First off, Merry Christmas to one and all, we hope and pray you have a safe and happy holiday. Today’s newsletter is a bit long, with lots of information and links (Copy and Paste links into browser), so please bear with it.
Since the TARP bill of the previous administration I had been saying “We need another Tea Party!” I never thought when I started “The next ‘Tea Party’” last February on facebook that the response would be so great. I started the site to discuss issues with my friends and it soon grew into what it is today with 3 groups, separate, yet linked in spirit and purpose (The New American TEA PARTY, Southern California; American Tea Party So Cal; and The People of I want to personally thank each of you for making this happen. Your support is greatly appreciated.
I know at times Rodney and I have sounded a bit…well… pushy, but it is for a good reason, the future of our children. Those who are suppose to have our best interest in mind have instead done everything in their power to destroy that which our founding fathers gave us. Rodney and I will not let this happen without a fight as I know many of you will not either. So much taxpayer money has been spent in the last year it’s hard to keep track of it all. It has been spent on “Pork Barrel” projects, given to Banks, Wall Street Corporations, Labor Unions, Car Companies, Government Officials, Other Countries, “Cash for Clunkers”, Advertisements for Bills that spend more money, Travel, Vacations, Parties, and Bribes to pass Bills that spend more money. If you aren’t P.O.’d you are not paying attention. This money comes from US!
Earlier this year we put out the “Politician Report Card”, when I began researching the money being spent on “Pork” I couldn’t believe how much money was being wasted even as many Americans were losing their jobs and having to cut back: (much more has occurred since). The millions of “Tea Party Patriots” asked the Politicians to “STOP THE SPENDING”! They answered with Sen. Schumer stating that we (the “chattering class”) don’t care about the “Pork”: .
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: to ”Bail Out Main Street” (Intro to the bill: Making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes) did nothing but bail out those “Too Big To Fail” using Main Street’s money (is Main Street too small to succeed?)! The Patriots took to the streets demanding the politicians to “STOP THE SPENDING”: ! The Politicians responded on March 11, 2009 with The Omnibus Bill: , containing 9,287 pieces of “Pork” adding almost $13,000,000,000 to the bill:
On May 15th the House brought us the “Waxman / Markey Bill” (The American Energy and Security Act of 2009): . A Global Warming bill that would tax every single American from now until forever more based on “junk science”:
During the week of June 15th, 2009 millions of Americans all over the country took to the streets to say to the Politicians once again; “STOP THE SPENDING”:! The Politicians and the Main Stream Media ignored us or called us “Angry Mobs”, “Racists”, “Angry White Men”, “Tea-Baggers” and “Haters” (WARNING!!! Graphic Language): . I thought dissent was the greatest form of Patriotism, right Hillary: ? They even sent Homeland Security after us: and the President belittled us stating we were “playing games”: . Regardless, our movement grew by leaps and bounds, no central organization, no one leader, truly a “Grass Roots” movement, not “astro-turf” as Madame Pelosi stated: .
After June 15th, the Politicians brought out Health Care Bill after Health Care Bill. The House passed the “Cap and Trade” (Waxman/ Markey) Bill on June 26th. On July 4th, once again, the “Patriots” showed up en masse to tell the Politicians “STOP THE SPENDING”: !!! We even invited those who didn’t like us to see what we were about: . Still, the Politicians moved forward with their agenda as if we did not exist: (this was in regards to the Tax Day Parties, but they still tried to say we didn’t exist).
The Politicians, thinking they could “Rein in” their constituencies, began Town Hall meetings to sell the Administration’s Health Care Bill and a fire storm erupted. Everyday Americans, the seniors, the “Silent Majority”, and many others stood up to be heard for the first time making excellent points: . It was very passionate: . We were angry: (excellent Reagan comments at the end of video). What did the Politicians do: , Seriously? This was the “Summer of our Discontent” and the Health care Bill was stalled thanks to all of us.
The Obama Administration wanted the Health Care Bill passed by August, then by Labor Day, then Halloween, Thanksgiving, by Christmas Eve, but now it appears it won’t get through the House until next month however, the Senate had to bribe certain Senators to get their vote: , . The mere fact that a Senator’s vote would even be considered for sale is appalling to all true Americans.
