. Even the Phoenix Sun’s basketball team wore Jerseys that said “Los Suns” in protest to the Arizona law. This law does nothing more than to enforce the law that’s already on the books. How dare a State enforce the law! What takes the cake is that day that Arizona’s Governor signed the bill, lo and behold, the President of the United States steps to the microphone and calls this law and apparently a majority of Arizona citizens who wanted this law, “misguided”. This law calls for the police to inquire about immigration status only AFTER people are stopped for violating some other crime. I say, good for you Arizona. Hopefully other States start taking action. What part of illegal don’t people understand?
Puerto Rico
Ah yes. This past week, the House of Representatives passed legislation to start the process of making Puerto Rico the 51st State. Never mind over the last few decades, the people of Puerto Rico have rejected this notion several times. This administration is just unbelievable. I guess, as with the healthcare bill, they know what’s best for Puerto Rico and us. Oh no, wait just a minute. The tea party movement is called racist. The administration is damning the immigration bill and will fight for the illegal immigrants from Mexico; the House of Representatives wants Puerto Rico to become a state, therefore allowing them to vote. If memory serves me correctly, a vast majority of people of Hispanic decent and the people of Puerto Rico tends to vote for democrats. No, never mind. It’s just a coincidence……. isn’t it?
Until next time,
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Country
Since the Tea Party movement began over a year ago, many of us have learned a lot more about our Country, our Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. We have come to embrace the ideas that made us the Greatest Nation God ever gave man. Now I know some of our fellow citizens do not believe any of this and disparage our movement but do not be too upset about this, you are in great company. Many of those who oppose us feel the same way about the great men and women who made this the Country that in time of trouble and despair, all other countries run to for help. The Country that people from all over the world have fled to from nations more evil than our detractors believe we are. The Country more people have come to with nothing more than a dream and the clothes on their backs to become Captains of their own destinies. The Country, whose people have volunteered their time, fortunes, blood, and lives for strangers the world over. It is plain to see, for most, that it is the American people that make America great, not it’s Government. Funny thing though, even though most people agree it’s the people who make America great, our brothers and sisters on the other side of the political divide want to make Government stronger. What The Heck? First, they are complaining about our Government being evil and oppressive, then they want to make it bigger and stronger! I wonder if they realize they will not be in control forever. Well, with the arrogance of some of them, they probably think they will.
It would be nice if we had a giant reset button where every one of our politicians would be up for re-election this year. We could vote all the bums out at the same time! Just something I’ve been thinking of.
Another thing I have been thinking of is the amendments to the Constitution, the eighteenth in particular. The eighteenth amendment was the “Prohibition Act” that forbade the manufacture, sale, transport, importation and exportation of intoxicating liquors (another bad progressive idea). This amendment to the Constitution did not affect all Americans, only the ones involved with alcohol. Therefore, my question is this, if the aforementioned required an amendment for only a percentage of Americans, why was something like the Health Care Reform Act, that has an affect on all Americans, not made an amendment to the Constitution? If it was that important to this administration, I mean come on, go all out! Did they fore go the amendment process because they knew they could not get ¾ of the states to agree on it, or was it because they were afraid it would be repealed by another amendment as the eighteenth was by the twenty second? Well, I guess the silver lining in all this is that we won’t need ¾ of the states to repeal it either.
Folks, we need to keep on keeping on and try to remain civil. You know the truth and how great this Country you live in is, that is right, I said IS! As I said at first, it is the people, “We the People”, that make this Country great, not the Government. Remember in November; let us return our Country to a limited Government, the way it is supposed to be.
New on www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the other Bills section of the Armory, the “Endless Stimulus” bill from Chris Dodd.
It would be nice if we had a giant reset button where every one of our politicians would be up for re-election this year. We could vote all the bums out at the same time! Just something I’ve been thinking of.
Another thing I have been thinking of is the amendments to the Constitution, the eighteenth in particular. The eighteenth amendment was the “Prohibition Act” that forbade the manufacture, sale, transport, importation and exportation of intoxicating liquors (another bad progressive idea). This amendment to the Constitution did not affect all Americans, only the ones involved with alcohol. Therefore, my question is this, if the aforementioned required an amendment for only a percentage of Americans, why was something like the Health Care Reform Act, that has an affect on all Americans, not made an amendment to the Constitution? If it was that important to this administration, I mean come on, go all out! Did they fore go the amendment process because they knew they could not get ¾ of the states to agree on it, or was it because they were afraid it would be repealed by another amendment as the eighteenth was by the twenty second? Well, I guess the silver lining in all this is that we won’t need ¾ of the states to repeal it either.