President Obama flew to Copenhagen for the Cop 15 ( ) summit to try and get a Universal agreement on Global Warming even though it is coming out that it is the biggest hoax of all time by the CRU e-mails: , and over 30,000 scientists suing Al Gore over the whole thing: . Prior to President Obama’s visit, Hillary Clinton promised $100,000,000,000 a year to the cause: , where do you think that money’s coming from? Good news is there was no agreement reached.
Folks, I know the battle seems long and futile at times, but we are making waves, we are causing delays, we do have some of these Politicians worried about losing their power. “The price of Freedom isn’t free”, I know you’ve all heard that saying, It usually applies to our brave Military Veterans; I am going to apply it to all Americans (no disrespect guys) because we need to remain vigilant here at home so that Liberty and Freedom exist for the troops when they return and for the future Americans. Many of us take for granted the Freedom we have, we’ve become so complacent we would prefer to lie around watching sports and let someone else deal with the problem. Guess what, FREEDOM ISN’T FREE!!! Our founding fathers told us that “Vigilance is the price of Freedom”.
I have not received any money for my efforts nor do I want any (never thought I’d say I didn’t want money, lol). I have met many other organizers and many wonderful folks who share my concerns and guess what, most of them have not received a dime either. We all just want our freedom and to let our children experience that same freedom. So why is it our “Representatives” don’t listen to us? They appear to be too interested in their own agendas and what the lobbyists can do for them. Come the 2010 elections I want you to remain vigilant and stay informed. Once we remove those that need to go (all the incumbents), we must demand term limits on all Politicians, but that’s another fight for another day.
Please enjoy your Christmas and have a Happy New Year. We will be continually updating our website: to keep you informed and up to date on the important issues.
Here are some funny videos to lighten things up:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
“Ground Hog Day”, In December
Angry yet. Same old crap, out of control government spending. I’m not sure what it will take to get your attention, but check this out. It looks like our House of Representatives are at it again. They have passed a 174 billion dollar JOBS PLAN. Wasn’t it not that long ago that we were told that jobs are on the way. That millions of Americans would be put back to work. Billions of our dollars were spent for this to become a reality. I don’t know where these jobs are, but I do know unemployment is above 10%. Now, as far as the House of Representatives is concerned, they propose to take 174 billion dollars more from us, for the same promise that was made earlier this year. I wonder what happened to that money… our money. I feel like I’m in the movie “Ground Hog Day”
Unfortunately, a large portion of the House Bill is for infrastructure and government projects. But infrastructure spending is notoriously slow to spend out as projects need to be planned and can require a lengthy contracting process. Most of the so called shovel ready projects have already been founded, according to the Congressional Budget Office, less than half of the 39 billion in the measure for Transportation and Housing projects would be spent over the next decade, with just 1.7 billion being spent through next September. Honestly, I wouldn’t be too upset if this bill would guarantee millions of Americans being put back to work of some kind within the next year or so. But I know that’s not the case. Now, what I’m about to say may rub some folks the wrong way but I’m going to say it anyway. The bill also allows poor people with little to no income to claim a $1000 per child tax credit. Sounds like a welfare payment to 16 million families. I wonder how many of these families are thinking, hell, we can sit here and do nothing and get a thousand bucks from the taxpayers. Bless you, President Obama. Now please, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure that there are those that lost jobs and have paid into the system. So yes, you would deserve the credit. For others, I don’t know why I would be paying for you to sit on your butt and do nothing, and for you to have the audacity to think you deserve it. We have Politicians to do that.
There is a silver lining to this. The Senate is not scheduled to begin debate on their version of this bill until next year. So, this House version is not law. The Senate still has to deal with the Health Care bill and it’ Hopefully, this goes into next year. Remember 2010 is an election year for many in the House and Senate. Incumbents are becoming reluctant to keep adding to the deficit. We are making a difference. I hope that it will be enough, but the fight must go on. Don’t become discouraged, get angry.
Check out our website see how your elected officials have voted. Look at the armory section to arm yourself with knowledge. If our elected officials are not doing what we pay them for, then lets fire them.
I want all of you to be safe, be happy and have a wonderful, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year
Unfortunately, a large portion of the House Bill is for infrastructure and government projects. But infrastructure spending is notoriously slow to spend out as projects need to be planned and can require a lengthy contracting process. Most of the so called shovel ready projects have already been founded, according to the Congressional Budget Office, less than half of the 39 billion in the measure for Transportation and Housing projects would be spent over the next decade, with just 1.7 billion being spent through next September. Honestly, I wouldn’t be too upset if this bill would guarantee millions of Americans being put back to work of some kind within the next year or so. But I know that’s not the case. Now, what I’m about to say may rub some folks the wrong way but I’m going to say it anyway. The bill also allows poor people with little to no income to claim a $1000 per child tax credit. Sounds like a welfare payment to 16 million families. I wonder how many of these families are thinking, hell, we can sit here and do nothing and get a thousand bucks from the taxpayers. Bless you, President Obama. Now please, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure that there are those that lost jobs and have paid into the system. So yes, you would deserve the credit. For others, I don’t know why I would be paying for you to sit on your butt and do nothing, and for you to have the audacity to think you deserve it. We have Politicians to do that.
There is a silver lining to this. The Senate is not scheduled to begin debate on their version of this bill until next year. So, this House version is not law. The Senate still has to deal with the Health Care bill and it’ Hopefully, this goes into next year. Remember 2010 is an election year for many in the House and Senate. Incumbents are becoming reluctant to keep adding to the deficit. We are making a difference. I hope that it will be enough, but the fight must go on. Don’t become discouraged, get angry.
Check out our website see how your elected officials have voted. Look at the armory section to arm yourself with knowledge. If our elected officials are not doing what we pay them for, then lets fire them.
I want all of you to be safe, be happy and have a wonderful, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year
Friday, December 11, 2009
A Time For Action
Well it appears that our politicians are going to do what they please and pass the Healthcare Bill regardless of it being Unconstitutional. It appears that Cap and Trade will most likely be shoved down our throats also, even if they have to use the E.P.A. to do the dirty work (also Unconstitutional). I know many people have lost heart and feel helpless about the situation we now find ourselves in and I completely understand your frustration. We know the Healthcare Bill is going to put a tax burden on every American from this day forward that will diminish our way of life, not to mention our health. We know Cap and Trade is based on “Theory” and faulty data at a minimum and is an outright scam at worst, yet our President has stated he plans on America taking a leading role in the Copenhagen COP 15 agreement which will cost at a minimum $145,000,000,000,000 (yes, that’s $145 Trillion). We know the whole world is having financial difficulties and still they plan on passing these climate change bills without debate. The EPA actually just made the air you exhale a dangerous gas!!!
Rodney and I see where this is going and I hope you do too. What do you plan to do about it? I know most of us were members of the silent majority but why are some of you silent now? This is not the time for silence; it is a time for action! Just agreeing with those you listen to is not enough. Stand up for what you believe; debate those around you. Our politicians do not have our best interests in mind and you will find that many you thought would disagree with you actually do agree. The more people who awaken to the schemes of the “Political Elite”, the sooner we can stop them! If we do not stop them now we can vote them out and try to overturn the damage they are causing. The battle is not over until you tell yourself you are defeated. We are the people the founding fathers spoke of. We are the only ones who can bring America back to her glory or do you believe the politicians are going to do this for you?
I want all of you to know that on our website; we have links to the bills, we have links to the CRU e-mails (Climate-Gate), we have videos for all ages, we have the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, dates and times to “Tea-Parties” all across America, and a link to our blog that has our weekly newsletter and polls. I would like all of you to go there and get caught up to date with what’s going on or just let your kids read our founding documents. Tell all your friends and families about it also so they can get informed also.
Once again, this is a time for action!