Folks, we need to keep on keeping on and try to remain civil. You know the truth and how great this Country you live in is, that is right, I said IS! As I said at first, it is the people, “We the People”, that make this Country great, not the Government. Remember in November; let us return our Country to a limited Government, the way it is supposed to be.
New on www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com in the other Bills section of the Armory, the “Endless Stimulus” bill from Chris Dodd.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Game is Changing
Yesterday (4/15/10) was a good day, wasn’t it? Thousands and thousands of people letting their voices be heard. Hopefully, all of you were able to attend a Tea Party near you. I personally was able to make it to two parties. I arrived to the first one, where 100+ people on 4 street corners were having a good time. I opened my trunk to get the signs I made then fear struck me. Oh no, …I forgot my Klan robe & hood at home. I have to go to this party totally exposed, a black man at a Tea Party!!! This isn’t supposed to happen, according to the mainstream media. I took my signs and proudly walked up to a group of people. They looked at me and guess what happened? Hugs, kisses and high fives all around. Total strangers united in a common goal. We had a great time. The same result at the second Tea Party I attended. I was vigilantly watching for potential problems and inappropriate signs but I saw none. Everyone was well behaved and I haven’t heard of any problems at any other Tea Party. My only complaint was at the first rally, there were 3 anti Tea Party protesters further down the street. I recognized a local Reporter and wouldn’t you know it, he spent more time covering them than the Tea Party. Oh well, no surprises there, the media is so full of crap.
Hey people, you know what? The game is changing. A year ago at our first Tea Party, the media and some Politicians were minimizing us, calling us a few rabble-rousers. Telling folks that there were only a few people showing up at the Tea Parties, when in fact there were thousands. Last year, Liberals/Democrats tried to ignore us, now, they are trying everything they can to disrupt us. This sounds like an act of desperation. They now fear us, which is a good thing.
As we look towards the November elections, we must be extremely vigilant with Politicians who are running for office. Remember, a Politician is a Politician and will say anything to get elected. Most of them will say anything to appease the crowd but we must also look under the exterior of these Politicians. Look at their voting records (if previously elected). Watch their interviews and debates. Listen to what they are saying and not saying. We must ensure that Politicians will go and do the people’s bidding, not the lobbyists. Let’s make sure these Politicians understand the Constitution.
Please check out our website, www.thepeopleofliberty.com and post pictures, share with us your experiences with the Tea Parties you attended. I, for one, will not let the media dictate where we go from here. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Until next time, Rodney.
Hey people, you know what? The game is changing. A year ago at our first Tea Party, the media and some Politicians were minimizing us, calling us a few rabble-rousers. Telling folks that there were only a few people showing up at the Tea Parties, when in fact there were thousands. Last year, Liberals/Democrats tried to ignore us, now, they are trying everything they can to disrupt us. This sounds like an act of desperation. They now fear us, which is a good thing.
As we look towards the November elections, we must be extremely vigilant with Politicians who are running for office. Remember, a Politician is a Politician and will say anything to get elected. Most of them will say anything to appease the crowd but we must also look under the exterior of these Politicians. Look at their voting records (if previously elected). Watch their interviews and debates. Listen to what they are saying and not saying. We must ensure that Politicians will go and do the people’s bidding, not the lobbyists. Let’s make sure these Politicians understand the Constitution.
Please check out our website, www.thepeopleofliberty.com and post pictures, share with us your experiences with the Tea Parties you attended. I, for one, will not let the media dictate where we go from here. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Until next time, Rodney.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Don't Be What They're Looking For
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." ~ Thomas Jefferson (always worth repeating)
Well, it’s Tax Day Tea Party Time again and there are so many more angry Americans than last year just waiting to be heard, we want you to be heard too. I have posted many of the Tea Parties going on around the country on our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com . If you don’t see one in your area I suggest you google the name of your city, or one near you, with the words “Tea Party” after it and you should be able to find one. I know I didn’t get all of them and some are repeats, I’m working on that.