Rodney and I see where this is going and I hope you do too. What do you plan to do about it? I know most of us were members of the silent majority but why are some of you silent now? This is not the time for silence; it is a time for action! Just agreeing with those you listen to is not enough. Stand up for what you believe; debate those around you. Our politicians do not have our best interests in mind and you will find that many you thought would disagree with you actually do agree. The more people who awaken to the schemes of the “Political Elite”, the sooner we can stop them! If we do not stop them now we can vote them out and try to overturn the damage they are causing. The battle is not over until you tell yourself you are defeated. We are the people the founding fathers spoke of. We are the only ones who can bring America back to her glory or do you believe the politicians are going to do this for you?
I want all of you to know that on our website; we have links to the bills, we have links to the CRU e-mails (Climate-Gate), we have videos for all ages, we have the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, dates and times to “Tea-Parties” all across America, and a link to our blog that has our weekly newsletter and polls. I would like all of you to go there and get caught up to date with what’s going on or just let your kids read our founding documents. Tell all your friends and families about it also so they can get informed also.
Once again, this is a time for action!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Remain Vigilant!
While enjoying the holiday season, I implore each of you to remain vigilant. Do not think that while we are all in the festive mood, politicians won’t try to take advantage of it. The Senate has begun the debate on their version of the Healthcare bill. Senate Majority leaders say they are still confident of getting a bill passed before the holiday break. A bill, which if passed, will not make any of us merry and bright. Remember, the cost estimates you hear are only estimates. There is no way of knowing the true cost of the Healthcare bill, until details are released. I’ll bet one of my Christmas gifts that these details won’t be released until right before any vote, or perhaps even afterwards. Whoa… I just had a V8 moment. You remember those commercials where people suddenly realized something profound, and slapped themselves in the head? It just struck me. If the Healthcare bill does pass, I believe it would become effective in 2013. I’ll bet your sweet butt, we will be taxed and begin paying for this in 2010. Damn, we start paying for something now, that we won’t have for another 3 years.
Let me put it another way. You go into a car dealership. You like the car you have but the government mandates you buy another one or face a huge fine. You go through all the paperwork and financing, once again because the government says you will. Your first installment will be due in 30 days. You pay these installments for three years, then you come back and pick up your car, all while your payments continue to increase until who knows when. It doesn’t make sense. Lets get this bill stopped in the Senate, or we’ll have to start making those payments.
Hey, what about the news from this past week. No, not Tiger Woods (use the blogs). I’m talking about the global warming scam, WOW! If true, it just goes to show that a theory is not a fact. I’m not going to be one of the guys who proclaim, “I told you so.” I do want to focus on the fact that there was so much money changing hands based on theories that might or might not be sound. Once again, there was an elite group of individuals and politicians who made a financial killing. Even with all of this information coming out, Politicians will continue to try to force Cap & Trade through for a vote. They can’t admit to being wrong. There’s too much money riding on this, our money. People, we must become more knowledgeable. We need to ask questions and demand answers before our money melts and goes away, like they would have us believe about those icebergs in the arctic. Visit us on our website Tell Mike and I what you think of this global warming scam and Healthcare mess.
Let me put it another way. You go into a car dealership. You like the car you have but the government mandates you buy another one or face a huge fine. You go through all the paperwork and financing, once again because the government says you will. Your first installment will be due in 30 days. You pay these installments for three years, then you come back and pick up your car, all while your payments continue to increase until who knows when. It doesn’t make sense. Lets get this bill stopped in the Senate, or we’ll have to start making those payments.
Hey, what about the news from this past week. No, not Tiger Woods (use the blogs). I’m talking about the global warming scam, WOW! If true, it just goes to show that a theory is not a fact. I’m not going to be one of the guys who proclaim, “I told you so.” I do want to focus on the fact that there was so much money changing hands based on theories that might or might not be sound. Once again, there was an elite group of individuals and politicians who made a financial killing. Even with all of this information coming out, Politicians will continue to try to force Cap & Trade through for a vote. They can’t admit to being wrong. There’s too much money riding on this, our money. People, we must become more knowledgeable. We need to ask questions and demand answers before our money melts and goes away, like they would have us believe about those icebergs in the arctic. Visit us on our website Tell Mike and I what you think of this global warming scam and Healthcare mess.
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