Things are heating up with the Parties with record numbers becoming more interested in our movement.We need to show the interested that we know what we are talking about and not let them believe the blatant lies about us in the media. This year we have something new, an opposition group, the “Coffee Party” who has vowed to disrupt as many Tea Parties as possible and as I have said before, we need to be informed. Folks, I can’t stress this enough, we must keep our cool and be the more informed in this battle. The press and the Liberal Machine are looking for us to be “Racist, Angry, Misinformed, Gun Hugging, Spitting, White People without Hoods and Sheets”. Seriously, these people are starving for just one moment captured on film or audio to discredit the whole movement. They’re already making stuff up to do this, let’s not give them the ammo to destroy that which so many have worked so hard for. Believe me, Rodney and I are angry at all the slights from those who are suppose to represent us and those that say they are “Open Minded” yet call us names without even hearing the facts but, this is not the time to be the “Angry Mobs” they want. If we want to be heard, we need to articulate and educate everyone about what we believe and who we are. As angry as you may be, please show restraint even if confronted by a “Coffee Party” member. Think about what the media may use against you or us when you speak and no,I am not taking away your freedom of speech. I am only asking you to be smart in what you are saying.
“Our fight is not with bombs and guns; our fight is at the ballot box.”
One way we can win this war is by informing ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our friends, and those around us about what America was meant to be. I have been reading a lot of books on the founding of this Great Nation lately and I must say that my education didn’t teach me a lot about our Founding Fathers or the sacrifices they made to give us the Freedom we have taken for granted (o.k., perhaps I was asleep during those lessons). I have put a book review on our site to assist you in choosing some really great books to help you educate yourself and others. There are some really great videos on the site to inform and entertain you. We have government documents such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, speeches from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. We have the Hacked E-mails from the “Climate-Gate” scandal, the Health Care Bill, the Cyber-Security Bill, and others, all for FREE! Check it out.
Well, it’s Tax Day Tea Party Time again and there are so many more angry Americans than last year just waiting to be heard, we want you to be heard too. I have posted many of the Tea Parties going on around the country on our website: www.ThePeopleofLiberty.com . If you don’t see one in your area I suggest you google the name of your city, or one near you, with the words “Tea Party” after it and you should be able to find one. I know I didn’t get all of them and some are repeats, I’m working on that.
Things are heating up with the Parties with record numbers becoming more interested in our movement.We need to show the interested that we know what we are talking about and not let them believe the blatant lies about us in the media. This year we have something new, an opposition group, the “Coffee Party” who has vowed to disrupt as many Tea Parties as possible and as I have said before, we need to be informed. Folks, I can’t stress this enough, we must keep our cool and be the more informed in this battle. The press and the Liberal Machine are looking for us to be “Racist, Angry, Misinformed, Gun Hugging, Spitting, White People without Hoods and Sheets”. Seriously, these people are starving for just one moment captured on film or audio to discredit the whole movement. They’re already making stuff up to do this, let’s not give them the ammo to destroy that which so many have worked so hard for. Believe me, Rodney and I are angry at all the slights from those who are suppose to represent us and those that say they are “Open Minded” yet call us names without even hearing the facts but, this is not the time to be the “Angry Mobs” they want. If we want to be heard, we need to articulate and educate everyone about what we believe and who we are. As angry as you may be, please show restraint even if confronted by a “Coffee Party” member. Think about what the media may use against you or us when you speak and no,I am not taking away your freedom of speech. I am only asking you to be smart in what you are saying.
“Our fight is not with bombs and guns; our fight is at the ballot box.”
One way we can win this war is by informing ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our friends, and those around us about what America was meant to be. I have been reading a lot of books on the founding of this Great Nation lately and I must say that my education didn’t teach me a lot about our Founding Fathers or the sacrifices they made to give us the Freedom we have taken for granted (o.k., perhaps I was asleep during those lessons). I have put a book review on our site to assist you in choosing some really great books to help you educate yourself and others. There are some really great videos on the site to inform and entertain you. We have government documents such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, speeches from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. We have the Hacked E-mails from the “Climate-Gate” scandal, the Health Care Bill, the Cyber-Security Bill, and others, all for FREE! Check it out.
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